Record of a Thousand Lives - Chapter 131

Chapter 131

Nell combed his long white beard with one hand while staring intently at Kang Yoon-Soo. Eventually, he asked, “Do you even have experience fishing?”

“Yes,” Kang Yoon-Soo replied.

“What’s the biggest achievement you’ve had while fishing, for you to be bragging like that?” Nell asked.

“I once fished in a crater,” Kang Yoon-Soo replied.

“Then you must have caught a creature that lives in lava. What did you catch?” Nell asked.

“The Dragon of Destruction,” Kang Yoon-Soo replied nonchalantly.

“It must have felt awesome catching that. What did you use as bait?” Nell asked.

“I tied up a corrupted fairy that was still alive and used it as bait,” Kang Yoon-Soo replied calmly.

“A fairy or a spirit would be excellent bait when fishing for mystical creatures. I guess you aren’t bluffing,” Nell said.

Yan asked his father in disbelief, “Father, have you ever used a fairy as bait?”

“There was a time back when I was younger when I used a fairy’s corpse as bait with the permission of the Fairy Queen,” Nell replied casually.

“What did you catch with that?” Yan asked.

“I caught a demon after fishing in a rift for four days and nights,” Nell replied.

“Ah, a demon?” Yan asked in surprise.

“There’s nothing to get so worked up about. It was only a bottom-tier demon that was greatly weakened thanks to the Fairy Queen’s powers. I just caught it, and it was the fairies who killed it,” Nell explained.

The stories told by Kang Yoon-Soo and Nell were so unbelievable that anyone would think they were lying, but these two stubborn men were not the sort of people who would lie about such...