Return Of The War God - Chapter 3579

Chapter 3579

It has been a day since the infiltration and battle of the Shenyin King, and the atmosphere of the six legions has become calm again!

Countless floating warships are still flying to the war fort at extreme speed, and the distance is getting closer.

Since the matter of the Shenyin King, at the request of the five generals and the seventh princes, all the soldiers of the six legions have always been up to 120,000 points!

The King Shenyin can sneak in quietly, even if the other Spirit Swallowing races don't have such skills, they really won't make internal and external contact with the King Shenyin?

Now that the Spirit Swallowing Emperor was captured alive, the Spirit Swallowing Clan must have gone crazy and generally wanted to save their Emperor back. This had to be guarded against.

"Lao Shen, how?"

In the main control room, the five generals and the seventh prince stood together, looking at the map light curtain above the void, and General Obsidian spoke in a deep voice.

"It has been determined back and forth more than a dozen times. This way is the fastest and most hidden way back to the war fortress! Other than that, there is no better choice."

The deep blue general stared at a route that had been drawn out on the light curtain of the map and replied.

"Indeed, the environment of the void battlefield is complicated, and it is impossible to find a perfect path. You can only choose the better one as possible."

The Seventh Prince nodded slowly.

"Then proceed at full speed along this route. At the very least, we are flying disorderly at this stage. We don't even know what the next route is. If we want to, we can confuse the Spirit Devourer for a while."

General Qingxuan rarely spoke, but once he spoke, he hit the nail on the head.

"Our five United Seventh Princes' summons have been sent out. It depends on when the base camp can respond. In this case, it is impossible for your Majesty to not know the importance and seriousness of the matter. It is estimated that this time your Majesty will... Personally recruited!"

"After all, only your Majesty can destroy the Spirit Devouring Emperor!"

General Ziri's urn sounded violently, and the words he said made the atmosphere in the entire total control a sigh.

As the great general of the dynasty, the absolute high-level of the Shenhuang dynasty, who ate under the hands of the Shenhuang Emperor, the five old guys naturally knew the temperament of the Shenhuang Emperor very well.

"General Ziri is right. If the emperor wants to go to the court, no matter how simple it is, the necessary process is still there, but the main hall believes that it will not be delayed for long. The call from the capital is expected to arrive soon. ."

The Seventh Prince also nodded and said, with a calm tone in his tone.

"By the way, Your Highness the Seventh Prince, how is Brother Ye going? Is his injury serious?"

General Piaoxue suddenly looked at the Seventh Prince and asked.

The other four generals also looked at the Seventh Prince together, with a touch of sincere concern in their eyes.

"The five generals don't worry. Grandmaster Ye is in retreat for healing. I just went to the door this morning and saw that the situation of Grandmaster Ye is slowly getting better."

The Seventh Prince smiled faintly.

"That's great! This time, if it wasn't for Brother Ye, maybe it really wouldn't be the **** King of God!"

General Obsidian said with emotion.

"Ever since Brother Ye came to this frontline, we have seen all the accomplishments, one by one, with our own eyes! You can say unceremoniously that without Brother Ye, we would never be able to go now!"

General Piaoxue said boldly.

Everyone nodded slowly!

From the beginning of the burning of evil spirits, to the improvement of the joint battle formation, to the interception of the Assassin King in the Tiankeng Ruins battle, the Shenyin King was found in the six legions, and finally he tried his best to force Shenyin out. king!

This is a real achievement!

Enough to convince anyone!

"No matter what, no one can obliterate the glorious deeds of Brother Ye. After seeing your Majesty, our five old guys will definitely help Brother Ye to prove and ask your Majesty for credit!!"

This sentence, the General Piaoxue, said categorically, beyond doubt!

The seventh prince also showed joy in his eyes here. Seeing that the friendship between the five generals and Grandmaster Ye was so deep, he was naturally extremely excited!

The seventh prince suddenly said: "Thank you for the five generals, the main hall represents Master Ye's sense of advancement..."

Rumble! !

Suddenly, a huge roar suddenly came from far and near, like thunder and thunder, causing monstrous fluctuations! !

The five generals and the seventh prince changed in an instant! !

Didididi! !

In the next instant, the extremely sharp and piercing siren sounded frantically, completely alarming the entire six legions! !

"The Spirit Devouring Race is coming!"

"Enlighten General! The Spirit Devouring Race is coming!!"

The screams from the warrior of the gods who were in charge of vigilance sounded in the messaging system and echoed in the general control room.

At this moment, the sights of the five generals and the seven princes and six people met instantly, and they all saw the shock in each other's eyes!

We must know that the route of the six major legions at this moment is completely disorderly, even they themselves don't know which way they will go next, but the spirit swallowing tribe actually appeared in front of the six major legions so accurately? ?

"Is this the strength of the Spirit Devouring Race? The entire void battlefield has been eaten so deeply by them?"

There was a condensed color in General Obsidian's tone.

"Small the Spirit Swallowing Race! But it's not surprising that the Spirit Swallowing Race has been entrenched in the depths of nothingness for a long time, and its tentacles have been spread all over the place. This time, because of the Spirit Swallowing Emperor, they are bound to be extremely crazy, without reservation, I It is even certain that they can appear right in front of us in such a quasi-group, absolutely at a huge price!"

"Don't forget, the Soul Swallowing Blood Escape of the Stabbing King, and the Giant Eye King's Swallowing Void Escape Dharma. These are all we have seen with our own eyes. The Spirit Swallowing Clan has similar spatial secrets like this, and perhaps even more powerful!"

"Also, our intuition tells us that the attack this time is not a decisive battle. They can't send enough spirit swallowing armies, maybe just to...have us!!"

The deep blue general added in time, hit the nail on the head!