Return Of The War God - Chapter 3473

Chapter 3473

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"I really didn't see it! Brother Ye, you really look handsome, like a little white face."

"But not only has the ability to refine alchemy been great, it has reproduced the ancient glory silver **** fire pill, and got a marquis title from your majesty! Unexpectedly, the ability to fight is even more powerful! Destiny! One of the twelve dragons in the capital, that's it I was so dry by you! It's really awesome!"

When Master Wan's words fell, Ye Wuque couldn't laugh or cry.

Wang Shi'an on the side was also shocked at the moment. He didn't expect that the immortal Master Wan Zong would still have such a bold side when speaking.

"Brother Wan, don't make fun of me, I can't help it, but it's just mediocre..."

Ye Wuque spread his hands and revealed an expression of "I'm actually not that good, I'm all set off by others".

In the next moment, the two laughed together!

"Silver God Fire Pill! Brother Ye, you are really amazing, you can't accept it! Your Majesty praises you as the first extraordinary alchemist in the history of the royal capital! I can no longer agree with these words, brother!"

Master Wan Zong finally thought of Ye Wuqian's achievements in front of him, and he was full of admiration.

"Everything doesn't go to the Three Treasures Hall! Brother Ye, with your current status, you will definitely not come to the royal alchemist for no reason. Let's talk, if there is anything, I will take care of it for you, brother!"

The so-called people are old and spirits, and ghosts are old and slippery, how old is Master Wan Zong now? What is not clear?

He could naturally see that if Ye Wuque could come here in person, there must be something to do.

As the chief alchemist of the royal alchemist, he exists as the boss, and he has the right to speak on this one-third of the land.

"Brother Wan is still amazing, and his eyes are like a torch!"

Ye Wuque showed his thumb to Master Wan.

"Master Wan, this is the case. The three princes sent a corpse of the Spirit-Swallowing Race to our Wonder Mansion. Doesn't this follow the rules all the corpses of the Spirit-Swallowing Race must be handed over to the research branch of the Royal Alchemist?"

"But before that, after Grandmaster Ye inspected the corpse of the Spirit Swallowing tribe, he had a hint of alchemy inspiration, so he wanted to see more corpses of the Spirit Swallowing tribe, so he followed me personally. Got up."

Wang Shi'an spoke with a trace of respect at this moment, telling the cause of the matter, and Ye Wuque nodded slowly.

Hearing this, Master Wan Zong looked at Ye Wuque again with weird and shocked expressions!

"Brother Ye, you can see the inspiration for alchemy even from a corpse? Is it so awesome?"

Master Ye coughed dryly: "It's a little bit, but it's still very vague, but you must know that Brother Wan, at our level, sometimes with a little inspiration, a brand-new prescription, a brand-new prescription Alchemy techniques..."

Master Wan Zong nodded slowly and his expression became solemn.

As an extraordinary alchemist, he naturally knows the meaning of Ye Wuque's words. At the level of an extraordinary alchemist, it is almost too difficult to think about at night. Maybe he will not be able to make an inch in his life, so sometimes a sudden inspiration is really precious. Maybe it's a brand new road.

As for Ye Wuque's statement that alchemy inspiration can also appear on the corpse here, Master Wan did not have any doubts!


The alchemist who can reproduce the ancient glory of the Silver God Fire Pill, this amazing existence is naturally a genius far beyond ordinary people!

Is Ge Shitian the same as ordinary people?

Even if you go to the toilet to take a **** and breathe, some inspiration flashes away!

What's wrong with looking at a corpse?

it's common!

"That's it?"

"Why is it important?"

"Come and come! Brother Ye and Vice-Palace Wang, go in together. Don't worry, if I'm there, the Royal Alchemist can still walk sideways on this three-centre acre of land! Isn't it just looking at the corpses of the Spirit Devourers? It's very simple!"

"I also want to thank you, Brother Ye. As soon as I came back, your Majesty ordered me to refine the Silver God Fire Pill. Tsk tsk, it really opened my eyes to my brother! This kind of whimsy has been yours. I thought of it! Even Nebula is capable of..."

At the moment, Grandmaster Wan took Ye Wuque and Wang Shi'an into the royal alchemist, and while walking, Grandmaster Wan was still mumbling with Ye Wuque.

After entering the royal alchemist, Ye Wuque realized the luxury and extravagance here!

The palaces are magnificent, and all kinds of resources are available, almost even the ultimate destination of the alchemist!

