Return Of The War God - Chapter 1226

Chapter 1226

Thinking of this, Ye Wuque didn't hesitate to stir up the last remaining power in the body, and began to use the nine-fold blood vortex, communicate the marrow fluid, mobilize the potential in the body, and force his own potential!

The remaining power in the cold and dead body moved forward with difficulty, the stiff muscles and veins of the Qiu knot began to slowly emit a jade-like light, followed by a vast and unpredictable aura, like muscles The pulse continues to the sky, extremely mysterious.

As Ye Wuque continued to control the surging of the residual power in his body with his mind, the nine-fold blood vortex and the sky thunder tendons complemented each other, and finally a small "bang-bang" roar sounded slowly in Ye Wuqian's body, that hidden deep in the bones. The marrow fluid seemed to be guided and began to surging slowly!

In an instant, bursts of newly-born blood qi surging from the depths of Ye Wuque's body, passing through every tendon and veins that began to moisturize and dry up the whole body, the lost strength instantly began to recover!

Ye Wuque's eyes suddenly lit up!

"Sure enough!"

Some excited Ye Wuque immediately used the nine-fold blood vortex to spawn the marrow fluid and create more blood energy. As long as it accumulates in this way, it will definitely make the dried blood energy reappear!

With the renewed blood qi and the regeneration of strength, Ye Wuque's whole body was radiant, and his trembling steps became firm again. He would pass the stage of "blood qi drying up" at most dozens of breaths.

However, just as Ye Wuque was about to step through half of the bronze dragon gate and passed the "blood qi dries up", there was a soft sound in his head, and Kong's voice followed!

"Wait, don't step out in a hurry, that's it! No wonder there will be that scene in the future. I didn't expect that there will be such a special environment. If this is the case, then you can give it a try..."

The sudden emptiness made Ye Wuque a moment's stunned, a little confused, but he stopped and asked, "What's the matter with emptiness? What did you find?"

"The environment you are in now is extremely special. It simulates the Three Great Tribulations of the Dragon Gate, but does not have the power of the Three Great Tribulations of the Dragon Gate. Forging body environment. "wp cool (smith "c&@

"Originally, the body forging realm was too low to start, the cultivation base was too weak, and the foundation was insufficient to embark on the path to the extreme realm, so I had to abandon it, but now it is possible..."

"With this once-in-lifetime opportunity, you can reshape the body forging state and step onto the extreme state of forging body... pure blood and yang!"

Forging body extreme!

Pure blood and yang!

These eight characters immediately made Ye Wuque's eyes brighten, and his heart was shocked!

"At the beginning, you successfully condensed the origin of the holy law of fighting, and I regained my consciousness because of this. At that time, your cultivation base was the fifth layer of body forging. Consummation, but even so, I didn't tell you about the'Extreme Realm' at the beginning, because the Body Forging Realm was too weak to bear the pressure of the'Extreme Realm."

"Furthermore, in my original assumption, there was no such thing as the'extreme state' in the body-forging state, but now under the condition of karma, coupled with all kinds of destiny and cause and effect, you can now reshape the'body-forging extreme state'. Make yourself completely complete."

The empty words rang in Ye Wuque's mind one after another, causing Ye Wuque's complexion to change continuously, and finally nodded slowly.

Because of the continuous rebirth of blood qi, Ye Wuque at this moment has also completely resisted the "blood qi drying up" stage. Even if he did not continue to move forward, the "blood qi drying up" would no longer pose a threat to him.

"Extreme body forging... pure blood and pure Yang! Empty, what is meant by pure blood and pure Yang?"

Ye Wuque spoke in a deep voice, with a hint of curiosity in his tone!


Only Ye Wuque knew how amazing the power he took to the extreme realm, and that was beyond doubt.

As the extreme state of the body forging state, pure blood qi and yang, even if it is only the first state of cultivation, it must have its magic.

"The so-called'blood qi pure Yang' is to completely condense your blood qi into an ultimate pure power! Blood qi is the foundation of a monk, the source of strength, and the path of physical cultivation is the most important thing. "

"You are born different from ordinary people. Because of the power of blood, your blood qi is far superior to ordinary people, and your natural blood is vigorous and fierce. The 'pure yang of blood' is to maximize your advantage."

"When you reach the'pure yang of blood and energy', your blood energy will move as you like. It can turn into a round of blood energy and a strong sun, but also into a **** ocean, domineering and hot, capable of radiating boundless rays of light. And destructive power."

"When fighting an enemy, unless the enemy's blood strength is similar to yours, your pure yang blood strength alone can influence or even govern the opponent's blood strength. You naturally know what this means in battle."

"In short,'Pure Blood Qi Yang' contains many magical functions, which can push the power of your blood energy to the extreme, like a mountain like a sea, like the sky in the middle of the sun, tyrantly hot, and illuminating the sky."

Following Kong's explanation, Ye Wuque's understanding of "Blood Qi Pure Yang" became deeper and deeper, and his eyes became brighter!

"Sora, what do I need to do?"

In the end, Ye Wuque took a breath and said in a deep voice, the curiosity in his eyes was replaced by expectation and heat.

"It's very simple, one word...Force, use the ultimate means to force out all the potential of the power of blood in your body, to push its limit, to achieve a'pure yang of blood'. The environment here is special, and the simulated physical body is aimed at The skin, muscles, muscles, bones and bones of the body forging state, I will temporarily ban your cultivation base, only to the point where the body forging is complete."

"With the perfect cultivation base of the forging body, re-fight the body's calamity, step by step, start over, re-experience'thousands of knives, dry blood, cramps, bone removal, and boiling of marrow fluid'. Wait until you can forge the body. A perfect cultivation base can completely survive the bodily calamity, step through the bronze dragon gate, and forge the extreme body'Blood Qi Pure Yang' to succeed."

"Of course, the road to the extreme realm is to turn the impossible into possible. With great crises and great fears, you have already experienced these things. Needless to say, you must pay the price if you want to gain strength. One peck."

Kong's words immediately made Ye Wuque's eyes condensed, and his heart roared!

Overcome the bodily calamity with the perfect cultivation base of the forging body!

This kind of thinking can't be described by the Arabian Nights, it is completely crazy!

If the people from the Three Tribulations Tower and Ten Great Empires knew this idea, they would definitely think that Ye Wuque was an idiot who was seeking his own death.

But Ye Wuque knew that Kong would never aimlessly, and he had always believed in Kong.

"Return to the lowest point of the bronze dragon gate. During this process, I will ban your cultivation base. The road to the extreme realm requires you to step out by yourself."

"it is good!"

Ye Wuque's eyes were condensed, and then he became tough and deep, like the vast starry sky, unpredictable.

In the next instant, he turned upside down, from top to bottom, and started walking back along the bronze dragon gate!

Going back this time will mean that he will give up everything before and start over.