Return Of The War God - Chapter 461

Chapter 461



After a huge roar, the monstrous water vapor above the entire battle platform seemed to have been completely evaporated, replaced by a terrifying high temperature that seemed to be able to **** and evaporate the earth.

The incarnation of Venerable Nu Hai flew out and collapsed in the void. Fan Haoliang also spurted blood and suffered heavy injuries.

Facing Zheng Xingzhi, who had cultivated his avatar to rank two, even if Fan Haoliang tried his best, he couldn't match it.

"Is this the power of the second turn of the avatar? It's really terrible! Cough cough cough cough..."

Fan Haoliang, who was half seated, had a pale face, coughing and opening his mouth. He looked at the incarnation of the Scarlet King Hanyan behind Zheng Xingzhi, with a hint of horror in his eyes. His incarnation of the Venerable Sea of Fury was completely crushed in the battle just now. There is no way to fight back.

"Your cultivation has reached the late stage of the Origin Soul Realm, and your incarnation has broken through to the second round. It is indeed much stronger than me, even... you are already qualified to challenge the top ten, but..."

Fan Haoliang's voice echoed above the battle platform. When he said the last word, his gaze swept across the tenth row of the highest **** throne, and an unspeakable fear and horror surged in his eyes for an instant.

"But you only have the qualifications. If you don't face them in person, you will never know their horror."

After saying this, Fan Haoliang slowly stood up and was taken by the elder Shengguang into another space to confront the three war puppets. As for his last remarks, it seemed to remind Zheng Xingzhi that it was a kind of advice.

Standing on the battlefield, Zheng Xingzhi did not show any elation, listening to cheers and explosions from all directions.

He didn't show any self-satisfaction, as if defeating Fan Haoliang and replacing him as the eleventh place on the list was just a trivial matter for him.

"Now, my first goal has been achieved, becoming one of the twenty people who can participate in the five super sect exchange meetings!"

Thinking of this, Zheng Xingzhi's eyes were deep and hot, but immediately his eyes became wary again.

"Then's time to challenge them! This time, I will definitely seize the opportunity to be in the top ten!"

Looking at the tenth row high above the Scarlet Throne, Zheng Xingzhi's aura was astonishing. He didn't ignore Fan Haoliang's previous reminder, but he had strong self-confidence in his own strength and believed that he could be one of the top ten.

On the Scarlet Throne, Ye Wuque had already returned to God from his thoughts. He had vaguely guessed in his mind about the evolution direction of Emperor Sun and Moon Martial Emperor and the strange things he needed, but he still needs to think carefully. This moment is naturally out of time.

"The top 20 in the list, someone finally succeeded in the challenge, ha ha..."

Seeing Zheng Xing step by step towards the ninth row of the Scarlet Throne, squatting on the eleventh independent throne, Ye Wuque's mouth also showed a sharp smile.

Because in a few more rounds, it will be his turn to challenge again. As long as he wins the next round, he will be able to steadily enter the top 20 of the list. Then he can participate in the 20 places of the five super sect exchange meetings There must be a place for him!

Therefore, at this moment, Ye Wuque was looking forward to it, and the desire in his heart became more intense.

The ranking match continues.

Soon, on the eighth row, Fang Heshi stood up and stretched out a big lazy waist. He made a crackling sound like fried beans. Ye Wuque heard it clearly.

"Finally it's my turn again. When I am almost falling asleep, haha! Twenty places that can participate in the five super sect exchange meetings. You can't escape. Our Fanghe will definitely hold one of them firmly. Here, hahahaha..."

Fang He looked up to the sky with a long smile, his posture looked like he had successfully challenged him, and Ye Wuque also smiled.

On the battle platform, Fang He's figure appeared like a teleport, and with his appearance, the whole arena was boiling again!

As one of the biggest dark horses in this ranking challenge and ranking competition, Fang Hyuk's appearance will undoubtedly bring everyone's attention. I look forward to his battle and see if he can continue his undefeated record, or just hit a wall and drink hate Here.

