Return Of The War God - Chapter 4809

Chapter 4809

One hundred and eight!

Ye Wuque didn't expect that the qualified Tianjiao's evil blood would be no more or less, just reaching this number.

But in fact, it doesn't matter, no matter how many, as long as there is a reaction from the ancient bronze mirror, then he will not let it go.

I just don't know what kind of changes will happen to the bronze mirror once all the Tianjiao's evil blood is really dealt with and the bronze mirror is drained of the evil blood.

After putting away the ancient bronze mirror, Ye Wuque sat down again, took out pieces of the essence of the black sky again, and began to perceive and distinguish carefully.

"This kind of ancient vicissitudes of life seems to be separated by the distant eternal years..."

Ye Wuque stared at a piece of obsidian-like essence of the black sky, muttering to himself.

That is the familiar feeling constantly hitting my mind!

It seems, as if it is a feeling that makes one's memory very deep, even engraved in the depths of the soul.

But what is strange is that Ye Wuque just can't remember it!


It is impossible to tell!

There seemed to be some kind of power or something that abruptly blocked the familiar feeling emanating from the essence of the dark sky.

The key is that Ye Wuque couldn't find it yet, and even had nowhere to start, blocking this perception.

This was a situation that Ye Wuque had never encountered before.

You must know that with his memory and the power of the soul, such a thing would never happen at all, he can remember even the smallest things!

But now, this is happening.

"As if there is some mysterious power blocking me in the dark?"

Ye Wuque squeezed a piece of Heitian Essence, frowning and muttering to himself.

"Could it be in the spirit of the dark sky?"

Slightly hard with your hands!


The essence of the black sky in his hand was suddenly crushed.

"Is this broken?"

For a moment, Ye Wuque didn't expect that the essence of the dark sky was not as hard as he imagined.

However, in the next instant, from within the fragmented Heitian essence, a blue smoke floated out gently.

Ye Wuque suddenly looked over!

This green it possible that it is the mysterious power of isolation?

However, the blue smoke slowly floated in the void, then dispersed, and finally disappeared completely.

Other than that, nothing has changed.

There is nothing special.

After Ye Wuque's eyes flickered, he took out a piece of Hei Tian's Essence again.

With a click, crush directly.

A blue smoke floated out again.

It was still exactly the same as before, without any special features, just like ordinary smoke, which eventually disappeared.

But Ye Wuque didn't stop here, and immediately took out dozens of Black Sky Essence.

Anyway, one person only needs a piece of the essence of the black sky to enter the Yuhua Immortal Earth, and Ye Wuque bought thousands of pieces here, so naturally he didn't feel distressed.

Squeeze it together!

Click, click...

In an instant, dozens of blue smoke floated out, gathered together, curled up, and finally emitted a faint inexplicable fragrance.

Staring at the green smoke gathered together, there is nothing special except for a faint fragrance.


But Ye Wuque had a feeling at this moment.

"It looks like... incense!"

In the temple, after the incense is ignited, green smoke will curl up and scatter into the void.

At this moment, these dozens of green smoke from the essence of the black sky are combined in one place, which seems to be similar to the incense in the temple.

Looking at the remaining Hei Tian Essence, and then at the crushed Hei Tian Essence residue, Ye Wuque's eyes flickered.

He still hadn't figured out why the essence of the dark sky gave him a faint sense of familiarity, nor could he tell where the familiar feeling came from.

In the end, Ye Wuque raised his head and looked at the fairy light that enveloped the entire feathered fairy soil above the sky, his eyes became deep.

Intuition is telling him that this "feathering fairy soil" probably represents an unimaginable meaning.

Moreover, Ye Wuque remembered the four sentences chanted by that vast voice when Xianguang was born before!

"Red dust is rolling..."

"Five Days of Pure Land..."

"Life is like an ant..."


These four sentences seem to be telling some ancient secrets, and the literal meaning can also make people constantly reverie.

Coupled with the fact that every black sky domain has seen its own opportunity in the fairy light vision, it is even more incredible!

In the end, Ye Wuque put away all the essence of Hei Tian.

Since it was temporarily unrecognizable and seemed to be affected by a mysterious power in the dark, then there was no need to waste time.

"Perhaps, after the feathered fairyland is completely opened, after the essence of the black sky comes into play, you will know everything..."

The ancient thoughts of the fairy light stated that only a creature with a piece of Heitian Essence was qualified to enter the Feathered Immortal Earth, which proved that Heitian Essence must have a certain important function, otherwise there would be no such requirement.

After suppressing the many thoughts in his mind, Ye Wuque sat cross-legged with his eyes closed and began to quietly polish his cultivation.

Soon, two days passed.

With only the last day left, Yuhua Xiantu will officially open!

In the hidden cave mansion, Ye Wuque opened his eyes, his eyes deep.

"The last day is left [], go out to get some air, and mark a few Tianjiao evil blood by the way..."

Ye Wuque thought very quietly, and immediately got up and disappeared in place.

When he appeared again, he had come to a city tens of thousands of miles away.

Perhaps it is because tomorrow is the day when the "Evening Immortal Land" officially opens, and all the cities in today's black sky are very lively.


Just when Ye Wuque entered the city, he found that the entire city was coaxing an incredible news! !

"In the past two days at the Tianjiao exchange meeting, many powerful local forces rummaged through the ancient books, and together with those from outside the region, the Tianjiao figures were identified together, and an incredible news came out!"

"It is said that as long as you enter the feathered fairyland and find the legendary'Xiantu', on top of the'Xiantu', you can live forever, soar in the daytime, and the real sun will rise to the sky, and the limit will transform into one. ...... cents!!"

"Cheng Xian?"

"real or fake?"

"Of course it is true! There is still one day in the Tianjiao exchange meeting. Various news goes viral. It is said that there are even more unbelievable content coming out. I don't know how many local forces have rushed over, and gathered to watch the lively life activities. There are too many! Let alone, I have to hurry over!"

"Oh my God! Ascend by day and become immortal? If it is true! It is impossible to imagine! Wait for me! I will go too!"

Ye Wuque, who had just entered the city, heard these news, and immediately saw countless creatures rushing out of the city, all curious and excited.