Return Of The War God - Chapter 4683

Chapter 4683

"Indeed, as you said, if you don't show up, I will definitely let my son meet the inside and outside, turn back the water at the most critical moment, take the human race in one fell swoop, and complete my trial.

"But now everything is different!"

"Your appearance gave me endless surprises!"

"You must be very curious now, why I have clearly won, but still haven't revealed everything about my son to you."

"You guessed it right, because I do have one more thing to do, and that is..."

Sheng Youhuang's eyes showed a strange bloodthirsty color.

"In the following days, let my son kill all human races and completely occupy the entire human race territory!!"

"Ye Wuque, not only will I get what I want through you, but I will continue to complete my trials."

"At that time, I will have both so that I will truly get away from all living beings and get everything I want!!"

Shengyouhuang's voice revealed infinite ambition and greed!

It still had all reservations about Ye Wuque before, letting Ye Wuque think that sacrificing him was the only way for Sheng Youhuang to return to the Holy Realm.

In fact, Sheng Youhuang had a deliberate plan and wanted to do both. While he obtained and sacrificed Ye Wuque, he also completed his trial through his son.

When the time comes, it will really kill two birds with one stone, and one person will complete the two awards, and it will soar to the sky!

After thoroughly comprehending all the plans of the Emperor Shengyou, Ye Wuque nodded slowly, but immediately looked at the "mountain lord" and said indifferently: "Unfortunately, you may not be able to do so. Now it is nine to one outside."

"Your son is not you, can it work?"

Shengyouhuang was noncommittal.

There was a strange color in the eyes of "Mount Wuliang"!



"Take it to the ground!!"

The highest combat power of the nine human races that have long been uncontrollable are now all shot, killing intent is boiling! !

But the next moment!

An incredible scene happened!

The whole person of "Wuliang Mountain Lord" burst out of thin air!

It blew up! !

boom! !

The power of horror burst out suddenly, sweeping across the sky and the ground!

The highest combat power of the nine clan groups immediately changed their expressions, but after all, they had a profound cultivation base, and at this moment they retreated directly, trying to avoid them.

But at this moment, Ye Wuque seemed to feel something, his eyes condensed and said loudly: "Rewind!"

Rumble! !

But this time it is too late!

I saw that from the center of the explosion of "Wuliang Mountain Lord", a power that destroyed the world and the earth broke out, it was the power of the sacrifice of the Nine Territories and Nine Nethers!

The body of "Wuliang Mountain Master" was also poured into the power of this burning sacrifice!

The force of horror swept through nine days, and the nine Chu Xingkuang could not escape no matter how fast they were, they were directly affected!

Puff puff!

In an instant, the nine people were struck by lightning and blood spurted in the void, all suffering heavy losses!

It wasn't until a dozen or so breaths that all the terrifying power slowly faded.

The nine Chu Xingkuang people stood up in the void one by one, their auras wilted, and they suffered heavy injuries, with blood dripping from the corners of their mouths.


Ao Xian Sword Master cursed.

This "mountain lord" immediately blew himself up if he didn't agree with him, and dragged them to death together?

"Just let it die, it's really cheap!"

The Lord of the Sun Moon Palace gritted his teeth, and he suffered the deepest injuries, both psychologically and physically.

But in the next moment, the gaze of the Sun Moon Palace Master suddenly solidified!

The eyes of all the human races between heaven and earth were frozen, and a hint of incredible horror slowly appeared on their faces!

Seen above the void, the black energy spread, crazily creeping, and the dead "mountain lord" was reborn!

Its body appeared on the spot again, unharmed.

In the transparent space, Ye Wuque's gaze suddenly condensed!

"Why did you forget? Immortal and immortal, but my Jiuyou secret..."

"Now, without Ye Wuque's help, you are all seriously injured one by one, and your combat strength is not one. How can you kill me?"

"Master of Mount Wuliang" laughed loudly!

The faces of the nine people who suffered heavy injuries suddenly became extremely ugly!

They are careless!

I forgot the previous situation that the White Bone Emperor and the Jade Emperor were immortal, but I didn't expect this "Infinite Mountain Lord" to also control this secret method.

This time, the trouble is big!

Intact and immortal, "Infinite Mountain Lord", how can their nine seriously injured bodies deal with it?

In the transparent space, Sheng Youhuang finally laughed out at this moment.

It looked at Ye Wuque who was expressionless, and said with a joking sneer: "Did you see it? Ye Wuque?"

"Even if you know the truth?"

"Even if you want to pin your hopes on your fellow humans, what about?"

"It makes no sense..."

"On the contrary, because of you, your fellow human races, and all races in the entire human race territory, will taste the arrival of death in advance."

"But you can only watch!"

"So, Ye Wuque, you are the biggest sinner of Human Race..."

Sheng Youhuang's remarks can be regarded as murderous!

But on the altar "Amitabha..."

At this moment, a mighty Buddha's horn resounded through the emptiness of the ten directions. The host of the Donkey Kong Temple clasped his hands together. Although the light of the Buddha's body had dimmed, it still illuminated the emptiness of the four directions.

"I don't go to **** who goes to hell."

Two simple Buddha names are enough to hear the decisiveness and solemnity in the host tone of the Donkey Kong Temple.

He wants to die with the "mountain lord"!

The other eight people also stood up slowly at this time, all of them coldly looked at the "mountain lord" with determination and solemnity in their eyes.

The ten highest combat powers of the human race have already made a choice to die with the "mountain lord".

On the ground below, all the races burst into tears at this moment, and their eyes were full of horror!

"Tsk tusk, what a wonderful scene, as if the end is coming."

"Well, there is still half a quarter of an hour, Ye Wuque, I decided to let you see your fellow human race dying powerlessly in front of you, how about?"

Sheng Youhuang opened his mouth with a smile.

"At that time, you can meet the great... huh with endless resentment, endless unwillingness, endless resentment?"

Shengyouhuang's eyes suddenly condensed!

Because it suddenly saw Ye Wuque's hand, it didn't know when a blue primitive token appeared.

"What's the matter? When did he take out this token? Why didn't I feel it?"

Sheng Youhuang was very surprised.

But at this moment, Ye Wuque looked at the Emperor Shengyou, with a weird smile in his eyes, and then said with a smile, "Next you have to learn to be strong... because your son is about to die."