Return Of The War God - Chapter 4421

Chapter 4421

Obviously, Tianwai Shenying's reaction has been very violent!

Of course, Ye Wuque's expression was calm from beginning to end. His thoughts temporarily suppressed the heavenly eagle in Yuanyang Ring, and naturally no one knew about it.

But Ye Wuque's eyes kept staring at the huge plaque.


At this moment, before the giant gate, twenty bizarre stone flakes have been combined into one, and it has become a small sun about the size of a foot, which is blooming with bizarre waves and shining brilliance!

"Brother Maple Leaf, what's wrong? What are you looking at?"

Elder Qinghe seemed to have noticed Ye Wuque's actions here, and said with a smile.

"Brother, this plaque from Li Hengshui Mansion doesn't look like a mortal thing?"

Ye Wuque's heart moved, saying like this.

Elder Qinghe also raised his head to look at the huge plaque. The plaque shone with a faint golden brilliance, giving people a vivid meaning.

Elder Qinghe suddenly laughed and said, "Brother, let's not tell you, I was amazed when I saw this plaque for the first time before. I only felt that this thing was shining with brilliance, maybe it was some secret treasure."

"I was not the only one at the time, many people were quite excited."

"Brother, I even flew up directly and touched it with my hands. Naturally, I don't need to say more about the detection of the power of the soul."

"It turned out that it was not a secret treasure at all, it was just a plaque. The reason why it flashed was because part of the light source of Li Henshui Mansion was connected, that is to say, it was purely for lighting.

Elder Qinghe's voice was not low, and many of the other superpowers heard it at this moment, and they all showed a faint smile of helplessness.

Obviously, like Elder Qinghe, many of them went up and touched the plaque.

"Oh? Then I'll go and feel it too."

Ye Wuque also said with a faint smile.

Elder Qinghe was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed again: "Hahahaha! It seems that you can't escape this law, brother! Feel free to touch!"

Many people in the superpower are laughing now.

Ye Wuque's appearance at this moment was too normal. All the people present were from here, so naturally they couldn't understand Huang He's undead mentality.

Seeing Ye Wuque kicked his right foot at this moment, his whole person suddenly flew up and flew directly towards the huge plaque.

Seeing Ye Wuque's actions, the superpowers seemed to watch the excitement, no one stopped, no one doubted.

Many of those younger generations are also eager to try.

Buzzing! !

Just now!

The light source in front of the giant gate burst out with brilliant brilliance at this moment, and a brilliant light beam was refracted from this, directly covering the giant gate.

The entire giant door suddenly burst into a strong brilliance!

Everyone's eyes were immediately attracted by the giant gate subconsciously!

at the same time!

Ye Wuque's right hand happened to lightly press the four characters of the huge plaque.

It was also because of the sudden violent brilliance of the giant gate that everyone's sights were subconsciously attracted. At this moment, no one saw Ye Wuque's storage ring on the huge plaque suddenly flashed with a ray of gold. Brilliant!

Rumble! !

The closed giant door slowly opened at this moment, emitting a huge roar, and the original blazing brilliance quickly dissipated at this time.

With a squeak, Ye Wuque just fell back to the ground.

"Brother Maple Leaf, did you find anything?"

Elder Qinghe asked jokingly.

"Indeed, I think too much."

Ye Wuque shook his head gently, revealing a touch of helplessness.


Elder Qinghe suddenly laughed.

Many people from the super powers couldn't help laughing when they heard Ye Wuque's words, thinking that each of them was just like Ye Wuque at the beginning, from excitement to excitement to final disappointment.

No one saw that at this moment, there was a faint smile in Ye Wuque's eyes.

And the eyes of the younger generation of superpowers at this time have all been attracted by the scene behind the giant gate!

Twenty deputy suzerain-level existences each retreated to their own team.

Unanimously, all a hundred people present rushed into the giant gate and completely entered the Liheng Water Mansion.

After stepping into the giant gate, Ye Wuque only felt that the light in front of him had become slightly dim and softer, and there was a faintly refreshing breath coming towards his face, which made people feel refreshed.

And what appeared in front of him was a series of passages each shining with different brilliance, layered on top of each other, lying horizontally in front, a total of 108 channels.

Obviously, each channel leads to a different area of Lihenshui Mansion.

"Congratulations to you all!"

The Master Log Master who had opened the free door opened his mouth again at this time, and then he took the four of the free door and walked straight towards a passage.

At the moment, everyone no longer hesitated, each chose a channel and rushed over.

Obviously, except for Ye Wuque and the younger generation, the others are already familiar with the road and even left marks.

"Master, follow up."

Deputy Sect Master Baoding spoke to Ye Wuque in a low voice, flashing his figure, and rushed straight towards a passage. Elder Qinghe and Elder Shuiyun followed closely, and Ye Wuque did the same.

However, Ye Wuque's gaze quietly swept towards another pale golden passage!

In that channel, none of the 20 superpowers has a choice to enter it.

No one knows!

At this moment, within Ye Wuque's Yuanyang Ring, the Heavenly Eagle had completely turned into a strange light, like a round of golden blazing sun.

From this round of golden little blazing sun, a strong special wave is exuding!

Ye Wuque could clearly feel that the light transformed by the heavenly eagle was giving him an unprecedented strong sense of guidance!

Point straight at him to go somewhere in Li Henshui Mansion!

And the path is the pale golden channel.

The heavenly eagle suddenly changed into this appearance, and even its form changed, because of that touch just now!

Ye Wuque deliberately asked Qinghe elders about the plaque, which attracted everyone's attention. Originally, he was still thinking about getting close to the huge plaque for reasons that were just and not revealing flaws.

It turned out that Elder Qinghe gave such a feedback!

Just go up and touch it and it's over!

And all the superpowers are also happy to see it happen.

This made Ye Wuque's mind quite weird at the time, and then proceeded along the way.

You let me touch it!

It must be to save face.

After close contact, Ye Wuque clearly sensed that from the huge plaque, a strange force seemed to gush out directly into the Yuanyang Ring and was absorbed by the Heavenly Eagle.

Immediately, the Heavenly Eagle turned into this appearance, and even its form changed, and it exuded a strong and incomparable meaning of guidance!

"If Tianwai Shenying is really the core hub of Li Henshui Mansion, then there may be unexpected gains wherever it is directed!"

But Ye Wuque knew that now was not the time to go.

After all, Bao Dingzong agreed to help.

Secondly, the four members of Baodingzong were going to other passages, which seemed very abrupt.

Obviously you are here for the first time, how come you suddenly look for a passage?

That is tantamount to actively exposing one's own secrets!

After all these years of mixing, Ye Wuque understood a truth long ago.

Sake is a red face, rich and touching!

Bao Dingzong is indeed very sincere, and he is more demanding, but in the face of interests, who can guarantee that the other party can maintain humanity.

Defenses can not do without!

With his thoughts surging, Ye Wuque had already followed Baodingzong's four, stepping into the passage leading to the Alchemy Courtyard.

With a wave of ripples, the five figures disappeared completely.