"Brother Ye, have you seen it? The gloomy-looking hall in front is the place for the group of guys who have been studying the corpses of the Spirit-Decanting tribe. All the trophies of the Spirit-Decanting tribe collected from the front are finally sent here. I am afraid that there have been tens of thousands of them in the past few decades! However, the study of the corpses must be depleted, and it is estimated that there are only a few hundred left."

Master Wan Zong led the way, leading Ye Wuque and Wang Shi'an to a black-gray hall. From the outside, it was indeed gloomy and exuded a faint chill.

"Open the door! I have something to do!"

When he walked to the door, Master Wan Zong shouted directly, which made Ye Wuque and Wang Shian look weird.

The more you come into contact with Master Wan, the more you feel that the appearance of the fairy wind road bone is indeed disguised. This is the true posture of Master Wan.


After a long time, the gate of this palace slowly opened, and a tall and thin man with a pale face, like a ghost, walked out of it. He frowned and looked outside. After seeing Master Wan, his expression was reduced and said: "Wan Grandmaster, what's the matter?"

"A corpse of the Spirit Devouring Race, send it over."

Wang Shian handed over the storage ring with the corpse of the Spirit-Swallowing Race, the person's eyes flashed, took it over, and then closed the door.

"Close what door? Didn't see Tian Danhou here? Get out of here, there is something wrong with going in!"

Then Grandmaster Wan pushed away the tall and thin man, and directly took Ye Wuque and Wang Shian into the hall.

"Master Wan! This is not in compliance with the rules!"

The tall and thin man immediately followed behind and shouted!

But Master Wanzong didn't care at all, and went straight forward.

Ye Wuque also went deep into this palace, and suddenly found that there were dozens of researchers who looked as pale as tall and thin men, and did not see the sun all year round.

Each one looks like ghosts, which makes people shudder.

The three of them swaggered in, and they all frowned immediately!

"Master Wan, what are you doing? This is the research branch. Outsiders are forbidden to enter!"

I saw an old man of the same age standing up and speaking to Master Wan Zong in a bad tone.

"My brother wants to come in and take a look at the corpse of the Spirit Devouring Race. If you are busy with you, he will be well soon."

Master Wan speaks neither salty nor indifferent.

It can be seen that the relationship between Master Wan and these researchers is average.

"No way!"

"Absolutely not!"

"The corpse of the Spirit Swallowing Race is of great importance. How can you allow outsiders to covet it?"

"Get out at once!!"

At this moment, the researchers all seemed to blow up their hairs, and suddenly spoke sharply, and the whole hall sounded one after another shouting!

"To Laozi...shut up!!!"

A loud shout rang out from Master Wanzong's mouth, like a lion roar, instantly suppressing everyone's voices, and a majestic soul power filled their mouths, making the ghost-like researchers all tremble!

"Is Lao Tzu asking for your opinion?"

"This is the Royal Alchemist. You are a subordinate organization. What does Lao Tzu say does not work well?"

With a glance, Master Wan Zong is like a lion without anger and majesty, majestic!

Those researchers couldn't help shaking all over!

"Master Wan! You..."

"What are you? Lao Tzu is thinking about you. Look at what you look like now, one by one is like a ghost. It's too unhealthy. Come on, line up, Lao Tzu treats you. Go out to bask in the sun and take a breath of fresh air as your welfare."

"Deputy Palace Master Wang, take a hand, please go out and enjoy the sun!"

"no problem!"

Wang Shian immediately stepped forward, and the cultivation base was vomiting. These weak researchers immediately flew out one by one, and they were all sent out of the hall.

"Hey, take your time, Brother Ye. The corpse of the Spirit Devouring Race is in the hall inside. After reading it, you can call me, Brother!"

After talking with a smile, Master Wan Zong looked comfortable and walked out swaggeringly, Ye Wuque was left alone in the entire hall soon.

Ye Wuque, who was watching the whole process, was also dumbfounded!

How did he think that Master Wan was "reporting private revenge", and then this opportunity to engage these researchers.

But Ye Wuque is still full of gratitude here!

Without further delay, his figure flashed and rushed directly to the inner hall!

When he stepped into the inner hall, his bright eyes suddenly condensed!

I saw a very wide inner hall, from left to right on the ground, densely packed with all kinds of corpses, hundreds of them!

The aura from these corpses is exactly the same as that of the strange man's mansion, from the same source!

"Hundreds of corpses of the Spirit Devourer..."

Looking at these corpses, Ye Wuque's eyes lit up, and he immediately stepped forward.

Just when he approached the nearest corpse of the Devouring Spirit Race, inside Yuanyang Ring, the dead bronze ancient mirror changed again, and a faint suction radiated from it!

Upon seeing this, Ye Wuque felt a little excited!

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