Return Of The War God - Chapter 4164

Chapter 4164

"It seems that the completion of the first stage of the Immortal King Gong, the birth of the immortal fetus, and the successful opening of the sixty-three divine orifices have already tapped the potential in my body to a very high level!"

After the silence, Ye Wuque murmured to himself.

The Codex of the Heavenly Gods is indeed wonderful and extraordinary, otherwise it will not last forever. It has become a compulsory exercise practiced by countless disciples in the ancient alliance of the Gods.

But that has to be compared with someone!

In front of the Immortal King Gong, the Codex of the Gods is undoubtedly a younger brother.

It can barely be called a castrated version that has been weakened too much.

Ye Wuque was successful in practicing God King Gong, and the potential in his body was tapped and developed, and then to practice the Celestial Code, it was like a master of martial arts training the foundation of Taizu Changquan, it was completely grasping. There is no difficulty.

"Especially the undead baby!"

"It seemed to fluctuate slightly before, because the star aspect formed by the Codex of the Gods is completely crude and rough in front of it, without any magic."

One breath!

If such a speed spreads out, let alone the ancient alliance of the gods, even if the overlord on the eleven supreme states knows, they will have their jaw dropped and a major earthquake!

It can be put on Ye Wuque, who has already walked this way, but it is so reasonable and so simple.

How long can ten breaths last?

The sneer on Heiguang's face has not disappeared.

Piao Xin's face was filled with deceptive mockery and meanness.

Yang Shan still looked at Ye Wuque as if looking stupid, and he laughed in his heart.

But who knows?

In just ten breaths of time, Ye Wuque had quietly practiced the Heavenly God Code to the twentieth level! !

Ye Wuque didn't have any plan to reveal that he had achieved the 20th level of the Celestial Code, because he knew that once exposed, what awaited him might be the jaw-dropping and major earthquakes of the Celestial Ancient Alliance, but more were. Push yourself directly to the cusp of the storm! !

When one is too enchanting, and even more terrifying than monsters, then what is brought is an irrepressible destruction!

Desperate Demon Realm would definitely know that, then he was fortunate to have avoided the crazy assassination of "Bai Sheng Haoxuan" before not only would befall him again, but would be even more crazy and desperate.

This is what Ye Wuque doesn't want to see right now.

Moreover, the legendary realm of the ancient alliance of the gods, and even the first seat above them, would not doubt him? Think he has a secret?

Human nature is the most untestable!

At that time, if a certain first person develops greed in his heart, he will be imprisoned, and he will be forced to ask his secrets. Is it true that he can only escape by relying on the Escape Talisman given by the mysterious creature?

You must know that his ultimate goal of entering the ancient alliance of the gods is the top of the sky, the secret of the colorful secret treasures in the tomb of Fang Qingyang's little uncle, before that, he will never let any accident disturb this.

Therefore, after showing enough amazing edge, proper low-key and hiding can make oneself walk more stable and safer.

of course!

There is another reason.

That is, since the gambling game has started, it is natural to have a good time!

It's so easy to expose, even if the three of Heiguang can eat, but it is not enough to stimulate and enjoy.

What kind of blow is the best? The most exciting?

Naturally, first give the enemy enough hope, then let him down the abyss fiercely! !

It took three full days, and it was very early.

Ye Wuque was not in a hurry.


Ye Wuque closed his eyes again.

About a quarter of an hour later.

Buzzing! !

The huge light gate towering in the distance suddenly burst into a huge roar, and the mysterious brilliance on it seemed to boil, and it began to disperse to both sides.

This time, the closed huge light door was completely opened from the inside out.

Huh hoo hoo...

In the next instant, many figures rushed out of the gate like locusts crossing the border, and seventy to eighty thousand people rushed out in the blink of an eye!

"Which one is Ye Wuque?"

"I saw it! Sitting cross-over in the void, I'm really cultivating the Celestial Code!"

"Three days to cultivate the Code of Gods from the eleventh to the thirty-fifth floor? I'm going to come and see what this madman guy looks like!"

"No! It should be to say what a real lunatic is to see!"

"How arrogant and ignorant! Who does he think he is?"

"Those who don't know thought he was'Bai Sheng Haoxuan'!"

"Excessive! It is an insult to'Bai Sheng Haoxuan' to compare this kind of guy who doesn't know the so-called with'Bai Sheng Haoxuan'!"

"Where does this guy come from boasting such a Haikou? He doesn't even know the obscurity and difficulty of the God's Code."

"It seems that the privilege and glory of a supreme event made him unable to recognize himself, and he even gambled with his own destiny and the three second-ranked adults!"

"It really fully explains what is meant by self-inflicted crime!"

A line of disdain, contempt, or incredible, or stunned voices resounded instantly. These disciples were obviously the rest of the Jiumai disciples who rushed out after receiving the news.

And after the first wave of seventy to eighty thousand people came out, the huge light gate did not close, because there were more Jiumai disciples coming in an endless stream.

In less than an hour, the entire open space in front of the huge gate of light and the primitive Tianguan was filled with a famous Jiumai disciple.

Countless gazes between heaven and earth all stared at Ye Wuque, who was sitting in the void, seemingly to see this newcomer who uttered wild words inside and out.

"See? This scene is a bit interesting..."

The second seat of Piao Xin looked at the world full of Jiumai disciples, with an undisguised smile on his mean face.

"Killing the heart! A good method!"

Yangshan laughed and transmitted the sound.

Hei Guang also sneered and said: "Since this son is seeking his own death, then we are definitely going to fulfill him! When he comes out of the primitive heaven nine years later, what is waiting for him is still endless ridicule and ridicule, and This will last forever! Even if he dies one day, he will be recorded in the ancient history of the Ancient League and will become the laughing stock of the stinking relic!"

"Tsk tusk, think about it, the fate of this son is really pitiful..."

As if the heart was unbearable, the black light made a sound of pity, but there was a deep joking movement in his eyes.


"It's so interesting!!"

When Piaoxin and Yangshan heard this, they couldn't help laughing.

Time began to pass slowly.

Ye Wuque sat in the void from beginning to end, motionless, without any signs or changes, as if he had become a clay sculpture.

In a blink of an eye.

Three days passed quietly.