Reborn As The Hero's Daughter! Time To Become The Hero Once More! - Chapter 59

Chapter 59

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Author: Kaburagi Haruka Original Source: Syosetu Word Count: 2579 characters Translator: Aurum English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 1285 words Editor(s): Deximus_Maximus

The following day, cla.s.s began in earnest .

According to our schedule, the first cla.s.s was meant to train basic physical fitness .

We changed into athletic clothes in cla.s.s and gathered on the playground, it was then that we became self-conscious for the first time .

The playground is shared with the Adventurer’s School, so you can see their students on the other side of the square .

Cortina came out and started warm-ups with a whistle in her mouth .

Letina and I started doing calisthenics alongside each other .

“Whoa, Nicole you’re so limber . ”

“Yeah, I want to stand on the front lines . ”

“The vanguard? You don’t want to be a mage?

“Right . I want to be a Magic Swordsman . ”

“That’s a lofty goal, isn’t it . ”

A Magic Swordsman has to be proficient with both magic and swordsmans.h.i.+p . Otherwise, both skills will be half-baked . I experienced in the past what happens when parties become unbalanced because of inferior skills .

“Yup, but I’ll do my best . ”

“I won’t fall behind either . ”

“Hey now, you there . Don’t hurt yourselves while you’re busy talking . ”

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Cortina seems more gleeful than when she was at home despite sounding heartless .

That reminds me, she really enjoyed herself playing with the kids at the orphanage . Meanwhile, I just got played by the kids .

“Well then, next, do three laps around…”


“Teach, you’re a monster!”

The students started raising complaints one after the other, but it was pointless . Three laps around the large playground would be well over a kilometer .

For younglings, it’s a tad extreme for an exercise .

“It’s fine, this is to measure your physical fitness . Besides, this cla.s.s is about physical fitness, isn’t it? No pain no gain . ”



“Sorry but I’m a cat lol! Now, get going!”


The students started running while screaming . Me and Letina started running along with them .

But anyway, I was training my body almost every day in the village . Like I’d lose out to some flimsy mage children .

Yeah, there was a time I actually believed that .

“Zehiuu, hahiiuu”

“Hold on, it hasn’t even been half a lap… . Are you ok Nicole?”

“Im, fu, faiiin”

“But no matter how I look at it, you don’t look fine…”

I was following the other students closely for the first hundred meters, but by the two hundred meter mark I had stalled out .

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This was a clear indication that my stamina was insufficient . By the way, the other students left me in their dust a long time ago .

During the battle against the kidnappers, I held out longer . Apparently, exercise that consumes stamina constantly is my natural enemy .

During that time, I managed to fight while repeatedly holding my breath and movement when possible, but in a marathon I’m forced to keep burning my energy .

That being said, since I have scant physical strength I can’t keep moving for a long time .

Even so… . Isn’t this a bit too fast?

“With this you’re aiming to be a Magic Swordsman…”

“I, I’m, fa, fine . It’s still… my body, can keep… oof”

“Wa, Wait! Teacher… over here! Nicole gives! Immediately! We need a medic asap!?”

I just barely managed to gulp a sparkly liquid threatening to rise from the pit of my stomach back down .

As you’d expect, it was a matter of my dignity as a human being .

However, the exertion robbed me of my last remaining bits of stamina, making me lose all hope of accomplis.h.i.+ng this impossible task .

“Ah, this…”

“Whoa whoa, wait, Nicole!”

Letina did her best to support me, but we were still little kids so we fell onto the ground in a tangled mess and I lost consciousness .

When I next came to, I was lying in the infirmary .

Looking around me, I saw a shelf with a great deal of potions and could smell the faint odor of alcohol used as disinfectant .

Sitting in front of a desk installed by the window was a woman in a white robe .

“Oh, you’re up?”

“…mmph, Thank you . I’m sorry for the trouble . ”

“While I appreciate the polite thanks… honestly, I never would’ve imagined a student collapsing in the first cla.s.s of the day . ”

“I’m very sorry . ”

Most likely she’s a health instructor . She came up to me and took my wrist to check my pulse .

Judging by the nametag on her white robe, her name’s Tricia . She’s easy on the eyes but for some reason doesn’t stick out .

Maybe if she did something with her hair?

“Hmm… It’s a bit fast . Is it always like that?”

“Yes . It’s a bit fast normally . ”

“Is that so . You should probably keep working out . ”

My pulse is a bit faster than most kids my age, and currently, my body temperature is a bit high .

Dr . Tricia’s cool hands feel nice to the touch .

“But honestly, that Cortina, I swear . Pus.h.i.+ng a student to the point of collapse, how unreasonable can you get . ”

“This is my body’s fault for being so frail . It’s impossible to instantly grasp everyone’s physical limits . ”

“You know some complicated words . Well, I guess it’s fine this time . ”

True she shouldn’t be able to grasp the other student’s limits instantly, but given we’ve been living together, it’s strange for her to overlook my condition .

Such a thing never happened last time .

“Hm… Why’s that?”

“Well, thanks to her I got to look at your cute sleeping face . ”

“Mmmm… . ”

As a former man, I have some reservations about being called cute by a beauty in the prime of her youth .

But well, I guess I’m pretty used to it after hearing Lyell and Maria tell me so often .

Next, she opened my gym clothes to examine my chest with her stethoscope .

The cold metal felt pleasant on my overheated body .

“Your breathing seems normal at least . ”

“Yep . Never had any problems there . ”

“Do you normally have fainting spells like this by chance?”

“All the time . ”

Since I was an infant who couldn’t get out of bed, I’d work on manipulating magic until I pa.s.sed out .

Of course, I never succeeded, but I’d still fall asleep each night with mental fatigue, so in that sense, fainting is nothing new to me .

“Somehow, isn’t that an impossible way to live?”

“I have a goal in mind . ”

I’ll become a Magic Swordsman . I won’t become an, I’ll gain my fame as a hero .

To become a hero without the qualities of one, that was the sort of thing I was going for .

While chatting with the doctor like this, the door to the infirmary was suddenly opened .

“Oh, You’re up? I was so worried!”

“Are you awake Nicole?”

The ones intruding with noisy footsteps and questions were Cortina and Letina .

Seeing me sitting up in the middle of an examination made the two of them let out a sigh of relief .

“Forgive me, you’re always keeping up on your condition, so I thought it was fine, then suddenly you collapsed!”

“Cortina made a misjudgment?”

“Yeah . I never expected you to get worn out so suddenly like that . ”

Hearing Cortina’s explanation made me realize my weakness .

“That’s no excuse . However, this fragility is a bit unusual . I suppose we’d better do a thorough examination at least once just to make sure . ”

“I’ve been thinking there was something wrong for the longest time . ”

When I fought the kobold, fatigue kicked in suddenly and caused me to slip .

Then again during the kidnapping incident, I started to get tired quickly right after Mich.e.l.le showed up .

Looking at it objectively, things don’t really add up .

I’d always attributed my weakness due to my stunted growth, but could there be some underlying condition inside my body causing me to be like this .

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