Reincarnated As Both God And The Devil - 9 Disappeared Into Thin Air

9 Disappeared Into Thin Air

The academy's prestige further escalated when the Hero Of Freiden from the West defeated the one they call the The Devil, the evil monarch and demon G.o.d who terrorized all the 4 Continents.

Yes, Taizhou Academy is the best and Senior Professor Freitz Hamberg was proud to be a part of it.

Although his name sounded Western, he was actually born and bred in the Eastern continent, but changed his name 70 years ago when he first laid eyes on the Hero of Freiden, from then on, he became a fan of westerners.

Senior Professor Hamberg handles all the history in the Taizhou Academy and is also the one in charge of the Elite Cla.s.s. Although Hamberg isn't the strongest professor in the academy, he was the most suitable one to manage the Elite Cla.s.s as he was versed in both Western and Eastern arts.

He was the prime example of the phrase, "In teaching, power level is not important". Of course, he invented the phrase as well.

Senior Professor Hamberg was on his way to the Elite Cla.s.s as he suddenly heard the cries of children.

'This?! Who dares create trouble in the academy?!', Hamberg quickened his footsteps as he got closer to the origin of the sound. 'Isn't this the room for the Elite Cla.s.s!?'

Afraid that something have happened to his students on the first day of the academy, Hamberg hurriedly opened the door.

And lo and behold, the prestige of the Taizhou Academy.

Children banging their heads on the desk, praying, crying, and calling for their mothers. When the children noticed Senior Professor Hamberg on the door, they all surrounded him and asked for his help.

'W-what is this madness?! What has happened here?!', but before he could inquire he heard a loud but cute voice.

"Haha! Foolish mortals, where will you ru-", the owner of the voice suddenly stopped when he made eye contact with Senior Professor Hamberg.


Viel suddenly felt beads of sweat forming on his face when he realized that an old man was already standing on the door entrance, which was most likely their professor.

'O-oh no! Grandma Ling will kill me this time!'

Before Viel got to the academy in the morning, his Grandma Ling warned him not to disrespect his professors and always treat his cla.s.smates with kindness, surely, he already failed the latter.

Suddenly, Viel thought of an idea and started walking towards the professor. Seeing this, the crying children surrounding the professor scurried away, full of fear.

"Y-you, what're you doing?!", the professor also backed away momentarily before standing his ground.

When Viel was about half a meter away from the professor, he spread his arms and then...

Hugged the professor and started to cry.

'Excess Soul 03 is weakining'

"Grandpa! Help us, please!", with tears and snot running down his face. Viel pointed on the direction of one of the students that remained seated throughout this ordeal.

"It's her fault!"

The one being pointed at was one of the exemplary students during the entrance examination, the quiet girl with jet black hair.

'S-shameless!', everyone roared in their mind.

"N-no!", the suddenly quiet girl jumped in fright. "I-I-I...didn't do anything!"

"Enough! I know clearly who is at fault here!", all the students brightened up when they heard the professor say this. Viel who also heard this, looked up to the professor with teary eyes full of cuteness.

"N-No one is! Now get back to your seats!"

'What?!', all the students exclaimed but they knew they couldn't do anything and just went back to their seats. At last, this whole ordeal is over and everyone returned to their seats. But they knew that as long as this little monster called Viel was in their cla.s.sroom, they will no longer have a quiet and peaceful life in the academy.

Their first cla.s.s did not last long as Senior Professor Hamberg said that the official will start only tomorrow. The first day is usually for the students to get the hang of the school and its facilities.

Although the cla.s.s was over, no one stood up to leave and explore academy.

"I am sorry!", Viel was currently kneeling in front of the black haired girl. This sudden action caused everyone to jump momentarily.

"I didn't mean to point at you, I promise! Please don't tell Grandma Ling!", Viel's voice was full of panic as he pleaded the black haired girl.

"N-no, i-it's alright, please stand up!", the black haired girl waved her hand.

