Return Of The War God - Chapter 3581

Chapter 3581

As soon as it cracked, countless corpses fell out of it. Those corpses belonged to the Spirit Devouring Race, and their deaths were extremely miserable!

"For the great emperor!!"

There was a roar resounding, rushing out from the cracks in the space, the aura was powerful, and it was the king-level Spirit Devourer! !

"Damn it! That's... a blood sacrifice!!"

"The spirit-swallowing tribe actually sacrificed its own army to transmit the king-level spirit-swallowing tribe?"

Wang Shian's complexion changed suddenly!

The Seventh Prince's face was also a little gloomy!

At this moment, ten king-level spirit swallowing tribes burst out from the cracks in the space, all blood bathed, extremely crazy!

"Your Highness, don't worry, leave these beasts to us!"

At this moment, a sound that was warm and moist, but murderous, came from Fan Zhuiyang! !

The seven dragons each rose into the air and directly killed the king-level Spirit Devourer!

Among them, Fan Zhuiyang is the most stunning!

He actually stopped three king-level Spirit Devourers alone with his own power!

Worthy of being the second place among the twelve dragons!

Meng Linghui did her part too, and one person stopped two King-level Spirit Devourers!

The remaining six king-level spirit swallowing tribes were blocked by six dragons, and the void suddenly fluctuated!

"Strike with all your strength! Strangle the Spirit Devourer as soon as possible, and then help the seven dragons!!"

Seeing this, the seventh prince roared.

The six major legions made their moves even more fierce. They no longer only slowly cannibalized, but began to become frantic with the same wind-swept clouds!

The speed of killing suddenly doubled, and under the power of the combined battle, the spirit swallowing army was retreating steadily!

However, in such a cruel and crazy killing, no one noticed that among the six army goddess warriors close to the seventh prince, at this moment, there is a goddess warrior slowly and carefully approaching the seventh prince!

The speed of this goddess warrior was very slow and very clever, and did not attract any attention, even the twelve old eunuchs!

After all, this goddess warrior is in the battle formation of a joint attack, and has a unique mysterious change, which cannot be seen at all if he does not move the battle formation.

This divine wilderness warrior is getting closer and closer to the Seventh Prince...! !


Void screamed and exploded, only to see a dragon-like figure that was astonishing, and a big hand that endured the brilliant silver flame slapped it fiercely, directly smashing a king-level Spirit Devourer!

Fan Zhuiyang's aura is like a rainbow, and he is so powerful that he has directly killed a king-level spirit swallowing clan!

"As expected of Fan Zhuiyang! It is truly amazing!"

Everyone saw this scene, including the Seventh Prince, and at this moment they also showed a sense of surprise.

But the next moment...

call out! !

The Seventh Prince turned his gaze, and suddenly saw a vague black shadow flashing away in the distance, as if illusory, but the direction of disappearance was the direction of the floating battleship where Ye Wuque was! !

The Seventh Prince's complexion suddenly changed! !

Although the seven dragons were at war, they all saw the blurry shadows that flashed by! !

"That direction is... the floating battleship where Brother Ye is located!!"

Fan Zhuiyang noticed this immediately!

"Lord Acacia? Did the owner of Acacia do an attack on Brother Ye?"

Meng Linghui's beautiful eyes condensed! !

Yu Wenshang's expression also changed in an instant, and the complexions of the seven dragons all changed!

"Yuwenshang!! Can you please take action to stop the Xiangsi poster!!"

At this moment, the seven princes shouted loudly, directed at Yu Wenshang!

"Your Majesty, rest assured! Yuwen is here! No matter what the lovesick host, as long as I am here, no one can hurt Brother Ye a vellus!"

Yuwen didn't have any hesitation, his eyes were like a knife, his whole body boiled with lightning, and he rushed in the direction where the fuzzy shadow was going, and madly intercepted him!

The Seventh Prince watched Yu Wenshang chasing him, feeling a little settled.

Originally he wanted Wang Shian to go, but now Wang Shian is the leader of the imperial dragon army's combined attack, and he can't go out at all. As the commander of the six legions, he can't do without!

And the only qualified to stop the Acacia poster is only seven dragons!

But for the seven dragons, the seven princes are also here... be on guard!

Only Yuwenshang here can rest assured the Seven Princes, because Yuwenshang's life was saved by Ye Wuque. Compared with the other six dragons, Yuwenshang's trust value is obviously higher here.

"Zongshi Ye..."

Something seemed to be heard, and a deep meaning flashed in the depths of the Seventh Prince's eyes.

And the six dragons are too late to watch, because the remaining king-level Spirit Devourers have once again been madly killed!

Just now!

The Shenhuang warrior who quietly approached the Seventh Prince had reached the most marginal position, and only twelve old eunuchs were left in front of him at this moment!

the other side!

Yu Wenshang's speed is fast to the extreme, electric light boiling, without reservation!

And the direction in which the fuzzy shadow disappeared was the floating battleship where Ye Wuque was located!


Yu Wenshang came to the Imperial Dragon Army, and Ye Wuque was on the floating battleship and rushed in! !

"The comer stops!!"

Inside the floating battleship, there was a sudden burst of shouts, and it was from the Emperor Dragon Army guarding here!

Even though the outside spirit swallowing clan had invaded and killed, the Seventh Prince still left enough emperor dragon troops to guard here to protect Ye Wuque!

It shows that the Seventh Prince paid much attention to Ye Wuque.

"I'm Yu Wenshang!"

The electric light surged, Yu Wenshang showed his figure, but his brows were slightly frowned!

"Uncle Yu Wen!"

The eyes of these emperor dragons suddenly flashed.

However, at this moment, Yu Wenshang was looking at these emperor dragon army with a vigilant and sharp look, and his eyes swept through each emperor dragon army like a falcon!

"I am chasing the Acacia host, and the Acacia host must have arrived, but I am chasing behind, the Acacia host must not have time to do it the first time, but the Acacia host has disappeared after chasing here!

"The Acacia poster is good at hiding, he won't disappear for no reason! So there may be... Acacia posters among you!!"

Yu Wenshang looked like a knife, and as he opened his mouth, he calmly and carefully observed the changes in the expression of each Emperor Dragon Army.

But at the moment, every emperor dragon army showed a shock and incredible expression on his face, and no one showed any flaws.

Yu Wenshang's eyes flashed.

"Uncle Yuwen! Impossible! We are all Emperor Dragon Army! Brothers have been here, a total of three hundred people, no changes have occurred, the original Xiangsi did not come in at all!!"

A dragon army argued loudly!

However, in the next instant, the expression of the arguing Emperor Dragon Army suddenly changed. He looked behind Yu Wenshang and his pupils shrank sharply!

Behind Yuwenshang, I don't know when a tall black figure appeared, showing a human form, wrapped in a black cloth, unable to see the true face, just like a ghost! !

"Be careful behind!!"

The Emperor Dragon Army roared! !