Return Of The War God - Chapter 4704

Chapter 4704

Ye Wuque just stood quietly.

Looking at the light wall slowly opening to both sides, his eyes were unpredictable.

In the next instant, as the light dissipated, the light walls that opened to both sides also calmed down, and a deep passage was exposed in front of Ye Wuque's eyes, stretching forward, not knowing where it would lead.

Standing in front of the passage, Ye Wuque could feel an ancient and leisurely breath rushing toward his face, and he actually gave a faint illusion of not knowing what year it was today.

It seems that time and space have been slightly disordered at this moment, and people can't help but sink into it, and can't help but rush into this passage immediately.

Ye Wuque, who had always looked calm, had a rare wave in his eyes at this moment! !

"This feeling..."

"Even tainted with a faint breath of time and space!"

Ye Wuque didn't expect that just standing in front of the passage, he actually felt a hint of the vastness of time and space.

Even if the heart and will are as firm as him, this moment can't help but give birth to a hint of excitement!

To know!

Why does he want to enter the ancient alliance of the gods?

Why do you want to enter the top of the sky?

The root of everything comes from the guidance of the pictures he saw in the ancient bronze mirror left by Fu Bo and his father!

In that picture, the figure wearing a colorful auspicious cloud robe lying on the cliff is the only clue he can trace.

While looking for "Colorful Clouds" all the way, he walked step by step, and then he reached the ancient alliance of the gods according to clues, and finally pointed to the top of the sky.

Now, just in front of the passage, he actually felt a breath of time and space.

What does this prove?

It proved that his work for so long was not wasted!

Because the ancient bronze mirror itself is the clue to the "Sacred Law of Time and Space" left by his father and Fu Bo!

in other words!

In this top of the sky, there may be key clues directly related to the "Sacred Law of Time and Space"!

Otherwise, this faint breath of time cannot be explained at all.

Right now, Ye Wuque didn't hesitate anymore, stepped directly out of the passage, stepped out of a deep depth.

Ye Wuque was not worried about whether there was a danger ahead.

As he stepped into the position of the gods, his own combat power soared, and this piece of heaven and earth was about to be unable to stop him, what could be counted as a top of the sky?

The passage is longer than expected. There is no light in it. It is like walking in the eternal darkness. There is no sound in the ears. Only the sound of your own footsteps can pass through, which makes the scalp numb. a feeling of.

But Ye Wuque was not impatient or impatient, so he moved forward slowly.

Until a quarter of an hour later.

At the end of his gaze, a faint light source suddenly appeared. As he got closer, the light source became bigger and bigger, and finally light was projected to illuminate everything here.

When Ye Wuque approached the light source, he realized that it was actually a turning point. He walked sideways and his eyes suddenly brightened!

In the next instant, Ye Wuque slowly walked out of a dark cave and came to a place like a platform.

At this moment, Ye Wuque's eyes showed a faint sense of shock.

He stood on the platform, looked at everything in front of him, and suddenly found himself as if he had come to an independent new world.

The eyes are full of the fragrance of birds and flowers, and various natural sceneries are spread out in the distance, and the natural features are as moving as picturesque.

And under the wrapping of this nature, there is a huge square in the middle. The square is separated and divided into countless pieces. Each piece is well arranged and many facilities have been built.

There are various halls of their own, but they are scattered and there is no sense of superfluousness.

At a glance, I know that it was built bit by bit after careful arrangement and design.

And under this kind of scenery, Ye Wuque unexpectedly felt a kind of warmth and calmness.

It is as if this is a peach blossom source, once you enter it, you can forget all the troubles, leaving only the purest happiness and joy.

Wash the soul, wash away the dust.

People can't help but want to be in it and have a good rest.

"The combination of the power of the soul and the reality of the actual scenery creates a paradise like a dream home..."

Ye Wuque stood on the platform, looking down at everything condescendingly.

The top of the sky is completely different from what he imagined.

He thought that there was only the tomb of Fang Qingyang's little uncle, but now that he really came in, he realized that it was not the case.

Ye Wuque looked down at his feet, and a long stone ladder descended along the platform, deep into the peach blossom source below, as if it were a passage to heaven.

Without hesitation, Ye Wuque just picked up the level and walked slowly towards the Peach Blossom Spring below.

As he walked down the stone ladder, the happy and warm and peaceful atmosphere became more and more intense. It seemed to make one's heart gentle and calm, as if to slowly accept an outsider and let him Get into this paradise.


All this has no effect at all for Ye Wuque.

He has seen through all of this a long time ago. The reason why there is such a warm and peaceful atmosphere here is because of the ubiquitous power of the soul!

Very old soul power!


"Great Sun Realm Great Perfection..."

This power of soul has reached the point of Great Perfection in the Great Sun Realm.

Ye Wuque could even imagine that Fang Qingyang, who had come in before him, would be intoxicated when he first entered here.

Ye Wuque thought of a section of content recorded in Fang Qingyang's diary.

"He opened the door to a new world for me!"

The so-called "New World" should not be unexpectedly a place like this paradise.

Under the Great Consummation of the Great Sun Realm, any creature entering it will be intoxicated and unable to extricate itself.

Fang Qingyang couldn't escape naturally.

At this moment, Ye Wuque stepped down the last step and stepped into this independent world completely.

"It's really a Peach Blossom Spring..."

Ye Wuque turned his gaze, looked everywhere in front, and suddenly saw the peach trees standing upright.

Above the peach trees, peach blossoms bloom and the fragrance of flowers overflows, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

"Peach trees and peach blossoms..."

Ye Wuque's eyes flashed, as if thinking of something.

He clearly remembered that in the courtyard of the small wooden house where Qingyuan lived in the first place, there were also many peach trees and beautiful peach blossoms in full bloom.

Is everything just coincidence?

Ye Wuque continued to move forward. He came to a small square. The square was well maintained. The ground was covered with ancient slates, surging with the breath of time.

Walking gently to the center of the square, Ye Wuque raised his eyes to look straight ahead, and saw a simple throne at the end of the square.

The throne was empty, but very clean and spotless.

After passing through the throne, it is another brand new area, which also leads to a more far-reaching place.

Ye Wuque glanced at the throne and moved on.

But just when he took the first step, an incredible scene appeared!

There was no idea when a tall man appeared on the empty throne.

He just sat quietly, as if he had always been there and never left.

A calm, peaceful, and ancient aura overflowed from this tall figure, as if he was naturally with the world, completely united with the world, giving people a feeling of infinite height.

Ye Wuque didn't seem to be surprised by the sudden appearance of this tall figure.

His eyes fell on the face of this tall figure.

To be precise, Ye Wuque couldn't see the true face of this tall figure, because he had a mask on his face!

A whole body is white, like a clean mask made of white jade.

"You are not Qingyang, who are you?"

In the next instant, from under the mask, a calm voice with magnetism and mistyness came out, revealing a hint of mystery.

The moment Ye Wuque heard this sound, his eyes flashed slightly!

This voice...

He has heard it before!

In the small sacrificial chamber of the sacrificial hall of Xuanmai, the man's misty and mysterious voice when he opened the unknown tombstone to check his identity and authority!

Exactly the same!

"If I'm not mistaken, you should be Fang Qingyang's little uncle, right?"

Looking at the man in the white jade mask, Ye Wuque spoke lightly.