Return Of The War God - Chapter 2473

Chapter 2473

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a gentle force enveloped himself, and then dragged his body towards the rear at extreme speed, and Tang Yu, who had been lying on his back, jumped down and took a picture directly. To the three snake shadows!

With a bang, the three snake shadows were smashed by Tang Yu, but he was also hit hard, and blood spurted out one after another, and the whole person's breath was withered to the extreme, as if it had become a candlelight in the wind, but even so, Tang Yu A touch of determination and fierceness still surging in those eyes!

In the next moment, he didn't even stop, and the last force in his body broke back towards General Hua She!

Tang Yu has already decided to sacrifice himself to hold General Hua She!


Upon seeing this, the eyes of Kong Su, who was sent away by Tang Yu in the distance, instantly turned red, and he immediately rushed over desperately!


"Remember your mission! If you dare to look back, even if I die, I won't forgive you! We can't let our dead comrades die in vain! Let me go!"


Tang Yu didn't even turn his head here, and he shouted directly, because he knew that if he didn't speak, Kong Su would do his best to come back and fight side by side with him!


Hearing that, Kong Su's body that was about to rush out suddenly stagnated, and tears slipped from his scarlet eyes!

He clenched his fists tightly together, his face was full of pain!


"Be careful!"

"Brother Cheng!"

"Leave me alone! Go! Be sure to send out the information!"

At this moment, there was a miserable howling sound from all directions, and it was obvious that the four strong men who rushed out of General Hua She had caught up with the other soldiers of our camp at this moment and were intercepting them.

These captains, captains lost, and some were beheaded instantly!

At this moment, a ten thousand captain watched his comrade-in-arms brother being caught in his hands by the strong man, blood and tears fell in his eyes, just like Kong Su, and finally chose to leave!

"I hate snakes the most! If you want me to die, you can go on the road with Laozi! Hahahahaha..."

The captured marquee looked up to the sky and laughed wildly. There was a kind of majesty and arrogance in the laughter, and then only heard a loud roar, the marquee brazenly chose to explode!

The same scene happens in all directions!

The roar of self-detonation kept ringing!

Those commanders who were seriously injured and knew they could not escape, all chose to sacrifice themselves to hold the strong men, just to let the less injured commanders escape!

A well-known man was swallowed under the wanton exposure and exploded completely, but all the weird ones turned into dead black snakes, falling powerlessly into the void!

In the end, only three people seemed to escape, including Kong Su!

Kong Su was running frantically, the wind whistling in his ears, tears slipping down his face, but he knew that he had to go. Among the remaining three people, only he had the opportunity to send out the information!

"Oh, it's really annoying..."

On the eight-lifted sedan chair, Hua Sheda slowly got up at this moment, the weird Snake pupil looked at the three people, Kong Su, who was about to escape, and then glanced at Tang Yu who was definitely coming, licking her face with disgusting tongue. Suddenly smiled slightly.


In the next moment, the starry sky suddenly changed!

I saw a huge light curtain suddenly lit up within a radius of a million miles, which actually sealed the entire void, sealing the way for the three of Kongsu!

In an instant, the expressions of Kong Su and the three in the three directions suddenly changed!

"Cocococo...a group of ants, I will accompany you to play slowly! Don't waste your energy, this ban can't be broken even if it is a real high-ranking general!"

"Are you desperate?"

General Hua Snake stepped out, smiling, his red robe danced, rushing towards Tang Yu, one arm stretched out, stretched out of thin air, and brushed over Tang Yu's left shoulder!

=See the first edition chapter Kap


Blood suddenly appeared, Tang Yu's right shoulder was immediately torn off a piece of flesh and blood!


The flower snake retracted his arm and swallowed Tang Yu's flesh and blood, with an intoxicated expression on his face.

"People are going to eat you!"

General Hua Snake smiled and said, then his figure flashed, and he rushed towards Tang Yu!


In the distance, Kong Su screamed frantically, rushing over desperately!

The road ahead has been sealed, so I can't go!

If this is the case, then simply fight to the death!

"Oh, it's such a touching friendship between men! Watching others' hearts jump!"

General Hua She is like a ghost, smiling again and again!

At this moment, Tang Yu knelt halfway into the void, looking at General Huashe, a fiery calm surging within him!

In the next moment, an arm of General Hua She caught him again!

"Come with me... die!"

There was a blazing brilliance in Tang Yu's eyes. He stretched out his arms, firmly grasped the arm of General Hua She, and directly chose to blew himself!

But immediately, Tang Yu's face changed suddenly, because he felt that the Yuan Li in his body was actually imprisoned, as if countless small snakes appeared in his body!

Tang Yu showed a wry smile, he understood!

The only blow that the Flower Snake general had hit him had already sent his unique snake spirit into his body, and it broke out at this moment, limiting his everything!

"Stupid ants, they say they want to eat you! Blast is too beautiful!"

With a squeak, the Flower Snake General appeared in front of Tang Yu and said with a smile, but there was a kind of mockery in the Snake Eye!

"Come on, experience the feeling of being eaten!"


General Hua Snake's mouth swelled to the size of three feet, which was terrifying, and he took a bite towards Tang Yu!

"Do not!!!"

In the distance, Kong Su rushed crazy and roared to the sky!

"Are you going to die..."

Tang Yu closed his eyes, but there was a trace of unwillingness in his heart.

"But the information is still not sent out..."

Click! !

However, in the next instant, a thunderous roar suddenly resounded like thunder!

At this moment, the forbidden light curtain covering millions of miles was completely shattered like paper!


At the same time, a loud eagle echoed in the void, only to see an extraordinary golden condor from far and near, as if coming from outside the sky! !

"This is impossible!!!"

The Flower Snake, who was going to bite Tang Yu in one bite, let out an incredibly sharp exclaim at this moment, and the snake's pupils were shrinking violently!

The ban was broken!

This is enough to stop the ban on the pinnacle of a high general!


But then, General Huashe only felt a flower in front of him, and then Tang Yu, who was half kneeling in front of him, disappeared out of thin air, replaced by a tall and slender figure!

Looks fair and handsome, expressionless, with a pair of dazzling eyes staring at him, which is cold and without any emotion, as if looking at a dead person!

"Are you...poof!!"


General Hua She had just spoken, but before it had finished speaking, it let out a miserable howl!

Because one of its arms was torn off alive!

In an instant blood splashed, and the smell of blood permeated!