Return Of The War God - Chapter 1448

Chapter 1448

In an instant, the nine heavens of Crane Roar and the ten phoenix nirvana magical powers emerged together, and the void evolved completely, as if it had turned into two rounds of enlightenment on the eternal starry sky, rotating around Ye Wuque's hands, and he was blasted out!

A magnificent blow soared into the sky, directly intertwined with the lore of Wukong old man and blood gold killer, and the void explosion broke out in an instant!

Everything withers, the world is destroyed!

The entire sky exploded directly, endless waves of terror erupted, and the shameless land that had already been ravaged was once again hit hard. This collision was terrifying!

It's as if a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles returns to chaos, flash floods and tsunamis are sweeping, boundless, all creatures are being destroyed!

In the distance, the walls of the main city of Hailan collapsed, and even the entire city was trembling, and it was about to shatter at any time!

Such a collision, such a force is even more terrifying than the self-detonation of the late cultivator of the Three Tribulations True Venerable!

At this moment, like the void where chaos descended, Wukongsu was retreating frantically, and there was incredible and boundless shock in his cold eyes!

Because at the corner of his mouth, there was a bright red blood!

The old man Wukong was injured!

And ten tens of thousands of meters away from the old Wukongsu, the blood gold of the size of a hundred meters is cracking, and a series of terrible cracks are filling, like broken porcelain, shocking!

Xue Tianqiong and Xuemei coughed up blood together, their faces were full of horror!

If there was no such blood gold to kill the saint guardian, at this moment the two of them would have exploded into blood mist and disappeared in smoke!

"Damn it! How could he be so strong? Two Great Three Tribulations True Venerable's late peak combat power! This guy was able to fight to this level! Is he really a humanoid beast?"

Xue Tianqiang roared, his heart was extremely frightening, he couldn't believe all this, Ye Wuque actually wounded all the **** gold killing saint and Wukong old man with his own power, this is simply a fantasy!

"Niezha! Dare to hurt me?"

An angry roar resounded, it was the old man Wukong, his sleeves flicked, the endless radiance of vitality suddenly subsided, and an extremely embarrassed figure suddenly appeared, far away from tens of thousands of meters, it was Ye Wuque!

At this moment, Ye Wuque's body was stained with blood, his hair was wet, and his own blood was stained red. His left shoulder was pierced, and the blood kept flowing out. At this moment, the whole left arm was covered with blood, breathing was extremely rapid, and his upper body was pierced. Wubi has been torn, there are several deep bone scars on his chest, and half of his body seems to be exploded!

If it were not for the incomparable physical strength, Ye Wuque would have died long ago!

But now he is in very bad condition, he has been seriously injured to an extremely serious level, and his combat power has been greatly reduced.

But Ye Wuque's eyes were still sharp and bright at the moment, and there was a hint of excitement rippling in the depths!

Because only Ye Wuque knew that, the slightest barrier in his body seemed to be finally wiped out!

Above the void, Ye Wuque seemed to be the same undefeated young emperor, fighting for nine days and ten places. As long as there is a breath, he will kill the enemy and drink blood, never stop!

At this moment, whether it is the old man in the sky or the blood charm of the blood sky, there is a kind of horror and shock!

Such a young man is simply a human-shaped dragon, causing a chill and fear, and even dare not look at him!

"You are proud to be able to fight this far! However, you have been a stranger, and your future is gone. It is time to die!"

Old Wukongsu snorted coldly, he wanted to give Ye Wuque the final blow, and completely kill him!

But immediately, the old Wukongshu narrowed his eyes, and the action took a breather!

At the same time, Ye Wuque's eyes suddenly condensed, and his right hand squeezed into a palm print and patted behind him!


The terrifying power exploded, and Ye Wuque's body burst out again, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, but his eyes were like a knife, and he looked into the void!

There, seven figures suddenly appeared, and the leader was Chi Di!

It was Chi Di who just attacked Ye Wuque!

Or to be more precise, it was a joint battle formed by Chi Di and other seven people!

Chi Di was also covered in blood, but obviously after adjusting his breath for a while, he slowed down and shot again.

And that Guyue is a battle formation division. Under Chi Emperor's instructions, he combined with the power of the Seven Great Young Masters of the Heaven-Splitting Dao to set up a combined battle formation, fusing the seven forces into Chi Emperor's body, giving him the ability to fight again force!

"I'm going to kill you by myself! In this way, I will wash away my humiliation! Restore my name as Blazing Emperor!"

Chidi spoke coldly, killing intent, staring at Ye Wuque, like a hungry wolf choosing someone to eat!

