Record of a Thousand Lives - Chapter 85

Chapter 85

The Desert of Death was littered with decomposed corpses; in it, it would be quite easy to come across a bleached white skull that belonged to either an adventurer or a monster. There even existed a place in the Desert of Death that had turned pearly white because of the number of bones gathered there.

‘The Tomb of Bones.’

Kang Yoon-Soo walked alone in the sea of bones that colored the desert ground white.

“It’s a living being…!”

“I was so lonely…!”

“Come stay with us…!”

Zombies with gray, decomposed skin slowly started to gather one by one, trailing behind Kang Yoon-Soo. The tomb where the dead resided was certain to have a horde of undead crawling in it.

Kang Yoon-Soo swung his white sword and killed the zombies one by one.

[The Sword of Revelation displays tremendous power against the dead who have come back to life.]

The Sword of Revelation could inflict a lot of damage on those who had returned from death, and Kartheon was no exception.

“Summon Mini-Lich,” Kang Yoon-Soo muttered.

A small skeleton wearing a fluttering red robe appeared out of nowhere and asked, “What is your command?”

“Fight against the undead,” Kang Yoon-Soo commanded.

The Mini-Lich stabbed its staff into the desert ground and said, “Listen to me, all of you undead. I will be your friend!”


“A great Lich has come to us…!”

The Mini-Lich had the ability to control and command lower-ranked undead. Some of the zombies forgot their hostility toward Kang Yoon-Soo, and they redirected...