Return Of The War God - Chapter 1030

Chapter 1030

Floating Clouds, Unblockers

"Brother Ye, it's your turn now."

After Feng Caichen's ray of divine power returned to his body, the first words he opened his eyes were all speaking to Ye Wuque.

"Hehe, Brother Feng, you lighted this fire, then I naturally want to let this fire burn to the extreme, so that's interesting."

Ye Wuque smiled faintly and said this sentence.

After falling into the ears of all the Dragon Bone County monks, everyone was slightly shocked, and then all their eyes turned to Ye Wuque!


The Heavenly Sword is amazing, and once it rises, Dragon Bone County is not only the only one, but also the God of War!

The power and incomparability of God of War are not under the Heavenly Sword at all!

Thinking of this, all the Longgu County genius representatives once again showed enthusiasm and expectation.

Heavenly Sword's battle has stirred up such a situation, so when God of War goes out, what kind of storm will be set off?

"Hahahahaha... what a kendo wizard! What a seedling! What a seedling!"

The laughter of King Golden Eyes rippled, and those calm eyes swept towards the elegant ministers in the area where Dragon Bone County is located. The smiled mouth opened, and a strange flash of light flashed in the depths of King Golden Eyes' eyes. mango. gb to see the genuine chapter' section a^ on cool; m craftsman $ net?t

"Perhaps, I should invite that one..."

Suddenly, the Golden Eyed Karmapa turned his head and said something to the first smoker behind him, and the figure of the first smoker disappeared quietly in the next instant.

On the other side of the green leaf stand, the three adults from Star Soul Pavilion, Liangyi Alliance, and Qinghuoshan Village had already sat back at this moment, but the expressions of the three of them were strange at this moment.

"I didn't expect it! I didn't expect it! I went after the wind one day! It was a stunning nine-day dragon, but I saw it as an earthworm..."

Master Zhuifeng sighed slightly, and said so, but his eyes were staring at the handsome minister, blinking constantly, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Longbone County, such a county that ranks the bottom of the 36th prefecture, would have stepped out of such a young sun! The county guard of Longbone County is Fulong? Fulong is indeed a character, but these past few genius battles Since then, Longgu County has been in obscurity, and I didn't expect such a big accident this time!"

Although Master Shui Miao was concealed by the veil, his beautiful eyes contained clever colors, and he slowly analyzed and spoke.

"Such a genius, dig as much as possible!"

This is what Master Xuan said, as concise and clear as always.

For the handsome ministers, this moment has become the sweet pastry in the hearts of the three people. In any case, we must find a way to attract!

The fifteenth round of the melee was over with the rise of the style ministers, and the 16th round of the melee began.

This time, dozens of young geniuses from Dragon Bone County once again appeared, and they also attracted the attention of countless monks, to see if there would be another genius who was as amazing as a genius.

However, although the sixteenth round of the melee is equally fierce, but with jewels ahead, it cannot be compared with the fifteenth round, and the dozens of genius representatives from Longgu County, without exception, were all eliminated.

This also made countless monks calm down, knowing in their hearts that the elegant minister may be an exception to Dragon Bone County, an existence that cannot be replicated and will never be mass-produced.

In this way, the 17th round of melee is here!

"A thousand young geniuses from the 17th round of melee are invited to play!"

The voice of IELTS resounded, and began to introduce one thousand young talents who participated in the 17th round.

"No. 1, Wushuang County, Li Xuanfeng!"

When these six words sounded from the IELTS mouth, the entire Xingyan God Tree seemed to explode!

"Li Xuanfeng! Li Xuanfeng! Li Xuanfeng..."

Countless monks stood up directly, screaming "Li Xuanfeng" crazy!

Wushuang County!

The well-deserved first county among the 36 counties of the Xingyan Kingdom, almost all of the previous genius battles ranked first, the glory is ancient, and the inheritance is endless!

With the name "Wushuang", everything is self-evident.

And this Li Xuanfeng is one of the peerless double prides in this generation of Wushuang County. His genius is so famous that he is more than that of Guihai Bailian!

According to legend, Li Xuanfeng once visited the genius monks of the younger generation of King Xingyan along with the Lord Wushuang County, and finally made a remarkable record of martial arts friends!

In the seventeenth round of the melee, Li Xuanfeng finally appeared on the stage, which naturally attracted great attention and was extremely popular!


A black robe figure rises to the sky, looks handsome and straight, with long brown hair shawl, tall body, broad shoulders, falling in the center of the green leaf battlefield, an invincible aura of me overflows, as if a peerless figure Fighting God!

"The 98th..."

"No. 378..."

"No. 675, Fengtian County, Xin Wentian!"

When the name "Xin Wentian" rang from IELTS, the inside of the sacred tree boiled again!

Countless people are shouting Xin Wentian's name and cheering for him.

Xin Wentian, the second-ranked super genius of Fengtian County's generation, had to condescend to him under Guihai Bailian. He was also famous, and he unexpectedly appeared in the seventeenth round.

"The 752th place..."

"No. 876..."

"No. 978, Linglong County, Hua Mingyu!"


As a slender figure fell onto the battle platform, countless people shouted frantically!

Linglong County, the third-ranked county of 36 counties, is under Wushuang County and Fengtian County!

