Ye Qi landed on the soft gra.s.s field with safety roll and stood up without a wound on his body. Slapping the gra.s.s bits that had stuck to his clothes away, Ye Qi prepared to slip out of Thomas Hospital's compound with the unexpected treasure in his coat. He was going to go home to study its mystery.
However, before Ye Qi could do so, there was sound of gla.s.s shattering. Marley who Ye Qi had just bid farewell to suddenly landed on the gra.s.s field. The Black Market Dealer did not seem to be in good condition. Even with the cus.h.i.+on provided by the gra.s.s field, the gla.s.s pieces that had followed Marley out the window did some damage on his body. Small puncture wounds peppered the Black Market Dealer's body.
"F*ck! G.o.d will definitely smite you bunch of conniving cheaters!" Marley cursed under his breath, when he saw Ye Qi who was standing behind him, preparing to leave, he immediately latched onto him for help, "My dear Ye, considering we are such good business partners, you have to help me!"
Ye Qi initially thought the Black Market Dealer jumped out the window to chase after him because he had suddenly realized the statuette's true value. After all, Ye Qi had seen the guy done much more for much less. Therefore when Marley said those words, Ye Qi sighed in relief because he knew it had nothing to do with him.
Before Ye Qi could do anything, two black barrel appeared at the window that was Marley's sickroom. The next second, it rained bullets on both Ye Qi and Marley.
The pistols that were armed with silencer did not create much of a commotion in the night. The agile Ye Qi grabbed the Black Market Dealer and rolled to hide behind a flower bed before they were riddled with bullets. Using the flower bed as cover, they managed to survive the first wave of bullets.
"d.a.m.n it, Marley, have you seduced one of the gang leaders' woman again? Why would you be hunted by strange gunners in the middle of night?" Ye Qi's temper flared for being shot at for no reason. He pressed his body lowest that he could to the ground behind the flower bed and hissed at Marley. Marley produced a face of innocence facing Ye Qi's accusations. With a pair of puppy eyes, he swore, "I swear to G.o.d, I did no such thing! These bunch of people are conniving b.a.s.t.a.r.ds, they just want to swallow my business! My bodyguards are dead! No, f*ck! My stock are still in there, I have not had the time to fence them! My poor and dear jewels!"
When Marley was reminded of his jewels, the Black Market Dealer seemed to have lost his mind and aimed to dash into the hospital to save his jewels. Before he could send himself to his death, Ye Qi pulled him back and pressed him down to the floor.
Marley's reckless action had instantly attracted the gunners' attention. After the second wave of blanket shooting calmed down, Ye Qi slapped Marley on his face and roared, "Have you lost your mind?! Money and life, which is more important? Can't you tell the difference?"
"Of course I can, but without money, what is the point of life?!"
The slap did not seem to pull Marley out of his losses, the Black Market Dealer was weeping like he had lost his parents, although Ye Qi doubt the man would even cry at their funerals. The p.i.s.sed Ye Qi did not have time to care about Marley's feelings, he focused his attention at the gunners instead.
The crisp gunfire sounded again. The bullets fell like rain. The pots in the flower bed broke into pieces and many innocent plant lives were sacrificed in the gunners' desperate attempt to hit their targets. Ye Qi smirked darkly, even though Demon Hunters were forbidden by rules to not attack normal humans, that rule could be overridden if the situation was life-threatening enough! Ye Qi was d.a.m.n sure being caught in a gunfight thanks to a shady Black Market Dealer counted as one.
Ye Qi reached into his jacket and the Revolver 500 appeared in the moonlight. The silvery body which reflected the moonlight gave the illusion that the gun was glowing in the dark.
Automatic Pistol 1911 had a simple structure and little parts, it could be taken apart and constructed easily. It was reliable, safe and had a low rate of blowing up in your face. It was the favourite among the lawful, the military, the police, the law enforcement and the newly-initiated. Even though the size of the gun itself was rather unwieldy big, had a strong recoil, lowered accuracy and a chamber big enough to only hold seven magazines, it did not detract from its popularity. Even with modification, Automatic Pistol 1911 A1, the most it could hold was 7+1 magazines. Ye Qi loved this series of pistols as well, its overall power was only one grade lower than the Revolver 500 he used. If not for the lack of money, Ye Qi would really love to have a complete collection of every series of firearms.
Due to his immense love for firearms, he could identify the gun type used by the enemy in just a glance. Ye Qi who was intimately familiar with the pros and cons of Automatic Pistol 1911, had started counting the amount of rounds since the gunfight begin.
"That's 14 rounds, the time is now!"
While the shooting stopped, Ye Qi made use of the opportunity to jump from behind the flower bed and fired two shots at the window. Ye Qi's Revolver 500 was using a Magnum ammo so its damage was much greater than normal, it was about twice the damage of a Desert Eagle. This also meant that the sound of gunfire was extremely loud as well! Compared to the Automatic Pistol 1911 which had a silencer, the two shots from Revolver 500 were like two shots of thunder in the night.
The quiet of the night was shattered. Shortly after, the siren of the hospital started to scream.
"Let's run!" Ye Qi grabbed Marley and ran towards the back of the hospital. Since the siren had been activated, the hospital's security and the police would arrive soon. If they had stayed for two more minutes, they would not be able to escape even if they wanted to.
"But, my jewels!" Marley wailed in sadness and desperation. However, the Black Market Dealer had regained enough rationality to realize the consequence if he was to rush back in. Therefore, he could only turn around to look at his h.o.a.rd with great unwillingness as he ran away from the scene. He cursed vehemently, "Those two d.a.m.nable f*ckers, I swear I will…"
"Those two f*ckers are already dead! If you don't want to join them, run faster!" Ye Qi was obviously annoyed Marley was dragging them down. He grabbed the Black Market Dealer's arm and pulled him forward. When the hospital security and police arrived, Ye Qi and Marley had already left the hospital compound.
The system described 1911 as: A normal pistol with simple construct, little parts, easy construction, relative safety, and low possibility of breakdown.
While for 500 it was: A normal enhanced pistol with powerful damage that requires a strong arm to utilize.
Even though Ye Qi was unable to clearly identify the difference in power due to his low Lore skill, from the system's description alone, he could tell which was better. Furthermore, even for hunting, Revolver 500 was used to hunt large animal like elephants and rhinos while Automatic Pistol 1911 normally only appeared in the concrete jungle. Therefore, even though the two gunners were hiding behind the walls while they reloaded, Ye Qi's Revolver 500 had shot through the concrete wall.