Regressor Instruction Manual - Chapter 283. Please Revolutionize (2)

Chapter 283. Please Revolutionize (2)

“Sacred Democracy,” they said.

“Excuse me?” I[1] asked.

“It’s the book a man named Oscar wrote. I’m certain that Brother Lee Ki-Young wrote and distributed it, and I’m sure everyone has read it already. The more I read it, the more I think that it’s an interesting book. I guess these types of ideas were common in the world the foreigners once lived in. I was aware of it, but this proves that our empire has been living in the past.”


“This book was written by one foreigner within a few days, and it denies the current imperial system. Anyone with common sense will know how the vested interests of the empire have been leading the citizens all this time with absurd ideas. What the author said was right. All humans are equal.”

“Your Highness… what do you think about the book?”

“It’s magnificent. Of course, it does bother me a bit that the author talked about democratization while using the Benigoa Goddess’ doctrine because it contradicts the ideology that we want. You shouldn’t expect too much during the first attempt. For now, I have no objection that this is their best. I believe the goddess’ will must be the foundation to make the citizens rise up since they’re still used to the imperial system. They could have also thought about receiving support from the Vatican. In some ways, using the goddess’ doctrine was a genius idea,” I replied.

“As expected…”

“It may have side effects, but it’s that effective. I’m sure it’s empowering the anxious citizens,” I added.

“I’m relieved that your plan has been working out, Your Highness.”

“This is only the beginning. What we do from now on is more important,” I informed them.

I saw them nodding in agreement. The bags under their eyes told me that they had stayed up all night reading that book and it was obvious why. This small book in front of me was no different from a brand-new type of holy book being distributed for the first time in the empire. It was a book that contained ideas, and the results of those ideas gave birth to the place where the foreigners came from. Of course, the book contained some corruption, but as I said before, this was something time would resolve. Right now, my top priority was to overturn the empire’s current system. My plan that I had been executing little by little for a long time was finally starting to bear fruit.

‘My prediction was correct.’

I was right. Cornering him would break the system down. I was surprised because it happened a lot faster than I had expected, but it felt like I was being reminded of how competent he was, so I was able to confirm once again that I had made the right choice.

‘I thought it was going to take at least six more months…’

However, not even a month had passed, and a strange atmosphere had already started to form within the empire. Unlike me who had no idea how or where to start, he was doing his work perfectly, and it would be strange if I weren’t impressed.

A civil revolution. It was both a wish and a dream that had been in my head for a long time now. Now that I thought of it, all this started when I overheard the conversation between the foreigner Cha Hee-Ra and Victor Hart a few years ago.

‘Grandpa Victor, the place where we came from doesn’t have nobles or emperors, so I never got the chance to learn this kind of etiquette.’

It was just that one sentence, and even though I overheard it by chance, I kept on remembering her voice. I couldn’t understand it at the time because my head was filled with thoughts of becoming the empress, but I could remember it being the first time that I heard of a land that wasn’t being ruled by an emperor and without nobles.

‘Is that possible?’

Naturally, my head was filled with doubts. It wasn’t completely impossible since the Republic was close to the empire, but I thought the Republic was in a worse situation than us. The Republic was biased toward special groups, and they advocated the liberation of all humans. However, their president possessed undisputed power under a one-party dictatorial system. I thought it was different from the land Cha Hee-Ra had mentioned, and as she said, there was no need to learn about etiquette in the continent the foreigners came from.

‘They’re equal.’

I tried my best to erase it from my head, but my curiosity only grew. After hearing just a few words, I became curious about the foreigner’s continent even though I had never been interested in it before. I had many sleepless nights due to the frustration, and in the end, I had no choice but to make a move to resolve this curiosity.

I spoke to many foreigners and asked them where they came from, how it could exist, and how it was being ruled without an emperor. However, no one could give me a proper answer, as they were scared. It was considered kind of taboo to discuss their continent in the castle, so it was understandable for ordinary foreigners to feel frightened. However, the basic information I had obtained from them still astonished me. Electing a leader every few years, representatives elected by the citizens, impeachment, people’s check on power, and their history—everything piqued my interest.

When my curiosity could no longer be resolved through the foreigners invited to the castle, I immediately headed outside. Obviously, I couldn’t move around freely since there had been many eyes on me, but whenever I had the chance, I would wander around the free cities the foreigners had established. I wanted to see for myself how they lived, what kind of jobs they had, and what the new foreigners who had just arrived here looked like. Honestly, I was satisfied with the result of my exploration.

