Return Of The War God - Chapter 1972

Chapter 1972


In the next instant, everyone heard a strange and unparalleled crane roar!

I saw that with Ye Wuque's arms swinging, a demon crane flew out, full of dark gold, wide wings, one wing as a god, one wing as a demon, the gods and demons were united, soaring into the sky!

The demon crane stretched its wings, then swooped down, and rushed into the black and white Tai Chi in the realm of yin and yang, entrenched in it, the wings and yin and yang were perfectly integrated!


A demon aura that shattered the sky exploded, and the black light soared into the sky, and Ye Wuque seemed to reopen behind him. The two powers continued to merge, seeming to be nurturing incredible power!

Countless people between heaven and earth have already turned into clay sculptures, staring at Ye Wuque in a daze!

"Hahahaha...something to pretend to be a ghost! Want to kill me even if I can't find it anywhere? It just laughs at me!"

At this moment, Long Xueying's sneer full of disdain and contempt resounded in the void. He appeared out of sight and hidden space, no one could find it, so Ye Wuque's words were completely a joke in his eyes.

But at the moment when he sneered down, Ye Wuque on the Wudou stage also smiled!

For some reason, that smile made Long Xueying, who was hiding in the depths of space, inexplicably cold!


Crane shook the sky, and the brilliance behind Ye Wuque was intense to the extreme, and the ultimate ultimate move conceived finally took shape. The black and black brilliance was born, covering all the deserts, and there is a demon aura that stretches across nine heavens and ten places!

"You didn't need this trick to kill you, this is your glory! Sky demon... Yin and Yang mill!"

Ye Wuque's black hair was stirring, his tone was mysterious and sonorous, and the whole person was even more eccentric and unparalleled. When the last word fell, the world suddenly went dark!

I saw a demon crane soaring into the sky, turning it into a dark golden millstone!

That millpan is strange, mysterious, and radiant, shrouded in yin and yang, and it is surrounded by the ghost of the demon crane, gently rotating, and then crushing ten directions!

With this turn, everything has been ground into nothingness!

Regardless of the power of your space and the emptiness of all directions, they all have nowhere to hide under this dark gold millstone, suppressing destruction!

The demon yin and yang mill!

This is exactly the second ultimate ultimate move that Ye Wuque comprehended after combining the yin and yang domains among the three infinite domains and the Niluantian demon after Samsara Immortal Slash!

Today is finally present, crush all things!

The void collapses, the sky is twisted!

Only the dark gold millstone between heaven and earth became the eternal one, and wherever it passed, all the power of space was surrendered, as if it was the absolute king who controlled all the power of space in these nine heavens and ten earth!

"My... the power of space! Ahhh! No...impossible! Impossible! How could you find me!!!"

A miserable howl full of despair and trembling resounded suddenly, and in the depths of the void, a figure staggered out, with a kind of extreme panic and madness, and the incredible face was Long Xueying!

He was enveloped in black light all over his body, and the dark gold grinding plate above his head was quietly lying, yin and yang two qi boiled, and the demon crane screamed!

"I don't believe it! I don't believe it! Ye Wuque! You die for me!"

The frightened and desperate Long Xueying rushed towards Ye Wuque frantically. The way of assassination he was so proud of was so easily broken by Ye Wuque, he couldn't accept all this!

He didn't know the magical power of the dark gold millstone above his head, but he felt a kind of tremor from above, that was the death power he could not resist!

So he will drag Ye Wuque to die together!

However, looking at Long Xueying who was madly killed in hysterics, Ye Wuque had no expression on his face. He just spoke lightly and said three words.

"Get on the road."

The moment the voice fell, the dark gold millstone suddenly turned slightly!

This turn!

Yin and Yang are messed up!

Space disappeared!

Turn upside down!

Everything in the universe seems to be wiped out with this turn!

"Do not!!!"

A desperate howl resounded, and they saw in the horrified eyes of countless people, they saw Long Xueying's body extremely distorted like a twist, followed by a chuckle, bursting like a watermelon falling to the ground Open it, it bursts into a sky full of ground meat!

