Return Of The War God - Chapter 4660

Chapter 4660


"Ye Wuque! You must die!"

"kill me!!"

"Give me a good time!! You human beings! Give me a good time!!"

On the wide square, ten huge monster beasts were being slowly dragged toward the center by many human warriors. It was the Desperate Demon Lord plus nine leaders.

Crazy and spiteful curses sounded one after another. The ten legendary realms that were always high and pretentiously instigated existed, but now they are like the bereavement dogs that have been shot away, struggling and cursing with all their strength.

In all directions, countless human warriors coldly looked at the Desperate Demon Realm Legend Realm, and their faces were cold, without the slightest pity, but sparks of heat and expectation surged from time to time in their eyes.

The Desperate Demon Realm colluded with Jiuyou and was discovered by Ye Lingzi. He was an accomplice of the Nirvana Plan. The evidence was conclusive, and he was directly suppressed by the high-energy human race!

This truth soon spread to all the human warriors inside the hundred million light sky wall, making them full of righteous indignation, full of anger, wishing to kill the demon realm and then soon!

However, after learning about Ye Lingzi's disposal method, the eyes of an individual warrior lit up!

The ultimate barbecue before the war!

The barbecue objects are the ten legends of the Demon Realm of Despair.

Anyway, the main body is all monsters, none of them are in human form, and it tastes completely stress-free.

The key is

"Big make up!!"

A fat human warrior stared at the ten monster beasts that had been stacked in the middle of the square, his eyes were round, and the Harazi in his mouth was already about to move.

"Ye Lingzi is really awesome!"

"Who said no?"

"Rather than killing these **** old beasts, eating them is the best revenge!"

"This group of beasts, like Jiuyou's offal, feed on our human race. I don't know how many human race compatriots they have eaten! Today it is Lao Tzu's turn to eat them!"


"Ye Lingzi said that the best way to get revenge is to use the other way to return to the other body!"

Countless Terran warriors are gearing up one by one, with their eyes shining, they seem to have seen the fragrant barbecue dinner.


With the huge roar, the ten legendary monsters were piled together, like lambs to be slaughtered.

All their cultivation bases have been abolished!

Now it is really reduced to the top ten wastes, and even more trapped in the body, it looks so funny and funny.

The frantic spiteful curse has gradually become a kind of extreme fear at this moment!

The Desperate Demon Lord's body was trembling, and its eyes stared at Ye Wuque, who was standing there with a harmless smile on the face of humans and animals, and finally revealed a kind of...fear that could not be hidden!

"The skin is rough and thick, and the ordinary magic weapon might not be able to skin you cramps."

Ye Wuque smiled slightly.

As the legendary realm, and also the existence of the wind and fire disaster realm, the flesh of these ten monster beasts has naturally been nourished by the power of heaven and earth, and the flesh of the beast is already strong in its veins, and it is naturally supported by thousands of tempers.

Ordinary magic weapons cannot even break the defense, let alone slaughtered.

"But rest assured, I am professional."

Ye Wuque smiled slightly and pulled his right hand into the void, and the golden dragon halberd suddenly appeared in his hand.

Unsurpassed, the moment he saw the big dragon halberd, the ten monster beasts felt cold all over, an indescribable despair exploded in my heart!

Carrying the big dragon halberd, Ye Wuque walked slowly towards the ten monster beasts with a smile, his face still has a harmless smile of humans and animals, but it falls in the eyes of the ten monsters, but it seems like an infinitely terrifying demon is slowly near.

They are not afraid of death!

But what was waiting for them was being slaughtered alive, then grilled little by little, sprinkled with delicious seasonings, and finally eaten little by little by the countless human warriors from all directions!

This fate is enough to drive them completely crazy! !

"Who starts first?"

Ye Wuque said to himself with a smile, and the big dragon halberd in his hand was humming softly, and he seemed very excited.

"Ye Wuque!!"

"You must die!!"

"Don't die!!"

The Black Nightmare commander roared loudly. Its body was a huge monster, as strong as a mountain. At this moment, he exhausted his last strength and cursed at Ye Wuque.

"Your name is so happy, it starts with you!"

Ye Wuque immediately walked towards the leader of Black Nightmare.

