Return Of The War God - Chapter 4466

Chapter 4466

Ye Wuque's question sounds very inexplicable!

Brother Shu worry-free!

But for Ye Wuque, this name had a cause and effect.

In the past, he had a chance.

That was when he was in the northern sky of the starry sky.

The Holy Way of the Heavens fought against the Qingming Shrine. As the Son of the Holy Way of the Heavens, he was hit hard.

At that time, Sora was still there.

He took this opportunity to enter the depths of the earth, and with the help of Kong, he achieved the "Seven Profound Emperors" in the Extreme Boundary Realm. In addition to the Seven Profound Emperors, he also got a second chance in the depths of the earth.

To be precise, it is a heritage!

That is... if I cut it!

They are Zhantian and Sword Art, Zhan My Ming Dao Jue, and Zhan Nian Exterminate Immortal!

It can be said that this "if I cut it" is of great help to Ye Wuque.

Not only him, but even elegant ministers have benefited from this.

At that time, Ye Wuque had passed on the technique of Zhantian Swordsmanship to the Feng Caichen minister, and finally was improved by the Feng Caichen minister into his own suitable technique.

Even Ye Wuque used the "Cut Me Ming Dao Jue" to help the old style at that time.

And "Zhannian Exterminating Immortal" is the greatest help to Ye Wuque!

This is the way of divine soul attack, one word represents a kind of divine soul attack, even until now, Ye Wuque would occasionally display the secret method of divine soul attack.

In addition!

There is also a coffin on the other side of the wishful side!

This Ruyi Bi'an Coffin has a deeper meaning to Ye Wuque!

At that time, Ye Wuque was seriously injured, but was mistakenly thought that he had fallen, making all the heavens mourn.

Yu Jiaoxue is even more desperate to kill the madness!

In the end, she was hit hard by Yan Shimeixing, the deputy master of Qingming Temple, and she was beaten to death!

Fortunately, at this moment, the king of Ye Wuque came back, with a smoke in his hand, looking at him, and fortunately the existence of the coffin on the other side of Ruyi saved Yu Jiaoxue's life, protecting her in the coffin and sealing her life form.

And the person who left these "If I Cut" and "Ruyi Beyond the Coffin" in the depths of the earth is a powerful swordsman named "Ge Shu Wuyou"!

Ye Wuque remembered this cause and effect very clearly.

Now, the quasi sword of the Proud Sword Sect in front of him happened to have the surname "Ge Shu", which was somewhat interesting.

You must know that the surname "Ge Shu" is very rare. Unlike Zhao Qian Sun Li, it rarely appears.

This means that anyone with a surname has a high probability of being a family member, or even the same clan.

Therefore, when he saw his brother Shu Nantian report to his family, Ye Wuque moved in his heart to ask this question.

Of course, it's just a question, just try it.

After hearing this question from Ye Wuque, Shu Nantian's eyes suddenly narrowed!

This didn't escape Ye Wuque's eyes, who paid attention.

"How do you know the ancestors of my brother Shu's family?"

Brother Shu Nantian blurted out, and the look in Ye Wuque's eyes became dangerous!

This made Ye Wuque's eyes light up.

The other party actually knows the existence of "Ge Shu Wuyou"?

"Ge Shu Wuyou is one of the ancestors of my brother Shu's line, but even in my brother Shu's line, I know very little. This is the secret of my brother Shu's line. Where did you know? "

Brother Shu Nantian took another step, the ancient sword behind him had begun to scream, and the terrifying evil spirit was almost boiling, shaking all directions instantly! !

Countless creatures on the Shouyou Fortress were immediately alarmed and rushed over.

"I'm going! Master Ye and Master Ge Shu are up?"

"One is the quasi-spirit of the ancient alliance of the gods, and the other is the quasi-sword of the Ao Xian Sword Sect. If this fights, it is not a battle between dragons and tigers?"

"Everyone is the pinnacle of the young generation of supreme overlords. Who can convince anyone? I'm afraid there will be a battle!"

The creatures in the Shouyou line are a little excited!

This kind of scene of young Tianjiao competing against each other is really never tire of it.

On the balcony.

Ye Wuque stood up slowly at this moment, looked at Ge Shu Nantian's sharp and dangerous eyes, and said: "Brother Shu Wuyou is a...swordsman."

This word comes out!

Brother Shu Nantian's slightly squinted eyes suddenly burst out with fiery radiance, as if what Ye Wuque said was some earth-shattering big secret.

"Whether you believe it or not, I have got the inheritance of Ge Shu Wuyou by chance."

"Because you also have the surname Ge Shu, I have this question."

"I didn't expect it to be true."

Ye Wuque said lightly.

In the next moment, the astonishing suffocation suddenly disappeared, and all of it stopped. Ge Shu Nantian looked at Ye Wuque, his eyes flickered, but he said: "I can know that Ge Shu Wuyou is such a secret swordsman, I Believe you have his inheritance."

"My brother Shu has been a swordsman for generations, and every member of his clan is born of a sword and died of a sword!"

"In a certain period of time, there was a tribe with amazing talent and great talent."

"Unexpectedly, he is a renegade tribe who has abandoned the sword way and entered the sword way! Determined to become a swordsman."

"This is in my brother Shu's line, it's a big rebellion!"

"So, he was expelled from Ge Shu's line, but pitying him with his amazing talent, did not abolish him, let alone take back his surname and let him free."

"Since then, he has been silent, and no one knows where he has gone."

"This person is Ge Shu Wuyou."

It seemed that after learning that Ye Wuque had obtained the inheritance of "Ge Shu Wuyou", Ge Shu Nantian unexpectedly presented it cleanly.

"Ge Shu Wuyou was removed from the genealogy. Few people know him except for the descendants of generations who know him."

"I didn't expect you to get his inheritance. It seems that he has indeed become a powerful swordsman."

After Ye Wuque listened quietly, his expression was calm, and his heart was also quite sad.

Unexpectedly, this "Ge Shu Wuyou" has such a past.

"Since you are Brother Shu Wuyou, I have his inheritance, and it is not a small help to me. It is a cause and effect that I owe him."

"I can't find him, but this cause and effect is to be repaid."

"I can transfer his inheritance to you, and it will be considered as returning to the original owner. Are you interested?"

Ye Wuque looked at his brother Shu Nantian.

Repay the cause and effect!

This is the purpose of Ye Wuque.

Obtained from Ge Shu Wuyou, and turned back to Ge Shu's descendants.

One drink and one peck is the cycle of cause and effect.

However, from the words of his brother Shu Nantian, it seems to be heard that Ge Shu's line is from a family of swordsmanship, and he thinks that the way of swords is a big rebellion, otherwise Ge Shu Wuyou will not be expelled from the house, so this brother Shu Nantian is to the knife I'm afraid the inheritance is...

"If you are interested, you can pass it."

Brother Shu Nantian spoke without hesitation.

Ye Wuque: "..."

Seeing Ye Wuque's puzzlement, Ge Shunan said, The heaven and the earth are endless, you can reach the extreme, and you can verify each other.

"Swords and swords are the same."

"Who said that swords are incompatible with fire and water?"

"Who said that you can only contact kendo when you practice sword? Can't learn from others?"

"The notion of old immortality in the family is too backward. When they die, when I take the charge of Brother Shu's line, the first thing to do is to abolish this old rule."

Ye Wuque: "..."