Return Of The War God - Chapter 1875

Chapter 1875

"Everyone who appears on the Glory Square at this moment has passed yesterday's trial and obtained the qualification to participate in the rank meeting. It is enough to prove that you can all be called an alchemist, but a truly qualified alchemist thinks In order to develop a pill, in addition to the most basic plants and trees that need to be controlled, there are two essential conditions!"

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"That is the power of divine mind and the power of fire control!"

"This level will be tested in three rounds, so this first round of testing is for all of you... the power of divine mind!"

When Master Tianyao's voice fell, his right hand suddenly waved in front of him!


Suddenly the entire Glory Square trembled, and all the alchemists on the square looked at the ground in the center of the square instantly!

There was a black stele of the size of a hundred meters, not knowing what kind of material, slowly rising from the ground. The body of the stele was pitch-black and shiny, emitting a deep blackness, like a huge peak from the sky!

After a bang, a black stele of the size of one hundred meters stood in the center of Glory Square. There was still a circle of chains wrapped around it, and it clashed from the bottom of the stele to the top of the stele. Of ancient oppression!

"This black stele contains an ancient divine conscious prohibition. Once activated, it will release the divine coercion covering the entire Glory Plaza. What you have to do is to resist the divine coercion with your own divine power. , If you can resist it, it means you are qualified to enter the second round, if you can't hold it, then it means a failure and you will be eliminated directly!"

"The pressure of divine consciousness will last for half an hour!"

"Give you ten breaths of time to prepare!"

Before the seat, the vast and old voice of Master Tianyao resounded, and countless apprentices who watched stars between heaven and earth couldn't help but open their eyes wide, staring at the black monument!

And the thousands of alchemists on the Glory Square became condensed, and the powerful spirit power exploded almost at the same time, began to accumulate strength, and began to accumulate momentum, making this Glory Square like a god. The ocean of the power of thought!

At the end of the last breathing time, the black stele standing in the center of the square suddenly lit up, and a black light visible to the naked eye erupted from the top of the stele, spreading in all directions, and it instantly enveloped the whole glory. square!


An indescribable horrible coercion exploded in an instant, and every alchemist in the Glory Square seemed to sink suddenly, and his back seemed to suppress a giant peak!

Many of the alchemists' complexions have changed, they are flushed, and they are already trembling slightly!

Obviously, the pressure of this divine mind is extremely terrifying, and it is by no means as simple as it seems. Although countless apprentices of Wangxing can't feel the intensity of the pressure, they can experience it through an alchemist whose face has changed dramatically.

We must know that anyone who can become an alchemist must have the power of divine consciousness far beyond ordinary monks!

"Oh no!"

Suddenly, a roar full of unwillingness and despair sounded from the Glory Square, and the whole face of an alchemist became pale, big beads of sweat slipped from his face, and his body was like being caught by an invisible big hand. In the fierce shooting, it rolled back into the void like a kite with a broken thread, and flew directly outside the Glory Square!


The white-robed guardian standing on the edge of a glory square spoke and announced the result directly!

"I'm not reconciled!"

Just after a breath, another desperate roar sounded. The second alchemist did not have the power to resist the pressure of divine consciousness, and his body also rolled back, flying out of the Glory Square!

"Hold on me! Hold on!"

"I can definitely pass the first round!"

"Never fail like this! Absolutely not!"

Next, almost at the same time, a series of ferocious and crazy roars sounded, and a famous alchemist trembled all over, frantically drumming up all the power of divine consciousness to fight against the coercive divine consciousness emanating from the black tablet, wanting to hold on for half an hour time.

However, the reality is cruel!

I saw a group of silhouettes being crushed by the coercion of the divine mind, swept through the void, with endless despair and ash defeat, rolled out of the glory square, eliminated!

Countless star-gazing apprentices around were already stunned, and some even wondered if it was too crazy!

Because it took only a dozen breaths at the beginning of the first round, nearly a thousand alchemists were eliminated in this way, and almost one-third of them were eliminated at once!

"This... this is simply unimaginable! How strong is the coercion of the divine mind?"

"No! Anyone who can come to participate in this level meeting doesn't have two brushes? They are definitely alchemists who are powerful enough. How can they eliminate so many people in such a short period of time?"

Many apprentice Wangxing are puzzled and full of doubts!


However, in the next moment, as a eliminated alchemist flew out of the Glory Square, he still had his own power of divine consciousness remaining all over his body. At this moment, the chaos spread extremely, and it instantly spread to some close ones. Apprentice Wangxing!

In an instant, all of these star-gazing apprentices suddenly changed their faces, their complexions turned pale, their hearts trembled, and their eyes instantly became terrified and unbelievable!

"Big Soul King! This...this is the realm of the Great Soul King's divine power! But it is still eliminated? How is this possible?"

Everyone finally understood that the pressure of divine consciousness that pervaded the black monument must have reached the level of a high-level soul king, and any alchemist who fails to reach the high-level soul king will be in this first round. All within will be eliminated!

A little bit of time has passed, and there are still alchemists being eliminated. Their spiritual power may be much stronger and deeper than those eliminated at the beginning, but they still have not reached the level of the high-level soul king, at most they can only support it. It took a little longer, after all, he couldn't resist it over time and was eliminated.

"Hey! A genius is a genius, look at Ye Shu, Xue Miaoyi, and Cai Boyuan, they are really amazing!"

Finally, with the constant elimination of people, everyone more easily discovered the power of several genius alchemists!

Hu Qingfeng, Cai Boyuan, and Xu Congliang each stood in place, each as strong as a mountain, with only a trace of solemnity on their faces, standing still, forming with other alchemists who were frantically resisting the power of divine consciousness. Strong contrast!

As the three of them are famous alchemy geniuses, their power of divine consciousness has already reached the level of a high-level soul king. The coercion of divine consciousness on the black tablet can only make them solemn, and there is no other threat.

"Look at Xue Miaoyi! Goddess!"

On Glory Plaza, Xue Miaoyi is undoubtedly the focus of countless star-gazing apprentices' eyes. At this moment, she is like an independent female fairy, standing quietly in place. Compared with the three of Hu Qingfeng, she is undoubtedly more calm. There is no expression on the cold and beautiful face, just like a pretty face in an ancient painting, motionless.

But even Xue Miaoyi's attention is far less than the other three!

These three people are Ye Falcon, Ye Wuque, and the Faceless Man!

When everyone looked at these three people, all of them opened their mouths wide, dumbfounded, and roared!