Return Of The War God - Chapter 2677

Chapter 2677

Balao's master?

How many years have passed?

I am afraid it has been hundreds of thousands of years! !

"No one knows how the Xiaotianshu of Good Fortune appeared on Kaiyang Star, and the way it exists is extremely bizarre. According to the research of the first masters and suzerains in the past, this exercise method is not even the exercise method of the Beidou Dao Jizong at all!"

"And it seems to be alive!"

"Only when it meets a suitable descendant, it will automatically appear, and it will automatically be branded in that person's mind and let him practice!"

"It's so amazing?"

Ye Wuque was completely shocked now!

The exercises are spiritual!

Will also choose the descendants of their own!

It's incredible!

"However, although this small book of good fortune is mysterious, the death rate of those descendants it believes to be consistent with the actual practice has reached...90%!"

"It can be said that although this gong is not magical or evil, it is an incomprehensible detachment method!"

"At the beginning, I was very curious. I once asked the disciples who were selected by the Xiaotianshu of Good Fortune. They could not tell the specific training content of the Xiaotianshu of Good Fortune, but they told me about the mystery of the Xiaotianshu of Good Fortune."

"Anyone who wants to practice this skill must be... a heart-dead person!"

This immediately made Ye Wuque puzzled!

"Deadhearted? What do you mean?"

"Sorrow is greater than death! Have you heard of this sentence?"

"Ba Lao, you mean..."

"Yes! All the creatures who are qualified to practice the Xiaotianshu have experienced unimaginable changes! That is to say, each of your four senior brothers and sisters has had an indelible pain in the past. !"

"Only at the moment of heart death can you sense the existence of the Little Book of Good Fortune, but once the heart dies, the vast majority of living beings don't want to live anymore. Little Heaven Book!"

Balao's explanation made Ye Wuque a little dumbfounded!

"In other words, only those who live like walking corpses can cultivate the Xiaotianshu?"

"Almost the truth."

"Hi! There is still such a technique between heaven and earth?"

Ye Wuque exclaimed.

"This is really the first step. After you formally practice the Little Book of Good Fortune, the cultivator will have weird changes. Everyone is different. For example, your four senior brothers and sisters, you will not be unfamiliar with the weirdness of them. Right?"

Ye Wuque's eyes suddenly condensed! !

"Big brother has been in retreat, never seeing the sun, and will always lock himself in the dark stone room!"

"Five Senior Sisters stood on the cliff all day long, chanting the same sentence, deserted, miserable and miserable, like walking corpses!"

"Senior brother, he is in the eyes of ordinary people...a fool, his mind stays, like a three to five-year-old child, he will never grow up!"

"And the seemingly most normal Third Senior Brother, his cultivation level has always been... Heavenly Soul Great Perfection! And the whole person is too perfect regardless of appearance or personality! Perfect or even unreal!"

In an instant, the weirdness of the four senior brothers and sisters appeared in Ye Wuque's mind!

This is the weird he discovered when he first worshipped the Kaiyang line!

At this moment, after hearing Balao's explanation, Ye Wuque seemed to have a flash of lightning in his mind!

"Could this be the weird changes brought about by the masters and the others after they practiced the Xiaotianshu?"

"No accident, that's it!"

Balao spoke again, and even sighed: "If you want to achieve a small book of good fortune, you must endure strange changes that you can't imagine yourself, and even...hardship!"

"One is gone, one is mad, one is silly, and the other is like a waste. This kind of tribulation, I don't even know when it will end, how many creatures can survive?"

"Hey, these four little guys have survived to the present, to the completion of the ordeal, to the nirvana of good fortune!!"

"They...not easy!"

"There are four of them in the fading Kaiyang line. After all, it is God's pity!!"

Balao's tone even brought a hint of excitement, and even a hint of undisguised appreciation!

"Complete suffering? Nirvana of good fortune? Balo, you mean..."

Endless excitement came out of Ye Wuque's eyes suddenly!

"Yes! If I didn't expect it to be wrong, they have gone through the most difficult years and ushered in the final stage of life and death when they practiced the Xiaotianshu! That is... the nirvana of good fortune!"

"If this nirvana succeeds, these hardships and sufferings will all be fed back to them by unimaginable forces of good fortune. The years of their sacrifices and the price they endured will be completely returned. They will be truly... Soar!!"

"But if you fail, then you will be defeated. Everything you have endured and all the hardships you have experienced in the past will be in vain, and you will die directly without a corpse!"

Balao's voice became heavy!

"So is there any way to help them?"

Ye Wuque was a little anxious.

"No, the nirvana of good fortune is their own last hurdle, only relying on their own strength, outsiders can't help at all!"

In front of the stone house, Ye Wuque's eyes suddenly condensed!

"In other words, the big brothers are actually... betting on their lives?"


In the Soul Space, Balao was also sighing.

"Really not..."


"No! Xiner!!!"

However, just when Ye Wuque wanted to ask Balao unwillingly to give up, from the stone house beside him, a roar full of pain and struggle suddenly came!

"No! It's a big brother!!"

Ye Wuque's complexion changed drastically in an instant, and he looked into the stone house immediately, the power of the soul shrouded in an instant, and his pupils suddenly shrank violently!

He saw that the big brother who was sitting still and sitting still trembling violently at this time, the entangled iron chains clanged like a black snake dancing, and the big brother was constantly coughing up blood. The magical state that seemed to blend in with nothingness disappeared, and Ye Wuque suddenly felt the state of the big brother at this moment!

Very bad!

It's like a candle in the wind, when the oil is exhausted and the lamp dies, it will go out at any time! !