And this Hua Mingyu is the first super genius in Linglong County!

"My God! Li Xuanfeng, Xin Wentian, and Hua Mingyu were actually placed in the same round! This is crazy!"

"This round is simply a death grouping! The three of them absolutely have occupied three places, and there are only seven places left!"

"I don't know if the three of them will have a big battle, or will each other's king not see the king? Leave it to the final battle in the arena to make a final battle!"

"This time is wonderful! Death grouping! I look forward to it!"

Countless monks are talking about it, because this group has gathered three prestigious super geniuses, and it will definitely stage a gluttonous feast.

"No. 989, Longgu County, Ye Wuque!"

"No. 990, Fengming County, Cheng Kefu!"

"No. 992..."

"The 1000th place..."

As the voice of IELTS continued to reverberate, he finally read Ye Wuque's name.

On the Green Leaf Throne of Dragon Bone County, Ye Wuque's divine power gushed out and entered the Xingyan clone!

In the next moment, Xing Yan avatar Ye Wuque suddenly stood up!

"God of War, come on!"

"Come on!"

Ye Wuque glanced at each other with the handsome minister, nodded slightly, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, stepped out and landed on the green leaf battlefield.

After waiting for so long, it was finally Ye Wuque's turn to play!

"Ye Wuque..."

Fulong County guard stared at the tall and slender figure in the center of the Green Leaf Battle Platform, and a look of expectation passed through his eyes like an abyss.

"Huh, is it him?"

Master Zhuifeng's eyes flashed, and he also recognized Ye Wuque, who was the other genius of Longgu County with Feng Caichen.

"In Longgu County, his ranking is still higher than that of the elegant ministers? No, I remember it, it seems that the elegant ministers of the World War I have abstained in the end and did not fight Ye Wuque, no wonder..."

The event of a handsome minister, Zhuyu, was before, Master Zhuifeng took Ye Wuqian's heart slightly, but after recalling the information about Ye Wuqian, he rejected it in his heart.

"No matter how extraordinary Dragon Bone County is this time, there can only be one outstanding minister at most, this Ye Wuque..."

Thinking of this, Master Zhuifeng shook his head slightly, not optimistic.

Immediately, his eyes turned to look at another figure, a young man with short hair with a red ribbon on his right shoulder, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

"Hehe, chasing the wind, is that the genius Meng Xingsun who spends no cost to recruit into your Star Soul Pavilion?"

Master Shui Miao asked with a smile.

"Yes, this is it. Among the twenty fist marks on my white crystal wall, the deepest one, which is nearly two feet long, was shot by him!"

Speaking of this Meng Xing Soul, Master Zhuifeng's face was full of smiles.

"Oh? That's really good! Although there are Li Xuanfeng, Xin Wentian, and Hua Mingyu in this group, but Meng Xinghun should not be underestimated and can occupy a place."

"This is what I think, haha!"

Master Zhuifeng smiled and said, looking forward to Meng Xinghun extremely.

"Then wait and see..."

In the center of the green leaf battle platform, Li Xuanfeng, Xin Wentian, and Hua Mingyu are facing each other, presenting a triangular angle, looking at each other in the distance.

"Hehe, I didn't expect the three of us to be in the same round!"

This is Xin Wentian's voice, with a deep and conceited voice.

"Fight now?"

Hua Mingyu spoke closely with a high tone.

"It's boring to fight now. When the ring is finally won, I will defeat you two by myself! How about we kill more than anyone else?"

Xin Wentian smiled slightly, and said that, Hua Mingyu's eyes were bright.

Only that Li Xuanfeng has been noncommittal, but at this moment he also nodded slightly.

The sight of the three collided, sparking brilliant sparks!


Suddenly, Xin Wentian caught a glimpse of a tall and slender figure in a black robe, and found that this person was also standing in the middle of the battle platform, looking from a distance, it was as if the four of them were facing each other.

Xin Wentian's eyes flashed, and there was a hint of displeasure in it, and he faced the figure: "You, get away! This is not a place where you are qualified to stand. Go to the corner, if you want to live a little longer. !"

Xin Wentian's words are lofty and conceited, and what he refers to in his words is Ye Wuque!

Ye Wuque, standing with his hand holding his hand, glanced at Na Xin Wentian with bright eyes, and said lightly: "Noisy."

This immediately made Xin Wentian's eyes condensed, and then grinned and said: "What a lifeless thing!"

"Let me let this guy, I'm going to squeeze him to death!"

When Li Xuanfeng and Hua Mingyu spoke like this, Xin Wentian stared at Ye Wuque, with a hint of cruelty in his eyes.

The remaining two people were all indifferent, and they didn't even look at Ye Wuque, because in their eyes, Ye Wuque was just an unknown person and was not qualified to make them turn their eyes.

"The seventeenth round of the melee, now begins!"

As the majestic voice fell, a thousand genius representatives moved instantly on the green leaf battlefield!

Li Xuanfeng and Hua Mingyu also moved!

As for Na Xin Wentian, he strode forward at this moment, his eyes were directed at Ye Wuque, full of contempt, and a pair of big hands directly explored the past, stirring the void, showing his power!

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Fourth! Seeking devil fruit!