Return Of The War God - Chapter 4224

Chapter 4224

Half a quasi-spirit authority!

The final killing mission!

Ye Wuque could clearly hear the words of the spirit of the ancient alliance.

Only after completing this task can he get the other half of the quasi-lingzi!

What do you mean?

Hasn't he really been crowned successfully?

Such thoughts flashed in his heart, and the radiance covering Ye Wuque's body at this moment finally slowly dissipated.

The eyes of countless Jiumai disciples looked at him with deep awe and admiration.

"The coronation ceremony is over!"

The second seat Amano made a final decision.

And the first seat of the purple sun, who had been sitting upright, slowly rose into the sky at this moment, and the purple air was mighty, lingering in the sky.

He came directly to the sky above!

"Ye Wuque... congratulations..."

The deep and mighty voice resounded from all directions, blessings from the first seat of the purple sun.

"Thank you, the first lord!"

Ye Wuque immediately clasped his fists and bowed.

"This return is considered to be a complete merit, Ye Wuque, I hope you will continue to work hard and one day, truly become the pillar of the Ancient League."

After saying these words, Zi Ri's first Zi Qi was 30,000 li, and he disappeared instantly.


Yinsheng, Honglianji, and Tongdi laughed.

Huateng, who had been staying until this time, took a deep look at Ye Wuque again, and finally turned and left.

The six quasi-spirit children who were present also stood up, turned into streamers and rose into the sky, disappearing in each case, and countless Jiumai disciples also began to disperse.

However, it is obvious that in the next few days, Ye Wuwei's feat in the coronation ceremony will surely become the talk of countless disciples of the entire Ancient League Nine Veins.

Blast twelve monsters with one punch!

Suppress it all with one hand!

These enthusiasm and unbelievable brilliant record will be thoroughly spread, and turned into the awe and admiration of Ye Wuque in the hearts of countless disciples.

After half an hour.

Huangmai, Tongdifeng.

Yin Sheng, Honglian Ji, and Tong Di all sat in their respective positions with a smile, looking at Ye Wuque, who was also sitting opposite him.

In addition to the four, Mu Daoqi and the three were also here at the moment, but they stood aside respectfully, pouring wine for the four.

"Come on! Let's raise our glasses!"

"Another boring drink!"

"Congratulations to Wuwei for ascending to the position of quasi-spirit!"

Yin Sheng said with a smile and raised his glass.

Ye Wuque also raised his glass immediately.

"Thank you, Brother Yinsheng, Brother Tongdi, Sister Honglian!"

The four wine glasses were held together and they all drank in one go.

Under the insistence of the three people of Yinsheng, Ye Wuque's name for them has changed. After all, according to Yinsheng, Ye Wuque is now the seventh quasi-spiritual son of the Ancient League, and his status is equivalent to their second seat. , It is natural to change the title.

The next four people toasted again, chatting and laughing, and the atmosphere was excellent.

It wasn't until after three rounds of wine that Ye Wuque spoke: "Two older brothers, Sister Honglian, I don't know something, I want to ask."

As soon as Ye Wuque said this, Yin Sheng, Tong Di, and Hong Lian Ji didn't seem surprised at all, but they showed an expression like that.

"Haha, no lack, you want to ask what is the "half authority" "final killing mission" mentioned by the spirit of the ancient alliance before?"

Yin Sheng put down the wine glass and said with a smile.

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from Silver Sage Brother."

Ye Wuque smiled.

"You are now the seventh quasi-spirited son of my ancient alliance. After the coronation ceremony, you have officially been recognized by the ancient ally's spirit and have the honorable position of quasi-spiritual son."

"In the Ancient League, you are already qualified to enjoy all the treatments and resources of the'quasi-lingzi', to be separated from countless disciples and to override them."

"You can rest assured about this."

Yin Sheng began to solve the puzzle for Ye Wuque.

"And the'quasi-lingzi authority', this represents the quasi-lingzi's...power!"

"Becoming one of the quasi-spirited disciples means that the younger generation of the ancient league in our country has reached the top, and has the jurisdiction and command power over the other Jiumai disciples."

"In other words, if there is any battle, you, as the quasi-spirit, can command all Jiumai disciples."

"At the same time, the'quasi-spirit authority' also represents a kind of recognition from the outside world!"

"Any quasi-spirited son of my ancient alliance, after being crowned successfully, the supreme overlords of the remaining ten supreme states will know for the first time."

"Knowing that a quasi-spirit has appeared again in my ancient league!"

"But knowing is just knowing, but there is no real recognition."

"Because the coronation is successful, only half of the quasi-lingzi authority is obtained. Only when the complete quasi-lingzi authority is obtained, the remaining ten overlords will truly recognize it."

"It's not just our ancient league. If the other supreme overlords have a new generation of extraordinary characters, the same is true. They need to be recognized."

"It is said that this comes from the rules set by our ancient alliance Taicang Patriarch's time long ago."

"And to obtain the authority of the other half of the quasi-spirited child, you need to complete the'final killing mission'. This name is only a general term. The specifics are different and where you go are different. You need to go to the Patriarch's Palace in three days to collect it. "

"Perhaps, when you complete this task, you will also encounter other superior powers of the younger generation who have the same purpose as you."

"In short, this is the long-standing rule of our ancient league, and it is also the rule passed down by the eleven supreme overlords. All disciples who have become quasi-spirit children in the past must complete this task."

"The six quasi-spirits before you have each completed this final killing mission, only then can they be regarded as a true merit and consummation."

After Yin Sheng's explanation, Ye Wuque finally understood.

"Three days later, Patriarch's Palace..."

Ye Wuque repeated this slowly.

At the same time, he was slightly relieved.

According to Yin Sheng, he is still short of the authority of the other half of the quasi-spirit son, but this does not affect his current status in the ancient league.

With all treatment and resources, he is already among the quasi-spirited.

So that means!

The sacrificial hall, he can now enter in an upright manner, which belongs to the aspect of treatment status, and is not affected by the lack of half of the authority.

This is what Ye Wuque cares most about!

Don't spend so much time, get the status of a quasi-spirit child, but still can't enter the gate of the sacrificial hall, then you will be really blind.

With his thoughts settled in his mind, Ye Wuque seemed to think of something, and once again said to the three Yinsheng: "Besides, there is one more thing I want to ask the two older brothers, Honglian sister."

"It's the specific news about a natural treasure..."

"But before that, there is a small gift for you."

Ye Wuque said with a smile.

"A little gift for us?"

"Haha! You are very polite, Wuxia, we are the second seat, and our net worth is much richer than you think!"

"It's too polite, it's unnecessary!"

Yinsheng, Tongdi, and Honglianji immediately waved their hands with a smile.

They didn't think that Ye Wuque would have any good gifts, and they had already regarded Ye Wuque as a dear relative in their hearts, and they didn't care about these at all.

Ye Wuque didn't say much, just a flash of light on his right hand, and three dove egg-sized jade beads appeared suddenly, emitting vast milky white brilliance!

The moment the jade pearl appeared, the power of heaven and earth surged in the void, gathered in an all-round way, and there was a mysterious aura circulating!

But the moment the three silver Saints who were smiling originally saw this scene, all of them instantly solidified their smiles, and collectively looked at the three jade beads in Ye Wuque's hands.

"Fuck! This is... Dzi Beads?"

Yin Sheng spoke abruptly, even exposing swear words, his tone was even more surprising and incredible!