Return Of The War God - Chapter 2685

Chapter 2685

Moon God Palace, as Yue Wuji subdued the Konghua God Danhou, she fell into a dead silence, but at this moment in the secret place outside the Moon God Palace, there are young figures standing each, three men and one woman, obviously guarding Moon God Palace, in case there is any accident.

These four figures can be qualified to guard before the Moon God Palace, naturally it is the four great generals who have been born with Yue Wuji and have sung the entire Beidou Dao Jizong!

The woman among them is naturally the blue peacock that just came out of the Moon God Palace!

And one of the remaining three men is tall and thin, and his body exudes a sharp meaning, like a long sword out of its sheath, with cold eyes!

This person is named Black Blade!

"After busying for a long time, I finally helped Young Master successfully repair the Konghua Divine Pill, Kong'er, it seems that your alchemy has improved again! Now I am afraid that it has reached the extreme of the clover alchemist, right? "

A laughter sounded, not from the black blade, but from the second of the three men!

This is a man with five short stature, deformed body, but with a smile on his face, and looks harmless to humans and animals, but his body is full of majestic breath!

And if his smile catches the second glance, he will be shocked that it is not that humans and animals are harmless, but that it is like a tiger barking its teeth, which is frightening!


It is the name of this dwarf, it really is the name!

And the "Kong E" in the mouth of the short-footed tiger is the last of the three men!

Compared to the tall and thin black blade, the deformed short-footed tiger, this Kong'er looks much more normal, and even completely... handsome!

Wearing a white-gray martial arts robe, at this moment, his arms leaned against the wall of the outer hall of the Moon God Palace, a piece of grass hanging in his drunk, dangling leisurely, seemed to be leisurely proud.

But Kong'er's eyes seemed to have a hint of coldness anytime and anywhere, as if it was born innate, which could not be the case.

"The Super Tenth Rank Konghua Divine Pill is indeed amazing! With my current alchemy, it is far from being able to be refined, but only to restore it, but it still can't help me. This is also a good learning opportunity. It opened my eyes!"

"This empty Huazong's Zhenzong Shendan is really not easy!"

Kong'e spoke, his voice with a deep meaning and a sonorous feeling.

"Hey! The young master is inherently talented, but he was the evildoer selected by the master of the past when he searched all over the world. Now he has reached the level of the god-level peerless king before he is fifty years old!"

"Now with this Konghua Divine Pill, it is hard to imagine what step the Young Master will reach after refining the pill? I really wait and see!"

Black Blade opened his mouth with a smile, revealing a touch of deep anticipation.

Immediately, he seemed to think of something again, and glanced in the direction of the Purple Spirit Secret Realm, a deep disdain and mockery poured out of it!

"That Ye Wuque really doesn't know good or bad!"

"Not only did he dare to refuse the invitation of the young master, but he even wanted to get involved with the'Beidou Saint Son'. It's not a lofty thing, what a pitiful thing!"

Black Blade's words also made the other three people sneer!

"He thought that he had calmed down the battlefield of the Star Territory, and became the king of the gods. After returning to the sect, he can become the first person of this generation?"

"Huh! If the Young Master had not been secretly hidden by Lord Sect Master, cultivated personally, and never born, how could it be his turn to show off his power?"

"As long as the Young Master is willing and enters the star field battlefield, he can also quell the disaster there, and Ye Wuque will only do better! Even more gorgeous!"

This is the voice of the dwarf tiger, with a hint of arrogance, and a sneer towards Ye Wuque!

Kong'e held the grass in his mouth, and took it down with his hands at the moment, his eyes flickered and then he said: "The young master is naturally unparalleled in the world, born with great fortune, one day he will dominate under this starry sky, but there is one thing to say. This Ye Wuque is indeed extremely extraordinary!"

"When he entered the Purple Spirit Secret Realm half a year ago, he was still as weak as an ant. He didn't expect that the Starfield Battlefield and his party would soar all the way to this point! The level of God's Peerless King, how many people have been blocked since endless years? "

Kong'er's voice was solemn.

"Kong'er, you are wrong! Although I have not been to the Starfield Battlefield, it is said that there are countless opportunities and good luck there. This Ye Wuqian may have gotten a chance because of some shit. Good luck, the cultivation base is advancing by leaps and bounds.

"But what does this count? Relying on luck to make such rapid progress in such a short period of time, these cultivation bases were not cultivated by him at all. Maybe they are vain, just empty, how can you compare with the young master?"

The dwarf tiger curled his lips, a kind of mockery.

"That's right! Even if you are at the same level as the peerless king of the gods, there will be a difference between superior and inferior! Who is the young master? It is always commonplace to fight with the weak and the higher the ranks. Ye Wuque is just a small one? Hey! Wait! When the selection meeting arrives, the young master will teach him how to be a man! Let him understand what the dimensional gap is!"

Black Blade laughed contemptuously, determined and coldly!

During the whole process, the Blue Peacock did not speak, but a pair of beautiful eyes was filled with chill, and it was obvious that he was always worried about being taken by Ye Wuque in Daoji Square before!

"Okay, enough to talk about, spread it out, and protect the Moon God Palace."

Finally, the Blue Peacock spoke, and the four of them flashed and disappeared around the Moon God Palace.

The ninth level of realm is peaceful and quiet, and it seems that the passage of time is not felt at all.

Soon, within seven days, blinking.

In other words, after tonight, when the sun rises tomorrow, it will be the day of the "Beidou Son" selection meeting!

At this moment, the Purple Spirit Secret Realm.


The purple ocean is boiling and roaring, and the mighty boiling power is rushing between the heaven and the earth, as in the past, without any change.

But at the No. 1 position of the word that day, there was a purple light curtain that twisted the void!

Endless pure elementary power gathered here as if swallowed by a whale, and then was swallowed greedily and madly by a terrible and violent suction, like a mud cow entering the sea, completely disappearing!

This scene lasted for seven days!

At this moment, if you look from a distance, you will find that this endless purple light curtain is more like a condensed purple... giant cocoon! !

Swallowing pure vitality, constantly absorbing and growing, waiting for the final break out of the cocoon!


Until a certain moment...

There was a huge roar in the entire Purple Spirit Secret Realm, and the tossing purple sea actually began to boil to the limit, and the sky was overwhelmingly surging. The Purple Spirit Secret Realm actually shook the mountain and shook, as if it was going to heaven!

At the same time, the giant purple cocoon that was condensed from the first position of the word on that day burst into a fiery golden brilliance!