Return Of The War God - Chapter 4658

Chapter 4658

Between heaven and earth, the atmosphere is stagnant, but there are few killings!

Because this is a totally unequal battle.

The nine supreme overlords surrounded one Demon Realm of Despair, it was really like Lao Tzu beating his son.

Boom boom boom! !

An earth-shattering roar erupted from the void in all directions, and huge monster beasts of horror appeared in their original form. It was the nine leaders of the Desperate Demon Realm!

Only in the state of the monster beast's true body, their strength will completely burst out, and once their true body is exposed, it also means that they are completely desperate!


This so-called desperate effort didn't even last for ten breaths.

Because the nine leaders of the Demon Realm of Despair faced beings of the same rank surrounded by nearly a hundred.

The legendary realm is indeed hard to kill, especially the wind, fire and catastrophe realm.

But also what kind of opponent it is!

Ten dozen!

A commander faced the first seat of ten human races with murderous intent, it really was nowhere to escape from heaven and earth.

The terrifying magical powers and secret methods broke out in an instant, smashing through like a stormy sea, and the demon bodies of the nine commanders were directly imprisoned, and they could not even explode themselves.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the nine chiefs of the Desperate Demon Realm were directly subdued, one by one imprisoned in the void.

As for the deputy commander of the Demon Realm of Despair?


Dozens of deputy commanders faced hundreds of human races, and they were simply and rudely suppressed.

Desperate Demon Realm, was directly taken in less than half an hour!

Nine terrifying monsters were imprisoned between the heavens and the earth, unable to move a single movement, and the huge eyes of the beast were full of despair and despair.

They can only wait for death to come!

"Ye Wuque!!"

"Ye Wuque!!!"

At this moment, a roar full of resentment, unwillingness, and madness suddenly resounded through the ten directions.

Ye Wuque, who was watching the show, immediately looked over and found that it was the demon soul leader who roared.

"It turned out to be a big lizard with three heads..."

"No wonder it's so ugly!"

Seeing the real body of the demon leader, Ye Wuque shook his head, and then he came to the demon leader with great interest.

"Have a last word to tell me?"

Ye Wuque stood condescendingly next to the three heads led by the Demon Soul, and spoke lightly.

At this moment, the first seat of the ten human races, headed by Mind First Seat, surrounded the Demon Soul Commander one by one, and the ten people joined hands to suppress the Demon Soul Commander, and the cultivation base in the body was directly imprisoned!

The demon soul commanded the six scarlet beast pupils staring at Ye Wuque steadily, a deep resentment surged in them, but it was more of a puzzle and incredible.

"How did you find out?"

"That divine soul secret treasure comes from an existence that has reached the great solar realm Dzogchen with the power of the divine soul before his death! Coupled with my divine soul secret method, the combination of the two, even if the Great Sun realm Dzogchen exists, it is impossible to find Wang Longhua There is a problem with his memory!"

"How did you find out?"

The demon soul commander issued an unwilling roar!

This is obviously the biggest doubt and incomprehension in its mind, and it is what it does not understand at all.

So, even if it knows it's dead soon, it still wants to ask why!

"It seems you think you have been a ghost?"

Ye Wuque said noncommittal.

The Demon Soul commander stared at Ye Wuque fiercely.

At this moment, Ye Wuque lowered his head slowly, and stretched out a hand directly on the one between the three heads of the Demon Soul commander.


In the next moment, a power of the soul that only the leader of the demon soul could feel, poured directly into the mind of the leader of the demon soul from Ye Wuque's hands!

The six eyes of the demon soul shrank violently in an instant! !

This breath, this breath...

"You, you...dark..."

The demon soul commander finally realized it!

Ye Wuque in front of him is not a Great Sun Realm Great Perfection at all, he is already a Great Soul Sage of Dark Star Realm Nirvana above the Great Sun Realm! !

No wonder he can detect it!

The Demon Soul leader who learned the truth felt a kind of indescribable fear in addition to horror.

Dark Star Realm!

The third realm among the four realms of the Great Soul of Nirvana!

In addition to the legendary fourth outside, the strongest realm of Divine Soul.

Their Desperate Demon Realm can't remember how many years they haven't seen such an existence!

But now!

This human race, who is only in his twenties, actually did it? ?

What kind of monster is this? ?

Even the original Sheng Haoxuan can't compare with it! !

"My demon world is dead!!"

The demon soul commanded the grief and anger in his heart, the mind and will completely collapsed, and he was completely desperate.

Who can think of it?

A human race in his twenties actually broke through to the Dark Star Realm and the Great Soul Saint of Nirvana!

Who can think of it? ?

It is because of such an oversight that they have lost all of the desperate Demon Realm and are headed for destruction!

boom! !

In the next instant, the six eyes under the command of the Demon Soul condensed suddenly, and then the Qingming moment within them became blank and empty, and finally became completely foolish.

The expressionless Ye Wuque took away his right hand, and the three huge heads led by the Demon Soul stood directly together, and the huge body was already weakened.

Because its soul space has been directly shattered by Ye Wuque!

In other words, although the Demon Soul commander has not died with the cultivation base of the Wind and Fire Great Tribulation Realm, he is already full of mud and completely turned into an idiot.

Ye Wuque naturally wouldn't let it have a chance to tell his true realm of Divine Soul Power.

The ten leaders on the side looked at all of this with expressionless faces, only pleasure in their eyes.

"Don't kill for the time being, it will be useful for a while."

As if thinking of something, Ye Wuque's eyes showed a faint smile, and he spoke to all the first seats like this.

All the first people of the Human Race nodded immediately, and directly chose to follow Ye Wuque's words.

Obviously, as Ye Wuque uncovered the Desperate Demon Realm, the gangster who was in collusion with Jiuyou, his position in the hearts of all the high-level people directly climbed to the limit!

Even if it was the first seat of the Storm and Fire, at this moment, for Ye Wuque, there was already a touch of invisible in his heart... awe!

Void in the distance.


A frantic laugh, full of bitterness, resentment, and a dead end, sounded from the mouth of the Desperate Demon Lord.

The Desperate Demon Lord surrounded by it faced ten existences of the same order, it knew it was bound to die, and there was no way out.

Even if there is a hole card to escape, it is too late now.

Because Qiankun Guanzhu has blocked the world, directly confining the power of space.

It... will definitely die!

"Why betrayed?"

Wuliangshan said coldly.

The rest of the highest combat power is also coldly looking at the Desperate Demon Lord.



"Without my clan, their hearts must be different!"

"You are all human races, only I am the Desperate Demon Lord's body monster beast! Isn't this reason enough?"

The desperate demon master screams hoarsely, like a madman!