Return Of The War God - Chapter 1735

Chapter 1735

"I guess it can light up at least three! Even all lights are possible!"

"This Jizi has a deep Zen spirit, I'm afraid this Buddha relationship will belong to Lin Qianhu!"

"Yes! No wonder Lin Qianhu dared to be the first to stand up, this is a direct blockbuster!"

Many blue sea monks outside the Fahua Hall were amazed, and there was a touch of surprise in the eyes looking at Lin Qianhu.

The eyes of the rest of the giants in the hall looking at Lin Qianhu also sighed. This Buddhism Yizi and they asked themselves that they couldn't compare to Lin Qianhu.

"It's a good one to survive and destroy oneself, it is happiness to perish! Just this sentence shows that Lin Qianhu's mastery in Buddhism, I am afraid that most disciples of Purdue Sect cannot be compared."

Ye Wuque's bright eyes flickered with one hand on his cheek, and he secretly praised Lin Qianhu's Jizi.

At this moment, there was a flash of surprise in the clear eyes behind Master Huineng, but Xuan even was replaced by a touch of disdain.

It seems that he has made perfect preparations long ago!


On the wall of the Buddha, the sixteen characters formed by Lin Qianhujizi began to flash, and the first of the four Buddha stones on the wall of the Buddha directly lit up the Buddha's glory!

"It's on! The first Buddha stone is on!"

"Hiss! Will the second one shine?"

Outside the Fahua Hall, the Blue Sea monk exclaimed and stared at the Buddha wall.

I saw that the first Buddha stone on the Buddha wall was two extremes, extremely bright, and finally broke the limit, making the second Buddha stone also light up, but it was undoubtedly inferior to the first Buddha stone!

Lin Qianhu stood under the Buddha wall with two lit Buddha stones reflected in her beautiful eyes. She frowned and muttered to herself: "It's just two, and the second Buddha stone is not perfect. This is me. The limit?"

In the end, under everyone's gaze, two of the four Buddha stones on the Buddha wall lit up, one shining and one flickering, representing the evaluation of Lin Qianhu's Jizi.

The whole world suddenly became silent!

Everyone has already seen how deep Lin Qianhu's Jizi Zen is. It is very extraordinary, but even so, it can only make two of the four Buddha stones light up, which is a big step away from opening the Buddha wall!

For a while, people have to wonder if this was deliberate by the Purdue Sect. Who can really make the Buddha stone light up three pieces?

"Amitabha...Even Lao Na can only make two Buddha stones light up perfectly. This Buddha wall is my Purdue Buddhism inheritance. It is broad and profound. Those who have a deep chance cannot open it, and those who have a deep connection with the Buddha cannot open it."

A Buddha's horn resounded, and the words of Master Hui Neng shocked everyone's heart, and immediately they all began to laugh bitterly.


If this Buddhist wall had been opened so well, it would have been opened by the purdue sect's ancestors long ago, so how could it be kept until now?

"Anyone who has a relationship with my Buddha can come and try."

Liechen sat on the first seat of the Fahua Hall, a loud voice resounded, and he spoke like this.

But everyone here is self-aware, wouldn't it be embarrassing to not have two brushes?

So naturally, there was silence inside and outside the entire Fahua Hall, and no one came forward.

And at this moment, Qing Qing, who had been standing still behind Master Huineng, showed a peaceful and warm smile, and his eyes flashed with conceit and ambition!

"Originally, I thought there would be some powerful characters, but now it seems that a bunch of idiots dare to get involved in the Buddha's predestined relationship? This Buddha's predestiny will only belong to me!"

There was a voice roaring in her heart, and finally she couldn't wait!

However, his gaze at the moment glanced at Ye Wuque, who was sitting on the opposite side, and seeing that the other party was still alive and kicking, a haze flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, Li Qing had determined that Ye Wuque had discovered that he had poisoned himself, and it seemed that he had suppressed the toxicity of Qianjiwan's venom, otherwise half an hour had passed, he should have died suddenly!

But what about it?

Without any evidence, Ye Wuque could only endure this breath even if he knew that he was poisoning him!

Thinking of this, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and the next moment his hands clasped together, a Buddha's horn resounded through the Fahua Hall!


