Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman - Chapter 2029: Visit Grandpa Long

Chapter 2029: Visit Grandpa Long

Chapter 2029: Chapter 2029: Visit Grandpa Long

Long Hui already told Yu Qi that he wanted to go and visit Grandpa Long this weekend. If Yu Qi did not have anything to do this week, she could come too.

Of course, Yu Qi would like to join Long Hui. She also wanted to see Grandpa Long. She had prepared the new batch of the medicine wine for Grandpa Long. Grandpa Long probably had finished the previous one. So, both of them went to Capital City on the weekend.

After the flight landed, they did not go to Long Mansion. But they went straight to the military camp. Even though Grandpa Long had already retired, he still went to the military camp to oversee the training.

Long Hui and Yu Qi entered the military training. Long Hui took Yu Qi to the training ground. They could see Grandpa Long shouting as he ordered the soldiers to be strong and endure his training session. They approached Grandpa Long.

"Grandpa..." Long Hui called Grandpa Long.

Grandpa Long turned around looking so sternly when he saw Long Hui. "Oh... It is you."

However, his expression changed when he saw Yu Qi. He changed into a sweet old man. "Oh... Yu Qi... You come and visit me."

"Grandpa..." Yu Qi smiled.

Long Hui could not help to roll his eyes against Grandpa Long. Grandpa Long pulled Yu Qi's hand wanting her to come with him to a room nearby. It was a break room but it became

Grandpa Long's break room since he was the only one who used the room to take a break. The room was completed with a table, chair and air-conditioning. It even had a water heater for him to enjoy the drink.

"Come and sit." Grandpa Long said.

Yu Qi and Long Hui sat down.

"Grandpa, long time no see. How are you?" Yu Qi asked.

"I am still strong as you can see." Grandpa Long said. "It is probably because of your medicine wine."

"You are probably going to finish the previous one. Here, I bring the new batch." Yu Qi said. She took out the two gla.s.s bottles that had a yellow liquid and herbs inside them.

Grandpa Long's eyes lifted up. "Thank you, Yu Qi..."

"Grandpa, if you don't mind, can I check your condition?" Yu Qi asked.

She wanted to know if Grandpa Long was in the good condition or not. She just wanted to make sure.

"Yes. Sure... I don't mind." Grandpa Long nodded.

"Let me check your pulse." Yu Qi said.

Grandpa Long gave his hand to Yu Qi to check. Yu Qi immediately read Grandpa Long's pulse. Everything seemed fine. Yu Qi was glad.

"Your health is in good condition." Yu Qi said.

"Like I said earlier, your medicine wine helps me." Grandpa Long said.

"Even so, you need to remember that you are already old, and need to take care of your body." Long Hui joined the conversation.

"Tsk... I know." Grandpa Long clicked his tongue. "How about you? I heard you went missing."

"You know that it is not the truth." Long Hui said.

"You should know that the traitors need to clean up." Grandpa Long advised Long Hui in a sharp tone.

"I know. I am working for it." Long Hui nodded.

Grandpa Long knew that his grandson would understand his meaning. Then he changed the topic.

"When are you going to tie the knot?" Grandpa Long asked.

Long Hui and Yu Qi were stunned when they heard the question from Grandpa Long.

"What? Are you both forgetting about that?" Grandpa Long raised his eyebrow. Then he continued. "You have been together a long time already. You should tie the knot as soon as possible."

Long Hui glanced at Yu Qi. Yu Qi noticed that Long Hui was looking at her. She went red.

"You young people..." Grandpa Long said.

"Don't worry, Grandpa. When we get married, we will make sure not to forget to invite you to our wedding," Long Hui said.

"You brat! How dare you forget your own grandfather?" Grandpa Long scolded Long Hui.

"I say I will make sure that we don't forget about inviting you. Why are you getting mad?" Long Hui asked nonchalantly.

"You should not say something like that, you brat!" Grandpa Long pointed his finger at his grandson.

Yu Qi chuckled. Grandpa Long seemed to remember that they were not alone. Yu Qi was also here.

"Grandpa, what are you going to do with dinner?" Yu Qi asked.

"Hmm... I don't know. I will just have what the chef cooks for me." Grandpa Long stated.

"How about I cook what you want to eat tonight?" Yu Qi offered.

"Is that okay for you to do it? Are you tired?" Grandpa Long asked.

He did not want to burden his future granddaughter-in-law.

"Tired? No...Cooking is not tiring. You should know that a surgeon probably needs to stand up and operate on the patient for a long period of time. So, cooking would not be a problem for me." Yu Qi smiled.

"If you insist, I will gladly accept that." Grandpa Long stated. "Oh, wait, I need to call the butler to inform him to tell the chef that he did not need to cook today."

Grandpa Long took out his phone and dialled the butler. The butler answered the call. "Oh... Xiaoyun, tell the chef there is no need for him to cook for tonight." Grandpa Long said. ***Thank you, from, your shameless author, ZerahNeko***