Remarried Empress - Chapter 458

Chapter 458

Chapter 458. Do You Remember? (1)

Translator: Aura / Editor: Tiny Zebra

I pondered the matter of how to welcome the priestess for a moment and made a decision.

Lets talk to her first. Lets not plan a public welcoming ceremony yet. I will personally ask the priestess if theres anything we can do for her.

The priestess wouldnt like us to hold a grand celebration, since she was trying to pa.s.s through incognito.

And while some might say that sometimes doing nothing is the best option, in this case, it could backfire. If the people later find out that I didnt even try to greet the priestess, they might complain.

It was necessary to find a compromise. When both options are precarious, the best choice is to find a middle ground.

I understand. Ill find out her precise location, Your Majesty.

Three days later, I set off early for the place where the priestess was to pa.s.s, escorted by a small retinue that included Viscount Langdel, a few of his knights, and trusted Imperial Guards, all disguised as ordinary people.

McKenna was also with me. I had been surprised to discover that McKenna was skilled in combat. More importantly, he could also transform into a bird and quickly relay a message if a problem arose.

In the countryside, not too far from the capital, we waited like travelers for the priestess to pa.s.s by.

Soon after, we saw a woman in a ca.s.sock trudging in our direction. She was unescorted and looked extremely tired. Anyone who saw her would not discover her ident.i.ty. Nothing about her pointed to her status as priestess.

There were all kinds of priests. While the current High Priest could be recognized at first glance, I had heard that he looked like a lazy thug in his days as a novice priest, although I could not imagine it.


Just then, the priestess, who had been shuffling forward with a pained expression, stopped and looked at me.

She then looked around and noticed McKenna, Viscount Langdel, and the knights around me.

She rolled her eyes, rubbed her forehead, and groaned.

I cant believe that Ive been found even though I attempted to hide my route.

She seemed to know who we were. I stood up with Viscount Langdels help and approached her.

Am I slowing you down?

She smiled helplessly and bowed.

No. It just took me by surprise. I didnt expect you to come here yourself

I heard that you wish to pa.s.s through our Empire discreetly. However, it was difficult for me to turn a blind eye since the High Priest has helped me so much.

I beg your pardon, Your Majesty.

This time she bowed in apology, then scratched her nose awkwardly.

I heard you are on pilgrimage. Is there anything I can do for you? If so, let me know.

Do not worry, I must only walk straight. Actually, it would be nice to have a carriage or a horse, but then it wouldnt be a pilgrimage, so I cant ask for it.

She laughed sheepishly and, for no apparent reason, bowed to me again.

Then she turned her attention to Viscount Langdel and whispered quietly to me.

He is a straight and honest man. But his righteousness may not always be helpful to you.

What does she mean?

I didnt have time to wonder, as the priestess next looked at McKenna and clicked her tongue.

Why? What did I do?

Since the priestess only clicked her tongue once more, McKenna became irritated.

The priestess then turned her attention to me, ignoring McKennas reaction.

Id like to receive a blessing, but I didnt know what she was about to say. She became more solemn than I expected, so I swallowed dryly. Still, I maintained my composure.

Finally, the priestess whispered softly so that I could only hear her.


I was stunned and tried to understand the meaning of her words, but before I could ask any questions, she continued speaking, louder this time.

The people of the Western Empire should rejoice. Her Majestys marriage to Emperor Heinley has suppressed his bloodthirsty nature.

The Imperial Guards looked at me in surprise.

I must be on my way, so I ask for your understanding.

That said, the priestess bowed to me and continued her pilgrimage alone.

Goodness. Why did she look at me in such an ominous way?

McKenna grumbled in horror as he stared at her, then turned to me.

By the way, Your Majesty. What did that priestess whisper to you earlier?


if you have more than one child, make sure you raise them to be close.

That was what the priestess whispered to me.

In principle, it didnt seem like anything out of the ordinary. Its what any family with more than one child desires.

However, the priestess had said this wish desired by all parents in a low voice so that no one else would hear. Why is that?

Your Majesty, what did the priestess tell you?

You dont have to be a fortune teller to know that it was something very good. Right?

Did she say your baby will also become a great Emperor?

No, she must have said that our Empress will become a great mage.

My ladies-in-waiting, who knew I had gone out to see the priestess, peppered me with questions as soon as I returned, but I couldnt answer them with complete sincerity.

I even found it hard to repeat, Heinley was lucky to have met me.

In the end, I just smiled.

The people of the Western Empire should be grateful that Emperor Heinley married Her Majesty.

But the story was openly told by Viscount Langdel, causing my ladies-in-waiting to exclaim with delight.

Thats true!

My ladies-in-waiting were happy to hear this because it would help change peoples minds. There had been reports lately that some people were concerned about Heinleys actions towards the Zemensia Family. They said he became cruel because of me. The priestess words would boost my reputation.

The Imperial Guards escorting Your Majesty also heard, so the news will soon spread. Maybe thats why the priestess said it out loud.

Viscount Langdel smiled softly when our eyes met.

I only mumbled thanks, unable to convey the fact that the priestess made a strange remark about him.