Return Of The War God - Chapter 1224

Chapter 1224

The true king of Jiufeng is the lord of the dignified super empire, and he is also a true king of the Second Tribulation. He is not only a powerful one, but also a strong one of a generation. Such a person should be happy and angry, but at this moment Jun was trembling all over, tears of excitement flowed!

"Great gift from God! Ancestors manifested! You Phoenix can wake up that trace of the ancient Ice Phoenix bloodline! Become a bloodline cultivator that is hard to find forever! God bless my Nine Phoenix Empire!"

But the other nine empires present at the present moment can fully understand the Nine Phoenix Lords, and are even full of envy and jealousy!

Bloodline monk!

This is as precious as the monks of special physique, and even more scarce!

In ancient times, some human races gave birth to offspring due to their union with the ten thousand races. These were often gifted and aptly qualified. They were extremely terrifying in their cultivation, because these monks inherited the power of the ten thousand races.

The more ancient, powerful and noble ancient races, the more incredible the power of their bloodlines. Once the successors have enough opportunities and good luck to inspire the power of bloodlines, they will gain infinite benefits and unlimited potential!

This type of monk is collectively called the blood monk.

However, as the blood is passed down from generation to generation, the power of the blood will become thinner and thinner. Eventually, no bleeding monks may be born again, and the last trace of blood in the body will be completely hidden and never see the sun.

The reason why the Nine Phoenix Empire is named "Nine Phoenix" is because it is said that the founding father of the Nine Phoenix Empire had the power of the Ice Phoenix family and was a powerful and unmatched bloodline monk!

The ice phoenix is one of the bloodlines of the Phoenix clan. It is a mutant bloodline. It is quite powerful. Due to the founding father of the Nine Phoenix Empire, the ice phoenix bloodline was passed down, and bloodline monks appeared in the subsequent generations. The Nine Phoenix Empire has always been strong and prosperous, and it will eventually become one of the ten largest empires in the Canglan Realm, which has been passed down to this day.

However, with the passage of time, as the generations of the Nine Phoenix Empire inherited from generation to generation, the power of the Ice Phoenix bloodline began to thin out. By the time it was passed to the generation of True Monarch Nine Phoenix, the bloodline monks of the Ice Phoenix had already been extinct for three hundred years!

It's just that True Monarch Jiufeng didn't expect that his granddaughter Bai Youhuang could awaken the Ice Phoenix bloodline at this moment and reproduce the glory of the Nine Phoenix Empire in the past. How could he not be excited and be surprised?

"Every catastrophe in the world is a catastrophe and an opportunity. This woman will awaken the Ice Phoenix bloodline in her body during the physical catastrophe. This is her chance. The bloodline monk who inherits the Ice Phoenix bloodline will have unlimited achievements in the future."

Deputy Taoist Tian Yan said with a smile, even if it was him, he was full of admiration for the good fortune of this woman Bai Youhuang.

He does not mean that.

After hearing the words of Deputy Taoist Master Tian Yan, the Lord Hei's eyes swept across the ice phoenix phantom that stood proudly above the bronze dragon gate in the huge light curtain, and a smile appeared in his eyes.

"This woman..."

At this moment, all the attention of the entire trilemma desert was focused on the perfect figure above the huge bronze dragon gate!

The ice phoenix phantom spread its wings in the void, and an aura that was enough to freeze for nine days exploded, but immediately the ice phoenix phantom exploded, and a perfect, peerless shadow stood proudly within it!

The cloak that originally covered the body has disappeared, and Bai Youhuang finally revealed his true face at this moment.

She was originally a perfect woman with extremely delicate features and noble temperament. Now, coupled with the awakening of the Ice Phoenix bloodline, she has undergone earth-shattering transformation, and a noble aura that hangs above the nine heavens overflows from Bai Youhuang's body. It is truly thrilling and unforgettable.

"This nine phoenix is really so lucky! Bai Youhuang actually awakened the ice phoenix bloodline and became a bloodline monk. How can this compare? It has survived the physical calamity in one fell swoop, how can this compare? Who will be her opponent within?"

"Yeah! Bloodline monks, you can't treat it with common sense! Alas, it seems that the Nine Phoenix Empire will be the winner of this Tianjiao battle after all!"

"It's really not as good as heaven!"

Many high-level officials in the ten empires couldn't help sighing, and even a few of the country leaders looked gloomy, but helpless.

The Battle of Tianjiao compares the strengths and weaknesses of the younger generation of the Ten Great Empires, and they simply cannot intervene.

After experiencing the initial excitement, True Monarch Jiufeng has calmed down at this moment, but there is still a smile that cannot be hidden on his face, and the look in the eyes of the other nine masters has also become overlooked.

His Nine Phoenix Empire was originally the super empire that has ranked first in several empire events, and now he has a good granddaughter of a blood monk. Who can compete with it?

Inside the Tower of Three Tribulations, Bai Youhuang stood proudly above the bronze dragon gate, and the light in his eyes was magnificent, as if ice crystals flashed past.

Just now, she experienced the pain when she was experiencing "cramps and bones", the following hell, the feeling that made her think of it now is extremely scary, but fortunately, the intense pain and the strong reluctance are intertwined, and finally forced out the potential in her body. , So that the Ice Phoenix bloodline awakened.

After that, with the help of Peng Oh's power when the Ice Phoenix bloodline had just awakened, she stepped directly through the bronze dragon gate in a rush.


In the next instant, the bronze dragon gate suddenly shined, and the void where Bai Youhuang was standing suddenly lit up with a blue light!

Immediately afterwards, the second and third cyan brilliance appeared, and her whole body was constantly flashing and rushing, like three blue dragons with teeth and claws, majestic and majestic, making Bai Youhuang look like a goddess of blue sky!

"Bai Youhuang, through the physical calamity, behaved... first-class, entered the second floor of the Tower of Three Calamities."

Above the void, a line of cyan radiant characters appeared, falling in everyone's eyes.

Outside the Three Tribulations Tower, the Lord Hei smiled and said: "The Three Tribulations Tower itself has an aura, which can record and evaluate the performance of all those who enter the tower. Listed as first class."

After the explanation from the Lord Heer, everyone in the Ten Great Empires understood. The most p new chapter 'y`: Craftsman

Above the first layer of the Three Tribulations Pagoda, the large characters formed by the cyan brilliance slowly disappeared. At the same time, behind Bai Youhuang, a huge light hole appeared, emitting a vast and unpredictable light inside. Fluctuations.

"Is the passage leading to the second floor of the Tower of Three Tribulations?"

Without any hesitation, Bai Youhuang's figure flickered, and he stepped directly out of the light hole, and then the light hole disappeared. Bai Youhuang became the first representative of Tianjiao to step into the second floor of the Tower of Three Tribulations.

However, just as Bai Youhuang had just entered the second floor of the Three Tribulations Tower, among the remaining twenty-four radiances of the bronze dragon gate on the first floor, one suddenly became ethereal and void!

This brilliance ran side by side with Bai Youhuang before, and it represented the true haze of the Snow Cherry Empire!