Return Of The War God - Chapter 4706

Chapter 4706

A woman left this sentence on this tombstone.

But inside this tomb lies a man.

Fang Qingyang must have been here before, and took away all the colorful secret treasures in the tomb for the last time.

So who would this woman be?

Ye Wuque's eyes flickered slightly.

But a face that smelled of people's blood slowly emerged in his mind.

Will it be her?

If it was her, then things seemed to make sense.

Then, Ye Wuque's gaze crossed the tombstone and looked at the mighty grave afterwards.

After swept away by the power of the soul, he found that there was a mechanism in this tomb.


Seeing no movement from Ye Wuque, a faint roar sounded from the grave.

Then, the semi-circular tomb was gradually separated from the middle part to the two sides.

In the next instant, a crystal coffin appeared in Ye Wuque's gaze.

Inside the coffin.

A figure lay quietly.

It is a white human skeleton.

There are three grooves on each side of the skeleton.

This is probably the place where the colorful secret treasure was placed before, but Fang Qingyang opened the coffin and took it away.

And on the skeleton, he was also wearing a gorgeous robe!

Ye Wuque's pupils shrank slightly when he saw that gorgeous robe! !

That is a gorgeous black robe!

Even if only half of it can be seen.

But Ye Wuque can still be fully sure!

This black gorgeous robe is exactly the gorgeous robe embroidered with colorful auspicious clouds that he had seen in the bronze mirror.

What was once seen only in the ancient bronze mirror finally appeared in front of him alive.

With the power of the soul swept, Ye Wuque immediately saw the back of the skeleton of the human heart. On the back of the black gorgeous robe, a colorful auspicious cloud pattern was quietly displayed.

Gives an indescribable sense of dignity and domination.

There is also an extreme ancient meaning.

"Is that it..."

Ye Wuque's eyes moved away from the black gorgeous robe and fell on the skeleton of this human heart.

This human skeleton is the figure lying on the cliff with the floating corpse in the picture of the ancient bronze mirror!

When Ye Wuque saw the colorful auspicious clouds in the picture, he felt a deep tyrannical meaning.

Now that he saw it with his own eyes, that kind of tyrannical intention was no longer there, but he could still feel the extraordinaryness of this person's heart.

Even if it has fallen for many years, even if the flesh and blood are long gone, the human-shaped skeleton is still white and flawless, and there is still a faint warm glow on it, as if there is still temperature and spirituality.

This can prove that the body of this skeleton must have been tempered with great strength during his lifetime, even if the bones were tempered to be extremely strong, it would still show this state after death.

"In the picture of the ancient bronze mirror, he is lying on a cliff and is dead."

"Now he has become a skeleton and was buried in this crystal coffin. A tomb was built for him."

"In other words, the person who buried him may have been to the cliff in the bronze mirror."

"And that's where I really want to go!"

A sharp light flashed in Ye Wuque's eyes.

At this point, he was considered to have gotten what he wanted, and finally saw the things in the old bronze mirror.

"It's just that, who will this little uncle be?"

"Is it really the last...Leader of the Ancient League?"

Ye Wuque looked at the human skeleton in the crystal coffin again, his eyes flickering.


Suddenly, a soft sigh sounded behind Ye Wuque.

Ye Wuque didn't feel the surprise, nor did he turn his head back. He seemed to have known it a long time ago, but he said faintly, "How does it feel to see his own bones?"


Behind Ye Wuque, about several meters away from the tomb, the figure of the former white jade masked teacher appeared here.

His gaze seemed to pass through the white jade mask, looking at the human-shaped bones in the crystal coffin.

This little uncle is just a mark of soul.

But Ye Wuque knew that this soul brand could not leave the top of the sky at all, and could only stay here forever, unable to get out one step.

Unless there is something outside that can resonate with it, it can dream with it, such as Fang Qingyang.

But it was just a dream, and he couldn't do anything else. Only when people from outside entered the top of the sky, he could manifest himself.

But in this Tianmang Peak, he can appear in any area without any restriction.

And the reason why Ye Wuque didn't take action on the soul imprint of the little uncle was because the imprint of the soul did not harm him in the slightest, and there was no threat.

Therefore, sometimes it is more useful to use a strong one rather than a good one.

This is a body that has died, leaving only a ray of soul imprint, like a ghost that can't see the sun, still lingering in the world.

Compared with the patriarch Tai Cang soul imprint in the Patriarch Hall, all he has left is pitiful.

"To be honest, I don't remember either..."

"I have forgotten a lot of things, and many of my memories are blurred. I don't even remember why this imprint of my soul was left behind."

"Can't remember..."

The little uncle of the white jade mask spoke slowly, with a hint of self-deprecating in his tone.

"Can't remember?"

Ye Wuque slowly turned around and looked at the little uncle, his eyes focused on the white jade mask again.

"Then do you remember your name?"

"Or, what exactly is your face under the mask?"

As soon as these words came out, the little uncle didn't seem to be surprised. He slowly put his hands deep into the white jade mask.

"Name? I don't remember either."

"But I should still be able to see it clearly..."

During the words, I saw the little uncle button lightly, and the white jade mask that had been covering his face was gently taken off by him.

Immediately, a face under the white jade mask was clearly revealed in front of Ye Wuque's eyes.

Ye Wuque, who was expressionless, suddenly shrank again at this moment! !

How could it be him? ?


The face that appeared before his eyes!

He has seen it before!

And the owner of this face, he has heard it more than once!

Including the name of this face!

The past of this face!

Everything on this face has already become... a legend in the entire ancient league!

Ye Wuque made waves in his heart!

Then it seemed to think of something, his eyes slowly became complicated, unexpected, and suddenly, there was finally a sigh.

"You said you don't remember your name anymore, it doesn't matter, I can tell you what your name is..."

The real uncle Shi looked at Ye Wuque, a pair of gloomy, illusory, and vague eyes revealed a faint light that had never been heard before.

"Do you know me? Are you my old friend? What is my name?"

"I don't know you, but there is a statue of your face in the ancient league, and there are countless legends that belong to you, and your name is called..."

"Sheng Haoxuan."