Return Of The War God - Chapter 1450

Chapter 1450

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"Ye Puppy! Dare you!"

The old man Wukong finally couldn't sit still, he was so frightened, he had a dreamlike feeling, everything in front of him made his Gujing Bubo heart tremble and fear!

"No space is boundless! Heaven's law wears the world!"

In an instant, Old Wukong Su made a full move and displayed the ultimate move in the Wukong Secret Art. He had realized that Ye Wuque was countless times more terrifying than he had imagined. If he kept his hands, the consequences would be disastrous!


The sky fluctuates, the dust is wiped out, and the fierce blue brilliance is enveloped. In the end, it suddenly turned into a huge and incomparable blue stone grinding across the sky and the earth.


With a cold snort, as if thunder was exploding, Ye Wuque looked at the blue stone mill coming from the void, his eyes were cold, one hand was still pressing on the Chi Di, and he directly reached out the other hand!


Another big hand appeared, full of blood, brilliant gold, across the sky, covering the four fields, and the sky broke in an instant, magnificent, ten times more mighty than the hand that just suppressed the Chi Emperor!

The big golden hand fan fell down, like a huge golden peak towering over the sky, the void collapsed again, and the solid collided with the cyan stone mill from the suppression!


Bahuang roars, everything is destroyed!

I saw that golden big hand rolled up the irresistible strong force, and directly patted the cyan stone into two pieces!

The old Wukongsu trembled suddenly, and cracks appeared in his eyebrows. He coughed up blood and dyed his hair and beard. His face was full of infinite horror. His whole body exploded quickly, his eyes fixed on Ye Wuque, almost Eyeballs are going to stare out!

With a full blow, he was suppressed by Ye Wuque with one hand, as if he had killed a mosquito!

"This...this is...the power of the Three Tribulations True Venerable Great"

Feeling the serious injury in his body, the infinitely frightened old Wukong Su no longer had the coldness and dominance before. He stared at Ye Wuque, his tone was shaking, his voice was extremely hoarse and sharp, intermittent. Just said this sentence.

Only the terrifying existence of the Three Tribulations True Venerable Dzogchen can do it!

Silently, Ye Wuque's breakthrough actually possessed the power of the Three Tribulations True Exalted Great Perfection, which was simply an endless nightmare and madness!

At this moment, on the earth, the six faces pale, the corners of their mouths are bleeding, and the aspiration of the young master of Heaven Splitting Dao looked up at the sky, and after hearing the roar of the old man Wukong, there was an extreme blankness on his face, which immediately turned into boundless. fear!

Especially the three of Tyrant Sword, Qinlong and Tianwu, had already begun to tremble at this moment, and the trembling and chill in their hearts seemed to have turned into a shocking cold current and enveloped their bodies!

When Tianxiang and Wuchen met, they both smiled bitterly, but for some reason, there was a hint of relaxation in their hearts.

"How could could this..."

The Tyrant Sword seemed to be mad, muttering to himself, the Tyrant Blood Excalibur that never left the body did not know where it was dropped.

Only Gu Yue remained silent. Although Jiaogu was also trembling, she seemed to have accepted her fate, and there was a tragic meaning in her eyes.

"Long Qing! Are you still not doing it? Do you really want to watch us die?"

The old Wukongsu roared frantically, with infinite horror in his tone, and the corners of his mouth were still coughing up blood. The blow of Ye Wuque had already shattered his internal organs, and his bones were broken. Already ten to five or six!

After hearing the roar of the old man Wukong, Ye Wuque remained expressionless, staring at the front with cold and bright eyes, and said coldly: "What if another old guy comes? If he dares to make a move, he will die! You! Believe it or not, he won't show up at all? Or... he would like you to die."

Ye Wuque's words were like a dagger inserted into Wukong's heart, causing his face to change drastically. He just wanted to refute something, but he seemed to have thought of something. The cold sweat shook his head, and his eyes showed boundless despair!

There are a total of two elders of the late stage peak of the Three Tribulations True Venerable with the Chi Di seven. One is Wukong Su elder, belonging to the line of the Dark Taoist master, and the other is from the line of Litian Taoist master. It is the old Long Qingsu who has never shown up!

The old Wukongsu didn't care at all before. In his opinion, even if Long Qing couldn't make a move, he could suppress everything.

But now Ye Wuque awakened the dreamer with a single word, and Wukongsu suddenly realized it!

He suddenly raised his head, his scarlet and old eyes fixed on Ye Wuque, word by word from his mouth, his tone was unwilling and resentful, and he said hoarsely: " are in the same vein as the body. It turned out to be embarrassed! It turned out to be... an agreement was reached!"

"It's not stupid, but you were wrong, just using each other."

Ye Wuque spoke faintly, his bright eyes deep.

"Ah! Li Tian! You are a sinner! You are a sinner who breaks the heavens!"

The old Wukongsu who understood everything screamed up to the sky, his heart was full of anger and despair, the eyes looking at Ye Wuque with endless killing intent, but more despair.

At this moment, Ye Wuque's strength is so strong that it is close to the Three Tribulations True Venerable Great Perfection, and he can already crush him head-on. Everything seems to be reversed in an instant, Ye Wuque becomes a sword, and he becomes a fish.

This incomparable change is as if two big round hands slapped on the old Wukongsu's face with countless big mouths, his mood broke, and his body trembled like a sieve!

At this moment, there was no need to talk nonsense, and Ye Wuque couldn't let him go.

"Ye Wuwei! The Three Tribulations True Venerable cannot be insulted! Don't be mad, I will fight you!"

Old Wukongsu roared, his blood-stained beard and hair were frantic, and strong and incomparable fluctuations erupted from his body, as if he wanted to bloom his life's skill to the extreme, and fight Ye Wuque to the death!

"No empty realm! Open it to me!"


A cyan light beam soared into the sky, spreading to the limit, and turned into a hazy cyan ocean, covering a radius of millions of feet, and the cyan light within it ran wildly, and everything passed by was annihilated!

This is a purifying power, like incinerating everything in a radiant light, it can wipe out everything!

This is also the last trump card of the old Wukongshu, which belongs to his domain power!


The void was surging, the blue ocean covered it, the dust was annihilated and turned into nothingness, and the horror power was blooming, to drag Ye Wuque into the power of purification and wipe it out!

"Desperately? Unfortunately, you are not qualified!"

However, a cold voice resounded suddenly, like a peerless heavenly sword that cut open the ocean, with endless majesty, frightening the sky!

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One hand of Ye Wuque still pressed Chi Di's back, making him stiff, and the other hand protruded again, but it was pinching the Yin Jue. The ancient heavenly majesty opened, it was the ninety-five supreme heavenly power. Hand style!

After his cultivation base broke through to the Great Perfection of the Heavenly Soul, Ye Wuque's distance from the extreme dust realm was almost complete, and his strength surged. With enough strength as a backing, the starting style of the Ninety-Five Supreme Heavenly Gong was no longer as good for Ye Wuque. It was so difficult before, and it became easy to use, but it was the first time to use one hand, and it was very likely to fail, but Ye Wuque still had to try.

He has an invincible belief in his heart, and there is the best whetstone here, so naturally he has to give it a try!

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