Defeating under Ye Wuque's hand made Chi Di extremely unwilling, knowing that he was indeed not Ye Wuque's opponent, and it was even more difficult to accept.

"Hahahaha... if you are defeated, you dare to be fierce? In front of me, no one dares to be invincible! You are worthy? If it weren't for this old thing, you would be a corpse now!

Ye Wuque laughed for a long time, opened his mouth coldly, with contempt in his eyes, even at this point, he was still strong, fearless and fearless!

Hearing Ye Wuque's words, Chi Di clenched his fists and his neck was exposed. He saw Ye Wuque's contemptuous eyes and words like a knife. The anger and killing intent in his heart was rushing, almost bursting!

"Just kill you! I'm still the number one arrogant of the Canglan Realm since ancient times!"

In the end, Chidi spoke coldly, killing intent boiling!

"So much nonsense! If you want Ye Wuque's life, come and get it if you have a seed!"

The blood-colored hair was dancing, and Ye Wuque stood up long, like a blood-stained demon, invincible and towering, and the cold words spread, there is a great power that penetrates the nine days!

"Send you home! Kill!"

The Blood Sky Sky roared first, and the Blood Gold Slaying Saint directly swept over with a slap. The void collapsed and the power was infinite!

"No one can be better than my Chidi! You damn!"

Chidi also let out a low roar, and the big red gold hand was born, crushing the void, and also crushing the void, covering Xiang Ye Wuqian!


The true dragon chants resounding through the nine heavens, Ye Wuque's fists are like dragons, the regretful dragon fist and the killing fist exploded, and the whole person turned into a real dragon flying for nine days!

Ancestor Dragon Surgery!

Excessive internal injuries caused Ye Wuque to no longer be able to perform the Nine-Five Supreme Heavenly Kungfu, only to use the ancestor dragon's dragon spell against the enemy!

But at this time, the eight-claw true dragon that evolved into the void opened up extremely dim, as if Ye Wuque had reached the limit.


The three forces collided, and the whole sky exploded again, and the incomparable power overflowed!

A figure fell like a meteor, and the blood splashed wherever it passed, and it was Ye Wuque!

With one against three, Ye Wuque, who was seriously injured, seemed to be finally invincible. He fell into the void and died.

With a bang, the earth was smashed into a huge pit, burying Ye Wuque's whole person, and finally the dead silence between heaven and earth restored.

"Finally dead! You are finally dead! Hahahaha..."

The blazing emperor suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, his heart was extremely happy, the smile on his face was extremely hideous!

At this moment, the blood gold killer of the size of a hundred meters began to retreat quietly. Since Ye Wuque has been defeated, the previous alliance will be directly collapsed. If the blood sky and the blood charm do not leave, then Wukong and the Emperor Will definitely make a move.

However, Wukong Su Lao did not care about the blood gold killing saint at this time, but coldly looked towards the giant pit on the earth, and immediately flickered, and rushed straight down!

"Live to see people, die to see corpses!"

Lao Wukongsu is old after all, even if Ye Wuque is dead, he still has to dig out his body to confirm it himself.

But immediately there was a sneer in Wukongsu's eyes, his right hand was emptied, and a big hand was born, and he grabbed it directly toward the giant pit!

Even if it was already a corpse, he would squeeze Ye Wuque's corpse into an explosion, and his hatred would be relieved!

"The true deity wants you to die without a corpse, no bones!"


The big blue hand covered it, like a collapsed sky!

But when the cyan big hand was a hundred meters away from the huge pit, a boiling weather suddenly overflowed from under the huge pit!

Under this breath, the whole land was cracking and trembling, as if it could not bear it!

Wukongsu old man's face suddenly condensed, his eyes flashed with incredible!

"This...this is...impossible!"


The chapped earth exploded, and I saw a figure bathed in golden brilliance turned out, going upside down, rising to the sky, black hair dancing wildly, and bloodstained, but there was endless surging and killing intent in a pair of eyes. !

Isn't Ye Wuque or who?

"Old dog! Want to leave me dead? You are not worthy! You have been crushed for so long, now it is my turn!"

The icy words resounded in all directions, clanging loudly, and then there was a wave of earth-shattering, shocking waves!

That wave of volatility is exactly... the Heavenly Soul Great Perfection!

Ye Wuque, who was knocked down into the void, was not only dead, but also like a butterfly breaking through a cocoon. He finally took the last step, breaking through from the peak of the late stage of the Heavenly Soul Realm! Cool Craftsman "U Net First Issue: s

After experiencing this life-and-death struggle and wandering the edge of death, Ye Wuque finally forced out his own potential, wore away the last trace of shackles and diaphragm, and set foot on the Heavenly Soul Great Perfection!