Suddenly a kind of uncontrollable despair and fear burst into the huge bull's eyes! []! !



The big dragon halberd slashed across, directly cutting away the body of the black nightmare leader, the rough and tough cowhide was cut apart, and the strong and tough beef was suddenly exposed, and the blood was also splashing out!

"Ahhhhh!! Kill me! Kill me!!"

The Black Nightmare leader let out a cry of collapse.

It has completely collapsed!

The boundless pain exploded on it, and Ye Wuque started very cleanly, and this injury would not kill it at all.

But this kind of painful death caused this legendary realm to no longer be able to support it.

Not to mention being in the legendary realm, even if you live with the sky, enter the time and space, immortal, immortal, I am afraid you can't just sit and watch yourself being slaughtered and swallowed by others.

"This can't stand it?"

"It's just started..."

Ye Wuque bared his teeth at the black nightmare leader, and the big dragon halberd in his hand continued to wave out.

Puff, puff...

After half an hour.

The black nightmare leader's roar has completely disappeared.

Because it has been cramped and peeled by Ye Wuque, the slaughtered is clean, and the perfect beef is presented on the ground, shining with a ruby-like luster, and the strong aura almost bursts!


Thousands of Terran warriors who had been waiting aside immediately rushed forward and began to clean, blanch, and take care of the beef.

But here, Ye Wuque, his eyes turned, holding the big dragon halberd and looking at the remaining nine monsters that were already trembling, snarled and said, "Who's next turn?"

In the end, Ye Wuque walked to the side of the Desperate Demon Lord.

"Ye Wuque!!"

"I will never let you go if I am a ghost!!!"

The Desperate Demon Lord let out a scream of bitterness to the extreme, mixed with endless fear, and then the voice stopped abruptly.

After a whole day.

"Huh...finally done..."

Standing up with the big dragon halberd, Ye Wuque let out a long sigh of relief when he looked at the cramped and skinned monster beast before him.

At this point, the ten legendary beasts of the Demon Realm of Despair had been completely slaughtered by him, and none were left.

"It's okay, the craftsmanship has not regressed."

Ye Wuque looked at the human warrior who rushed over and started to cleanse the monster flesh, with a touch of satisfaction in his eyes.


After putting away the big dragon halberd, Ye Wuque turned to look at the countless human warriors surrounded in all directions, and said with a smile: "As the saying goes, being alone is not as good as everyone's pleasure!"

"The barbecue process is also happy."

"But if I do it all alone, wouldn't it be exhausting?"

"So, are there any brothers who are good at barbecue?"

"One counts one, all come up, the more the better!"

"Barbecue conference! It's the most interesting if we work together, isn't it?"

"Come on! Sign up!"

As Ye Wuque spoke, countless Terran warriors suddenly laughed.

"Master Ye! I can barbecue!"

"I can do it too!"

"Count me in!"

"And I!!"

"I am me! My family ancestors opened a restaurant, and barbecue is unique!"

In an instant, thousands of celebrities and warriors volunteered to stand up, eagerly gearing their hands one by one, that was an excitement!

"it is good!!"

"Everyone, with such good ingredients, take out all of your abilities and get them done!"

"any questions?"

Ye Wuque laughed.

"no problem!!"

"Lord Ye, look forward to it!"

"Absolutely great!"

Ever since, thousands of Terran warriors who are good at barbecue rushed to the ten delicious and invincible ingredients and started a vigorous barbecue meeting.

At this moment, the ten highest combat power of the human race appeared silently beside Ye Wuque.

"My lord, how is it?"

Ye Wuque asked immediately.

"Amitabha... is not of my race, and his heart must be different."

The presiding officer of Donkey Kong Temple announced a Buddhist horn.

Chu Xingkuang said to Ye Wuque: "It has been resolved, not one left!"

The Sun Moon Palace Lord also sneered and said: "Exterminate evil! Cut the grass and roots! As for the guardians of the Desperate Demon Realm, special circumstances, special treatment, we have already sent messages to our respective guardians. A total of five guardians will take a trip to solve them."

Ye Wuque nodded slightly, knowing that the ten highest combat power of the human race had personally taken action, and had already solved all the secondary seats and all the demon realm disciples in the hundred million light sky wall.

starting today

There is no more desperate demon world!