"Really?! Okay then!", Viel hurriedly stood up and patted his knees like nothing happened.

'This guy... is really shameless', the black haired girl thought.

"What's your name, new friend? Mine is Viel!", Viel grabbed the black haired girl's hand and shook it.


"Yes! You are now my friend. My Granndpa Ling said I should quickly make girl friends so that I won't have trouble marrying in the future and won't be stuck with one option!", Viel proudly thumped his chest. If Grandma Ling were to hear this statement, Grandpa Ling will surely be on his way to the grave.

"M-m-m-marry?!", the black haired girl covered her face in panic.

A loud noise of a chair falling down can be heard as one of the female students that was listening closely stood up.

'T-this is it! My path to power!', Diao Mei stared at Viel with conviction in her eyes. Viel noticed Diao Mei looking at him and couldn't help but exclaim.

"Ah! It's you! G.o.ddess Mei, you are in this cla.s.s as well!", Viel waved his hands wildly as he greeted Diao Mei.

Diao Mei bowed in response before leaving the cla.s.sroom, 'I must report this to Grandfather immediately!'.

As Diao Mei left, the other students also took this chance to leave the cla.s.sroom so as to save them from this madness.

Now only a few students are left in the cla.s.sroom. Including Viel, the black haired girl, and Wei Song who people have probably forgotten about already.

"M-my name is Cynthia.", the black haired girl inhaled before saying her name with pride.

"Aha! I knew you were also a westerner!", Viel covered his face, only exposing his left eye as he praised himself for guessing right.

'Isn't it obvious, besides my black hair, all my features are from the west', Cynthia couldn't help but chuckle lightly.

"Now, Miss Cynthia, I must bid you farewell before she gets here!", as Viel said this he suddenly transformed into a thin light before he completely disappeared from his spot.

"W-wait, what!?"

But before Cynthia and the other students can gather their thoughts, a woman entered the cla.s.sroom.

"Little Viel, I heard from examiner An Da that you're in this cla.s.s, I brought you some candy", a woman that seems to be in her early 30s exclaimed as she searched the room.

'Well ain't this weird. I've been guarding the door for quite a while now and I am sure little Viel hasn't gone out yet', the woman pondered for a while before asking the students if they have seen a small white haired boy. The students described the events that happened before the woman entered the room.

'T-teleportation!?', the woman held her breath. At first, invisibility went into her mind but seeing as she couldn't even feel any signs of distortion in the cla.s.sroom, she disregarded this thought.

'T-this... if this is true. Then this is way out of my hands now, I should tell the Ancestor about Viel personally'

"Once you see the little boy again, tell him Elder Xing Cai from the Nine Golden Pavillion has some candies for him", after the woman said this, she immediately left the cla.s.sroom.


In a grand room on the top floor of Taizhou Academy. Senior Professor Hamberg can be seen talking to an old bearded man.

"Headmaster, with all due respect. As much as I am happy that we have a student like Viel in the academy. I am afraid this is too much trouble", Senior Professor Hamberg calmly gave his opinion.

The Headmaster stood up from his chair and walked towards the nearest window, as if contemplating something.

"We have no choice, Hamberg, if not Taizhou Academy, then who? The people from Longteng College?", The Headmaster said with pride.


"No buts! We are Taizhou Academy, the number one in the Eastern continent, perhaps even the world! We will not reject our students just because they are a little bit different. And what if there's an immortal behind the child? Who will be responsible if he or she gets angry and decides to wreak havoc in the academy because we expelled his protege? I might be able to defeat him, but how many casualties do you think there will be? A hundred thousand? A million?"


"That's why there's only one thing left for us to do", The Headmaster said as he put on a serious expression.

"W-what is it, respected Headmaster!?", Beads of sweat started to form on Senior Professor Hamberg's face as he awaited the Headmaster's reply.

"It is time...", the Headmaster's expression turned even more serious as he looked on the horizon.

"For me to retire!"