Long Xueying, die!

No bones left!

It's as if being put in the millstone, being wiped out alive, even the corpse capital can't be found, and the soul will be destroyed!

This way of death is too miserable!

Above the void, when the dark gold grinding disc slowly disappeared, the heavens and the earth returned to normal again, but the Wudoutai was like a rain of blood, and the ground was completely red!

Long Xueying's bones were not there, but his blood remained, spilled down and stained on the martial arts platform, proving that he had ever existed.

Everything happened so fast!

A moment ago, Long Xueying clearly still had the upper hand, constantly launching mysterious attacks on Ye Wuque, but at this moment he was so dead that he could not even find the corpse capital!

Is this a dream?

Between the deadly world, everyone present seemed to have turned into a clay sculpture, their complexion turned pale, and their hearts roared!

Fu Yue is dead!

Being beaten up by Ye Wuque's eight punches, the body is still on the martial arts stage at the moment, it is estimated that it is not cold!

Now Long Xueying is also dead!

Was obliterated by Ye Wuque's mysterious trick, there is no bones, and it is worse than Fu Yue!

All this is a long story, in fact it takes less than a quarter of an hour from beginning to end!

In less than a quarter of an hour, Fierce Fire was ranked first and second, and the two masters in the top five of the seventh level realm died so thoroughly!

All of Baili Fenghuo's right and left arms were killed, and Ye Wuque downplayed them all!

"You got rid of your two dogs, and a lot of quiet, now I'm leaving you, I'll send you to see them, so that your master and servant can be reunited... Come and lead to death."

On the martial arts stage, Ye Wuque stood tall, condescendingly looking at the beacon of Baili, speaking lightly, with a self-respectful spirit, stern and domineering!

Below the martial arts platform, Baili beacon stood like a demon, his right and left arm was cut off by Ye Wuque so lightly, and his face was beaten naked. At this moment, he should have been angry with killing intent, but the strange thing is, Not so!

On the contrary, those flame-like eyes stared at Ye Wuque, and the inside was unpredictable!

Finally, the indifferent voice of Baili Fenghuo slowly sounded!

"The one who killed me, you deserved to die! But now I changed my mind and gave you a chance to survive! As long as you treat me as my master and be my dog, I can spare you not to die, how?"

"Be sure to choose well, after all, I rarely show mercy once."

Baili Fenghuo's words resounded, with a kind of extreme composure and calmness, as well as a kind of indifference, which made everyone's mind roar violently and their pupils shrank sharply!

It's hard to believe!

Ye Wuque cut off his right arm, proving his boundless terror!

But Baili Fenghuo actually said such a thing!

He actually saw Ye Wuque's strength, and wanted Ye Wuque to treat him as his master and be his dog!

What kind of terrible gesture is this?

Baili Fenghuo is really an unpredictable big demon god, unmoving, dominating the world, without putting anyone in my eyes, I am invincible!

On the Wudou stage, Ye Wuque laughed softly when he heard Baili Fenghuo's words.

With a slight smile, he directly sounded: "Otherwise, if you give me three beeps, I will disturb you not to die, how about it? After all, it is rare for me to show mercy, you choose carefully."

As soon as these words came out, everyone knew that a stunning showdown would never sleep!

"A reptile is a reptile, stupid and lowly, without the only chance to survive, then go and die."

Baili Fenghuo shook his head slightly, seemingly regretful, but immediately a murderous intent that went straight for nine days boiled, shaking the world!



The two auras fought against each other in the air, if they could wipe out everything!

However, just as the stunning showdown was about to unfold, an old and heavy voice suddenly came from above the sky!


The moment this old and heavy voice resounded, there was also a boundless force that followed, and directly understate the momentum of Ye Wuque's and Baili Fenghuo's confrontation, so that the raging atmosphere was directly dissipated!

But Ye Wuque's eyes on the Wudou stage flashed at this moment!

Because he knows this old and heavy voice!

When he soared all the way up from under the stars before, it was this voice that announced his success every time!

Obviously, the owner of this voice must be the real big man in this seventh-level realm!