Return Of The War God - Chapter 4715

Chapter 4715

These ancient books are precious and isolated, extremely old, and have a long history. What they record is not some magical secrets, but some strange records. The wonderful area between the world and the earth is equivalent to things like maps.

According to the second seat of the guardian of the Cangdian Pavilion, these ancient books have been passed down for a long time, and they have been passed down from the years before Sheng Haoxuan was present.

These ancient books were just the ones that Sheng Haoxuan liked to read at the beginning. They are now handed down and are extremely memorable and valuable, so they are well preserved.

Ye Wuque opened these books and began to read them, and found that most of them recorded some strange animals, rare and interesting facts, and other than that, there was nothing special.

But when he flipped to a book called "The Different Records of Heaven and Earth," he suddenly felt a little strange.

Compared with the other ancient books, this book is slightly more obsolete and bleak, and it has obviously been read more often.

Since the rise of Sheng Haoxuan, everything about him has been sealed, which means that ordinary disciples in the future are not qualified to touch these ancient books that Sheng Haoxuan liked most at the time.

In other words!

The obsolescence and bleakness of this book were caused by the old Sheng Haoxuan himself reading it many times.


Ye Wuque's spirit power immediately enveloped the book.


In the middle of the last dozen pages, Ye Wuque suddenly noticed a piece of concealed paper stored in it.

This piece of paper is very secretive, and you can't find it even if you are careless. Ye Wuque only discovered it after scanning it with powerful soul power.

After all, it was not a magical power secret method, and because it was too precious, it was sealed up. Generally, Jiumai disciples were not qualified to see it at all, and they were qualified to see it or would not, so it can be retained to this day.

When he tore the interlayer gently, he suddenly saw a piece of yellowish old paper revealing a corner. After gently pulling it out, he suddenly found some words written on it.

"Different records of the heavens and the earth show the mystery of the heaven and the earth."

"Let me yearn for it!"

"People live forever, grass and trees fall in autumn. Only the world is the most grand and domineering!"

"In this book, there are two poems that I really like! The meaning inside is like blasting away all the confusion and anxiety in front of me, giving me the most powerful motivation!"

"If I am the Qing Emperor in his year, I will bloom with peach blossoms!"

"These two poems will become my motto in this life."

"Leave the word here as a memorial. If one day I can really achieve something and solve the secret, I will definitely come back and take out this paper."

"This is an agreement between myself and myself."

"Tianmai, Sheng Haoxuan."

After Ye Wuque finished reading, his eyes suddenly condensed!

This turned out to be a passage left by Sheng Haoxuan from the past.

Seeing a line of sharp words, Ye Wuque seemed to see the grand goal and infinite motivation in Sheng Haoxuan's heart when he was still a Tianmai disciple!

But the next moment!

Ye Wuque suddenly thought of something, as if a blazing lightning flashed across his mind!

"and many more!!"

"Could it be that"

Ye Wuque turned over his right hand, and he took out one of Fang Qingyang's relics that he had obtained in the Xuanmai Sacrificial Hall.

Ye Wuque began to read the entire diary again, carefully examining each word.

Half a quarter of an hour later, after reading Ye Wuque closed his notebook, there was an unquenchable wave in his eyes!

He seemed to notice something!

"If this is the case..."

Ye Wuque put away the notebook immediately and walked directly to the third floor of the Cangdian Pavilion.

Here, the records of the sages of the entire ancient league are mainly placed, which is quite detailed.

Two hours later.

Ye Wuque put down the last piece of jade slip, his face was expressionless, but the waves in his eyes turned into turbulent waves.

"God III..."

Ye Wuque spit out the name of Shensan.

Then he slowly walked out of the Cangdian Pavilion, closed his eyes slightly, and finally walked back to Sixue Peak, sitting quietly on the top of Sixue Peak.

Just like that, I sat cross-legged for a whole day.

Until night falls.

The dark night enveloped the sky, the entire Gu Mengjin entered the night, and Ye Wuque, who was sitting cross-legged, slowly opened his eyes. There was already a calm inside, only a deep, bottomless, incapable of looking directly.

Ye Wuque stood up slowly, muttering softly again.

"God III..."

Two words fell down the lake, and his figure disappeared from the top of the peak.

When he appeared again, he had quietly returned to the gate of the Patriarch Hall.

The Patriarch Hall at night is still surging with a faint light, and it is so peaceful and peaceful in the dark night.

Ye Wuque stood quietly outside the door, standing with his hands behind him, his bright eyes looked at the Patriarch Hall whose door was closed.


In the next instant, the closed door of the Patriarch Hall suddenly opened slowly.

A ray of clear light reflected in the Patriarch Hall, illuminating everything.

Ye Wuque, who stood quietly in front of the door, raised his foot and gently walked into the Patriarch Hall.

The moment Ye Wuque stepped into the Patriarch Hall!

Buzzing! !

Except for the Patriarch Hall, the entire ancient league outside suddenly burst out with a mysterious brilliance again, and the whole world suddenly lit up!

After the light dissipated.

On the land of the ancient league, in the mountains, in the cave.

Countless Jiumai disciples fell to the ground instantly, as if falling into a deep sleep.

This time, it was more than the Jiumai disciple and the second seat.

Including the eight first seats, even...Chu Xingkuang.

The weird state that had happened before reappeared in the ancient league.


The door of the Patriarch Hall behind him slowly closed.

In the Patriarch Hall, the light is faint, illuminating everything.

Ye Wuque could clearly see that at the end of the Patriarch Hall, under the statue of Patriarch Tai Cang, Pan'er was lying quietly in the tray, her eyes closed slightly, and she seemed to fall into a deep sleep as well. On the body, this time there is no need to use the power of the soul, but the chains that are bound can be directly and clearly seen with the naked eye, giving people a kind of unscrupulous and unscrupulous!

The degree of pain and distortion on Pan'er's small face far surpassed the one he had seen before.

The chains on her body seem to be accumulating some brilliance little by little!

Ye Wuque's gaze swept across Pan'er, swept across the shiny chain, narrowed slightly, and then turned to the corner of the Patriarch Hall.

It's still that place.

It was still the same position that Ye Wuque had when he first entered the Patriarch Hall.

A thin vicissitudes of life figure sitting there quietly, leaning against the wall, it is God III!

As if from beginning to end, Shensan had been sitting there, never moving.

But at the moment!

Half of Shensan's body was hidden in the darkness, and even half of his face was hidden in the darkness.

In the faint light, only the other half of the face and one eye were exposed.

At this moment, he also looked at Ye Wuque.

The eyes of the two collided in the void!

Ye Wuque could clearly see that in the exposed eye of God Three, there was a trace of indifference, a trace of exhaustion, and an indescribable...infiltration!


"After came after all..."

The hoarse vicissitudes of life slowly sounded in the silent Patriarch Hall, but it made people chill like a night owl!