In contrast to my imagination which depicted the place as a utopia, poverty, and discrimination existed in the free cities. There wasn’t an emperor, but there were leaders who had risen up because of their military power, and in some ways, it wasn’t that different from the current empire.

When I was about to go home with doubts, I witnessed the birth of the press, and it felt like the world had changed overnight. I could even see how the world was changing in the eyes of others. The foreigners considered to be low rank had risen up, and they had started boycotting those with power. I couldn’t understand it. They used to be quiet as a mouse, but the way they united as one and moved together was like a smaller version of the stories that I had heard. The thing I thought would never change was starting to change little by little.

The Black Swan Guild—a large guild located in the Free City of Lindel—started walking on eggshells around the other foreigners back then and a few days later, the guild master was replaced.

“No way…” I commented.

The low-ranked foreigners had changed everything without bloodshed or injury.

‘They achieved a bloodless revolution…’

I couldn't describe how shocked I was when I had seen it with my own eyes and naturally, my attention was on the person at the center of the incident. I observed Lee Ki-Young, the man the press treated as a victim at the time; no, it was more like he was the foreigner controlling the press. Using my power as a princess, I conducted a background check on him.

He entered the castle and tracked down the demon worshiper, Ito Sota. He had successfully protected Castle Rock, a dragon had chosen him, and he had also obtained a position in the Vatican. On top of that, the nobles loved him as well. Of course, there were things I didn’t want to see, but it was more important to know what kind of person he was. I was more interested in what he was capable of doing. The weapons he had in possession weren’t just the dragon or those potions he made. His eloquence and connections could also be considered his weapons; however, his strongest weapon was the press and the way he used it.

I couldn’t help but think that I was learning from him. The incident that had taken place in Lindel was a new ray of hope and light to me.

‘I need to prepare...’

I could change the empire.

‘The people can rise up…’

I had to gather people with the same vision as me.

‘I’m sure there are nobles and intellectuals who consider the current system as unjust. I’m certain of it.’

The foreigners would help as well.

‘I have to use them.’

My hard work was finally starting to pay off. I hadn’t actually achieved anything yet, but if someone asked me if I was happy, I would nod. And I nodded happily when I heard a voice.

“You seem to be in a good mood, Your Highness.”

“I am. I know this is only the beginning, but it’s hard to hide my happiness,” I said.

“Excuse me, Your Highness.”


“I’m sorry, but may I say something?” they asked.

“No need to apologize. Please speak.”

“Well… I was wondering what you’re planning on doing once this is over.”

“Ah, I’ll be doing the same thing as all of you. I’ll probably live a normal life for the rest of my life. It will be difficult, but I want my father and older sister to live a new life as well. I want to live the life my mother told me a long time ago. If it’s possible, haha.” I laughed.

“But Your Majesty, as I’ve said before…”

“I’m no different from the citizens. I only received a better education than them because I was lucky and thanks to that luck I could see more things in the world. I realized many things while I was trying to learn more about the foreigners. I’m not someone who can stand on top of others. I just want to live a normal life. Like them, I want to experience ordinary love and go on ordinary dates,” I explained.

“It’s like you to say something like that. Haha. Is there someone you like?” they asked.

“Haha. It’s like you to ask something like that,” I said.

“Maybe… the reason why you’ve been watching Brother Lee Ki-Young…”

“Hahaha, that’s not the case. He does interest me, but he’s definitely not my type. Actually, his superior is closer to my type. I have been talking nonsense in front of all of you. Anyway, let’s wrap it up for today. We’ll be busy again starting tomorrow,” I suggested.

“Yes, Your Highness.”

They left after bowing quietly. I quickly returned to my room and read Sacred Democracy again. The ideas I couldn’t understand before were starting to become clearer in my mind. And I had a feeling that for the time being, I would be spending my time reading this book over and over again without realizing the passage of time.

“The sovereignty of the empire rests with the people and all the power comes from the people.”

I was sure the citizens reading this book somewhere would realize that their situation wasn’t so different from the foreigners. Some of them may be reading it in a stable, some in schools with no lights, and others may be relying on a small candle to read the book. There may even be people in the castle reading this book. The people would become educated by sharing the book and discussing with each other while avoiding the eyes of others.

This small holy book would be the beginning of the revolution, and it would also serve as the light for the people of the empire.

“He’s a genius,” I remarked.

I couldn’t help but say that as I tightly hugged the small book.

“An honorable revolution.”

If things went as planned, the empire would be able to take one step further without bloodshed.

1. Princess Charlotte’s POV ☜