With the title of Qing Buddha Proclaiming, all eyes inside and outside the Fahua Hall looked at him!

"Hi! Is Qing going to play?"

"He is a big brother of Purdue Sect, maybe he is sure to open the Buddhist wall!"

"Extraordinary temperament, warm as jade!"

Someone was whispering, but at this moment, he watched Qing walk out and walked towards the Buddha wall.

Master Hui Neng looked at Qing's back, and a look of expectation and satisfaction flashed in his old eyes.

"Look at the p genuine chapter!

Although his big apprentice didn't have the chance for the little one, he had the same chance with my Buddha since he was a child. He was humble and polite, and everyone in the school refused to accept him. He placed deep expectations on him.

On the opposite side, Ye Wuque, who had been sitting with his cheek supported, saw Qing come out at the moment, the icy arc of the corner of his mouth rose again, and a faint cold smile emerged from his bright eyes.

"Finally can't help it? The game has begun..."

Beneath the Buddha wall, a blue robed robes stood clear and dazzling, with a handsome face and a tall stature. The appearance alone was enough to make countless girls admire.

On the first seat of Fahua Hall, Chen looked towards Qing, his face was calm, and there was nothing strange.

But there is no doubt that today's Qingnai is what everyone expects!

Putting his hands together, Qing Qing stared at the wall of the Buddha, with a peaceful smile on his face, and finally spoke slowly.

"The body is a bodhi tree"

"The heart is the mirror"

"Wipe all the time"

"Don't mess with dust"

When the last word fell from Qing's mouth, the whole Fahua Hall was silent inside and outside!

Even Chen's eyes, who had always been calm and deep, showed a strange light!

The body of the sorrowful and compassionate monk Huineng trembled suddenly, and a touch of excitement appeared on his old face!


On the Buddha wall, twenty golden handwritings slowly appeared, it was the kizi that cleared the song, and then the first Buddha stone was directly lit up, reaching the point of perfection and brilliance!

Without any interval, the second Buddha stone is also lit up, exuding perfect Buddha glory!

In an instant, he surpassed Lin Qianhu.


However, just after the two Buddha stones lit up, the third Buddha stone also lit up!

Finally, three Buddha stones light up, the first two are complete, and the third one flashes!

"Hi! Look! The third Buddha stone is also on!"

"It's amazing! Although the three Buddha stones have never been consummated, the guizi of the Qing Dynasty is too amazing! No one can compare it!"

"Tsk tusk! Worthy of being the brother of Purdue Sect, the enlightenment of Buddhism is truly unmatched, and it has even surpassed Master Huineng!"

"There are no accidents now, Buddha's predestined relationship must belong to the Qing Dynasty!"

Words of exclamation echoed through the world, everyone thought that Qing had laughed and said at the end that he had obtained Buddha's fate.

"Like Qing, you are very enlightened, kind!"

Master Huineng smiled, happy for his lover.

"Amitabha, really good."

Lie Chen also opened his mouth and praised Qing.

Under the wall of the Buddha, Qing was standing and standing. No one knew how excited and crazy he was. He had been coveting the Buddha for so long, how much preparation? How much effort? At this moment, the inheritance of Purdue Sect finally belongs to him!

After the three Buddha stones were all lit up, a ripple was already rippling on the Buddha wall, which was obviously opened.

Seeing this scene, a conceited smile appeared in his eyes. He suddenly turned around, clasped his hands and smiled: "Can there be any donors here? The poor monk is willing to give any donors another chance."

As soon as the words came out, the eyes of the rest of the people became full of admiration!

"Tsk tusk! As expected to be the big brother of Purdue Zong, the opportunity is in front of you but not excited at all, just this demeanor is heartbreaking!"

"Yeah, young but humble and polite, with a deep relationship with Buddha, there will be a generation of great virtues in the future!"

Li Qing's piety has earned enough eyeballs and made everyone feel sorry for him.

Master Huineng also showed a gratifying smile on his face at this moment, very satisfied.

Hearing the sounds from all directions, he cleared his eyes and revealed a smug smile, what he wanted was this effect.

Immediately, he smiled again and said, "Since no donor is willing to give it a try, then the poor monk..."

"and many more!"

Suddenly, a faint voice resounded, interrupting the clear words, echoing between the heaven and the earth!