Reborn: Apocalypse - Volume 2 - Vol 2 Chapter 25

Vol 2 Chapter 25

"It's possible we'll run into Monster Cla.s.s Morenkai or a dangerous Nest on the Great Bridge! We can't just decide to go without being prepared!" The 1st Ranked Flesh Wizard of the Flesh Wizards Tower, Wizard Gabriel, spoke out loud in the conference room . He was tall and slightly reedy, wearing a set of black robes . His thin face had an annoyed expression on it as he looked around the table .

"I agree with Gabriel, but I'm not sure our preparation is lacking . " General Raymen of the Saru Group folded his thick arms together, his blue eyes glimmering .

"The Tobagin Party is sending 2 B Rankers and 10 C Rankers to join the expedition . If we all contribute warriors, I don't see why there is a problem here, gentlemen . " The President of the Tobagin Party, President Hudlo, broke in . He was a bookish man, with the appearance of a scholar . He wore a set of thin and a loose brown suit, his aged white hair cut short .

"The information we have on the Great Bridge isn't much, it's true . " Boss s.h.i.+gun entered the conversation, chewing on a cigar as he spoke . His voice was authoritative, catching everyone's attention .

"But several expeditions have crossed before, and only a few spotted any strong Morenkai, let alone Monster Cla.s.s ones . As for Nests, well, they're quite avoidable and shouldn't prove to be a big danger . " He crossed his arms as he finished, looking around .

Just as Wizard Gabriel was about to respond, the door to the room opened up and two masked figures strode in .

A hushed silence stole over everyone for a brief moment as they all stared at the newcomers .

"The Tobagin Party sees the Angels Arcadia Emissaries . " President Huldo broke the silence by bowing his head slightly, speaking aloud .

"As does the Flesh Wizards Tower . " Wizard Gabriel quickly added .

"As does the Blue Wing Society . " The various other leaders of groups sitting around the table followed their example .

"As does the Iron Knights Alliance . "

"As does…"

A round of respectful greetings rang out from all 9 of the leaders that were sitting around the lounge table . Everyone there, from President Huldo to General Raymen, spoke with respect, and a hint of fear .

No one wanted to become enemies with the Angels Arcadia or show the slightest sign of disrespect .

While information didn't spread as fast as it used to on Earth, the Angels Arcadia had built up a b.l.o.o.d.y and powerful reputation over the past 3 years, one that anyone aware of would not ignore .

"Be at ease . " Micheal smiled behind his mask, maintaining a calm and cool facade as he and Sophia entered the room .

Advertis.e.m.e.nt"We of the Angels Arcadia, as Boss s.h.i.+gun will have told you all, are here to offer our expertise in crossing the Great Bridge . " Micheal didn't mince words, immediately jumping to the point .

These past few weeks, apart from hunting Golden Morenkai and getting gear and supplies he would need in the future, Micheal had focused on putting together this expedition force, the Stardust Coalition .

He pulled every string he had .

His Micheal ident.i.ty made contact with the Saru Group, allegedly at Boss s.h.i.+gun's request, informing them of this idea . The respect they gave him as a strong, new Irregular, as well as the G.o.dfather Organization, played a big part in their agreeing to come to the previous meetings, hoping to form positive ties with a potential powerhouse .

While Micheal hadn't become a famous warrior and had gradually faded from the limelight, the Saru Group had already become involved and interested in the proceedings .

His Heron ident.i.ty made contact with the Flesh Wizards Tower . Their previous trades had already convinced the Flesh Wizards of his power . With the G.o.dfather Organization as well as the Saru Group throwing in their support, it became an easy decision for them .

The various other groups, including the last major power, the Tobagin Party, fell into line after that, no one wanting to miss out . Micheal made sure to ignore any groups that were lawless or operated on the darker side, not giving them any chance to expand .

And now they had reached the culmination of that work, everything falling into line, the first general meeting that he attended with everyone present .

"Well, with two Emissaries from Arcadia here, I suppose it should be a walk in the park . " General Raymen rumbled out, nodding his head .

"Of course, of course . The Emissaries of Arcadia are famed for their capabilities . With two of them here to guide us, I trust none of you will have any objections?" Boss s.h.i.+gun's voice boomed out as he nodded at everyone around the table .

The various leaders around the table talked for a bit but all eventually nodded in agreement . The reputation of the Angels Arcadia was more than enough to convince them .

"So, then, we are in agreement!" Boss s.h.i.+gun's voice echoed cheerfully as he chewed on his cigar, a huge smile on his face .

"Now then! Down to business!"

Micheal watched the leader of the local branch of the G.o.dfather Organization with amus.e.m.e.nt . s.h.i.+gun seemed to truly enjoy leading, something Micheal was still trying to get used to .

"What are the exact Ranked forces each group is sending? The G.o.dfather Organization is sending 1 B Ranker and 12 C Rankers . " He looked around the table expectantly .

A slew of replies came in return .

"The Saru Group is sending 2 B Rankers and 4 C Rankers . "

"The Flesh Wizards Tower shall send 1 B Ranker and…"

"The Iron Knights will send 14 C Rankers…"

Micheal watched everything unfold in silence, playing the part of a secretive expert . Sophia followed his lead, letting s.h.i.+gun control the meeting as the various organizations broke out into discussion about entering the Main Cl.u.s.ter .

In no time at all, an expedition force of roughly 85 C Rankers and 12 B Rankers was decided on . The alliance was officially called the Stardust Coalition .

