Religious Education in the Family - Part 30

Part 30

_The Life of Christ_ (Burgess). A careful historical study of the life of Christ from the four gospels. A manual for teacher and pupil presents a somewhat exhaustive treatment, but full instructions for the selection of material for in which but one recitation a week occurs are given the teacher in a separate outline.

_The Hebrew Prophets_ (Chamberlin). An inspiring presentation of the lives of some of the greatest of the prophets from the point of view of their work as citizens and patriots. In the manual for teachers and pupils the biblical text in a good modern translation is included.

_Christianity in the Apostolic Age_ (Gilbert). A story of early Christianity chronologically presented, full of interest in the hands of a teacher who enjoys the historical point of view.

In the high-school years also young people find it necessary to face the problem of living the Christian life in a modern world, both as a personal experience and as a basis on which to build an ideal society.

To meet this need a number of books intended to inspire boys and girls to look forward to taking their places as home-builders and responsible citizens of a great Christian democracy and to intelligently choose their task in it are prepared or in preparation. The following are now ready:

_Problems of Boyhood_ (Johnson). A series of chapters discussing matters of supreme interest to boys and girls, but presented from the point of view of the boy. A splendid preparation for efficiency in all life's relationships.

_Lives Worth Living_ (Peabody). A series of studies of important women, biblical and modern, representing different phases of life and introducing the opportunity to discuss the possibilities of effective womanhood in the modern world.

_The Third and Fourth Generation_ (Downing). A series of studies in heredity based upon studies of phenomena in the natural world and leading up to important historical facts and inferences in the human world.


The Biblical studies a.s.signed to the high-school period are in most cases adaptable to adult cla.s.s work. There are other volumes, however, intended only for the adult group, which also includes the young people beyond the high-school age. They are as follows:

_The Life of Christ_ (Burton and Mathews). A careful historical study of the life of Christ from the four gospels, with copious notes, reading references, maps, etc.

_What Jesus Taught_ (Slaten). This book develops an unusual but stimulating method of teaching groups of students in colleges, Christian a.s.sociations, and churches. After a swift survey of the material and spiritual environment of Jesus this book suggests outlines for _discussions_ of his teaching on such topics as civilization, hate, war and non-resistance, democracy, religion, and similar topics. Can be effectively used by laymen as well as professional leaders.

_Great Men of the Christian Church_ (Walker). A series of delightful biographies of men who have been influential in great crises in the history of the church.

_Christian Faith for Men of Today_ (Cook). A re-interpretation of old doctrines in the light of modern att.i.tudes.

_Social Duties from the Christian Point of View_ (Henderson).

Practical studies in the fundamental social relationships which make up life in the family, the city, and the state.

_Religious Education in the Family_ (Cope). An illuminating study of the possibilities of a normal religious development in the family life. Invaluable to parents.

_Christianity and Its Bible_ (Waring). A remarkably comprehensive sketch of the Old and the New Testament religion, the Christian church, and the present status of Christianity.

It is needless to say that the Constructive Studies present no sectarian dogmas and are used by churches and schools of all denominational affiliations. In the grammar-and high-school years more books are provided than there are years in which to study them, each book representing a school year's work. Local conditions, and the preference of the Director of Education or the teacher of the cla.s.s will be the guide in choosing the courses desired, remembering that in the preceding list the approximate place given to the book is the one which the editors and authors consider most appropriate.