More importantly, all the disciples of the heavenly saints in the arena know that the next battle is extremely important for Fang He, because it is about whether he can get the twenty of the five super sect exchange meetings. One of the places.

"I challenge... the twelfth place!"

With a pleasant smile, Fang He's challenge this time is still to cross ten places. It seems that even the top 20 super masters are in his eyes, and those opponents before. There is no difference.

On the Scarlet Throne, when Ye Wuque heard Fang He's challenge target, he didn't seem to be surprised at all, but his gaze was tightly focused on Fang He at this moment, his eyes flickering, as if he had discovered something.


On the ninth row of the Scarlet Throne, a figure burst into a powerful and unparalleled wave, which was a wave of the late Origin Soul Realm!

This figure appeared on the battle platform in an instant, standing long, wearing a black martial robe with light gold patterns embroidered on it, it looks extremely delicate, it is not a bargain at first glance, and this person looks good, although It's hard to say how handsome, but there is also a handsome man between the eyebrows, especially the posture at the moment, looking at Fang He's eyes full of scrutiny.

The twelfth place on the list of people, the Spring and Autumn season...Pang Rang!

"At the peak of the Lipu Stage in the late stage, the combat power far surpasses the cultivation base, the weak wins the strong, and it is the means of having the power of space. According to the truth, you are indeed the dark horse in this ranking competition and can reach the top three. Ten is enough to prove your strength."

Pang Rang spoke with a hint of appreciation, as if he still admired Fang He, and then said: "If you choose the nineteenth or eighteenth place challenge, maybe you can really win, and you will succeed in the front. Twenty, but unfortunately, you chose me."

There seemed to be a trace of regret in Pang Rang's voice, and at the same time, the whole body belonged to the late stage of Origin Soul Realm's cultivation base fluctuations broke out!

A terrifying aura that resembled a violent storm and rain made the entire battle platform seem to be trapped in it, trembling, even Fang He was dancing wildly at this moment, with his martial arts robe hunting and hunting, bearing a terrifying pressure. .

"It's really extraordinary to beat the strong with the weak and leapfrog, but do you think you can defeat me with your strength?"

Looking at Fang He, Pang Ran asked such words, and there was a silent and strong looming, like a questioning to the soul.

"Oh, although I don't want to admit it, I am indeed not your opponent now!"

To everyone's expectations, Fang He actually followed Pang Rang's words and admitted that he was inferior to him, with a hint of helplessness on his face.

There was also a burst of noise in the entire arena at this moment. I don't know why Fang He would have such an answer. If you really know that you are not Pang Rang's opponent, why choose the opponent as your challenge object?

"Oh? Someone knows who knows it, in that case, give you a chance and give in."

Seeing Fang He actually said such a thing, Pang Rang was also slightly taken aback, and then said with a faint smile.

"Proactively admit defeat? I'm sorry, I'm afraid you made a mistake, how could I admit defeat? My goal is the top ten, but I don't want to lose here with you."

Fang He smiled and said, really making Pang let his face sink!

"Are you kidding me?"

In Pang Rang's view, Fang He said for a while, knowing that he was still in such a posture, he was playing tricks on him.

"Fuck you? I don't have this idle time. I said that now I am indeed not your opponent, but it doesn't mean that I can't beat you for a while!"

Hearing this, Pang Rang frowned, a little clouded, completely unclear about the meaning of Fang He's words.

"Pretending to be a fool, talking nonsense!"

On the Scarlet Throne, Ye Wuque, who had been staring at Fang He, suddenly smiled and his eyes flickered.

"Interesting, I didn't expect him to have this hand..."

;Cool o craftsman's first j...send: o

On the battle stage, the expression on Fang He's face suddenly became a little solemn, but his eyes still showed a sharp smile!


The next moment, a powerful wave of cultivation level burst out from Fang He, spreading the entire battle platform with him as the center, and the moment Pang Rang's eyelids jumped when he noticed this wave of fluctuations!

"The Origin Realm... Give me a breakthrough!"

Fanghe's cultivation level has actually made a breakthrough at this moment, from the peak of the late Lipa realm to the early Yuanpa realm in one fell swoop!

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