Its main purpose was to focus on training its members to gather more Points and build allies in the Main Cl.u.s.ter, as well as establis.h.i.+ng their presence . Its underlying goal was to build a network and base to use to eventually proceed towards the Second Layer .

This world was not a paradise . Life here was almost h.e.l.lish, the constant threat of shambling Morenkai almost always ever-present . Many people would, if given the option, move on to the Second Layer and leave this world .

Micheal's words and actions, as both Micheal and as Heron, had inspired many of those present to start focusing on preparation . The brutal death and destruction of the Mayoral Alliance and the Black Flag Pirates had helped as well .

Soon, the meeting fully finished . Micheal made small talk with some of the various leaders before beating a quick escape, followed by Sophia . They emerged from the skysc.r.a.per as afternoon was waning, the meeting taking several hours .

He waited with Sophia for a few minutes, looking out across the world of skysc.r.a.pers . It was still an awe-inspiring sight, one that was forever burned in his mind .

Eventually, a figure appeared on the roof next to them .

"Heron . " Boss s.h.i.+gun's voice rumbled out .

"s.h.i.+gun . " Micheal turned and nodded at the man . The roof still had a few guards on it, but almost everyone else had left, the various leaders of the partic.i.p.ating groups returning to prepare for the expedition tomorrow .

"I looked into what you asked . " s.h.i.+gun began, giving him a grave nod .

"Oh?" Micheal slowly nodded back, his tone questioning .

"The woman, Lana, was operating independently with a few of her friends, in the north side of the Cl.u.s.ter . I've had my men invite her and her allies into the Family, an invitation they did not refuse . "

Lana and her friends had helped Micheal find Sophia, back when he was just getting started . He had urged them to leave the Mayoral Alliance after that, but hearing they actually had left it and were fine soothed his worries . He would look after those that helped him .

"They didn't refuse, or they couldn't refuse?" Micheal smiled beneath his mask, his tone carrying a hint of humor .

"Bahahaha, let's say both . " s.h.i.+gun grinned and guffawed .

"Arrrgh-cough, cough . " The G.o.dfather Boss seemed to forget he had a cigar on his mouth and accidentally swallowed half of it while he was laughing . He coughed and wheezed as he almost choked, spitting it out .

Sophia quivered, a quiet 'eep!' popping out as she tried to force herself not to laugh .

"Ahem . " s.h.i.+gun patted himself off as if nothing happened .

"Anyway . I've done everything you requested . The information on Golden Morenkai and Dragon Building Liquid has been sent to the HQ . I'll release it here publicly in a few weeks . " s.h.i.+gun had recovered most of his dignity, ignoring Sophia's quivering shoulders .

Micheal stuck out his hand,

"Thanks, s.h.i.+gun . "

"No, thank you Mi-, ahem, Heron . " s.h.i.+gun took his hand and shook it, giving him a friendly smile,

"To meet someone that would give up on such secrets purely to better all of mankind… I have never met someone I would rather call a friend . "

Micheal smiled behind his mask .

"The same to you, s.h.i.+gun . To work so hard to protect those who cannot protect themselves… The G.o.dfather Organization has a worthy branch leader . "

A quiet moment between allies pa.s.sed before s.h.i.+gun said his goodbyes, leaving to head back to his territory . Micheal and Sophia stayed for a moment longer before making their way over to the skysc.r.a.per they were staying at .

"Is it going to be that dangerous?" Sophia's voice was filled with curiosity as she questioned Micheal . They were in the middle of jogging across a few bridges, moving secretively through the outskirts of the G.o.dfather Organization's territory .

"The journey across the Great Bridge is a little dangerous…" He replied,

"But not if you bring a literal army with you . " He smiled wide .

'Why risk anything when you could just bring an army and invalidate the danger?' All his preparation had been, in part, to ensure their crossing was safe and easy . He also wanted to encourage people to grow stronger and prepare to move up to the next Layer, so it was killing two birds with one stone .

Eventually, they made it back to base, throwing off any potential trails by taking Micheal's Life Orbs and soaring around near ground level . The day pa.s.sed quickly, in the blink of an eye .

They both made any final preparations they needed to make, readying themselves . As afternoon faded to evening, the duo ended up listening to music together and playing cards, a quiet, peaceful evening that was relatively rare for them .

In no time at all… the next day came .

Micheal and Sophia found themselves standing on the edge of the Cl.u.s.ter, at a skysc.r.a.per Micheal had designated . They were both fully prepared for the day, showered, fed, and well rested .

Around them, a small army of men and women could be seen, a huge coalition of several notable powers as well as the leaders of the various major powers . The Saru Group, the Tobagin Party, the G.o.dfather Organization, everyone was here .

'Here we go…' Micheal ignored this all as he looked forward, his heart beating with excitement .

It was finally time .

The air quivered, the world around Micheal shaking .


Abruptly, rising from the earth, a huge cloud of dirt and gra.s.s was thrown into the air, dissipating into dust, as hundreds of s.h.i.+ps burst from the ground . A great, screeching echo sounded out as these great sebearing vessels broke from the chains of the earth, smas.h.i.+ng upward .


A small shockwave spread out at their abrupt appearance, an incredible, amazing sight that even now amazed Micheal .

Cruise s.h.i.+ps, ancient wooden boats, oil tankers, a huge variety of s.h.i.+ps had appeared . Some decrepit, some looking modern and fresh, all appearing lined up and set next to each other tightly, forming a bridge .

'The Great Bridge . ' Behind his mask, Micheal smiled . Their ticket to the Main Cl.u.s.ter had arrived .

"Let's move out!"
