Reborn: Apocalypse - Volume 2 - Vol 2 Chapter 23

Vol 2 Chapter 23

This is the start of Volume 2. Volume 1 ends at Chapter 71, only the first 22 chapters are on Web Novel!

To continue the story, check it out on Amazon! (If you can't afford that, I know there are various pirate sites with my story up on google, and while I don't condone that, I understand.


This is the start of Volume 2. Volume 1 ends at Chapter 71, only the first 22 chapters are on Web Novel!

To continue the story, check it out on Amazon! (If you can't afford that, I know there are various pirate sites with my story up on google, and while I don't condone that, I understand.


This is the start of Volume 2. Volume 1 ends at Chapter 71, only the first 22 chapters are on Web Novel!

To continue the story, check it out on Amazon! (If you can't afford that, I know there are various pirate sites with my story up on google, and while I don't condone that, I understand.


This is the start of Volume 2. Volume 1 ends at Chapter 71, only the first 22 chapters are on Web Novel!

To continue the story, check it out on Amazon! (If you can't afford that, I know there are various pirate sites with my story up on google, and while I don't condone that, I understand.


Several weeks later…

.. .. .. .. .. ..

"The world is one, I am the world." Micheal's voice echoed softly as he sat in meditation, on a lone outcropping on the side of one of the towering skysc.r.a.pers. This particular outcropping was located deep within the territory of the G.o.dfather Organization, facing the large, empty gra.s.s plains on the edge of the Cl.u.s.ter.

"The rhythm of the world… the heartbeat of the universe…" He continued, his eyes shut.

"Grasp it. Draw upon it. Shape it." In his hands, he held a long and slim black sword, made of a material that reflected no light. It was pitch black, yet had an extremely keen edge.


An Ashari Blade, a weapon that cost him 38,000 Points in the Shop. An actually decent sword that would be able to hold up if he used his Sword Energy, all the way up to the Advanced Tier, without becoming damaged.

It would even last for a few swings if he used Master Tier Sword Energy, leaps and bounds beyond the Steelborn Sword or White Steel Swords he had previously used.

'When I first arrived, my soul stat restricted me to Intermediate Tier Sword Energy. I could just barely use some Advanced Tier Sword Energy if I really tried, but that was my limit. I wasn't even able to cut through Pirate Lord Brandon's Black Knight armor.' The thought flashed through his mind as he opened his eyes.

'Now, however…'

"Wield it." He took a deep breath.


Red energy swarmed around his hand, imbuing itself into the blade he held. All around him, the world seemed to flow back and forth for a brief moment.

An instant later, a horrifying aura of sharpness emanated from the sword he wielded. A feeling that felt as if the sword could cut through anything it faced, a feeling that there was literally nothing in existence back on earth that could stop it.

A slightly strained look appeared on his face, as if this action was somewhat strenuous.

"Ahh." He exhaled, smiling slightly. The horrifying aura of sharpness dissipated, the sword returning to normal as he glanced down at it with a smile.

'I can use Intermediate Tier Sword Energy freely, and am able to use Advanced Tier Sword Energy in limited amounts. Enough for four or five full attacks, much better than before. And each one of those attacks would be strong enough to slice through Brandon's Black Knight armor as long as they were made with the Ashari Blade.' He nodded,

'The increase in my Soul stat is a bit helpful, but it's mostly because of my stronger body being able to handle the burden. My biggest priority will be on upping my Soul stat from now on. The sooner I can use Master Tier or Grandmaster Tier Sword Energy, the better.' He blinked,


— - Status — -

Name: Micheal Care

Points: 25,820

Race: Human

Physique: 1 Star

Age: 18

- Stats -

Strength - 40 -> 50

Endurance - 28 -> 36

Recovery - 26 -> 34

Soul - 10 -> 13

Abilities - (4/7)

Life Orb Master

Ki Cultivator (Mortal Tier - Late)

Grandmaster Sword Mastery (1/5)

Impact Release


'Hmm.' He took a moment, looking it over. He decided to mentally tally his improvements, his eyes flas.h.i.+ng.

'My Strength is already at 50… The strength of 5 men.' He set his sword into his lap as he held out a fist, slowly clenching it.

'I could probably take on a regular Morenkai with my bare hands now, without resorting to any tricks.' A few well-placed punches could cause serious damage. His body was strong enough now that it could bear a few strings of Sword Energy, enough to boost his attack power.

'50 Points is what I reached last time with my Mortal Tier Ki Cultivation, when I grew it to the Peak Stage. Yet now, I've only entered the Late Stage, and have already achieved it. I've even managed to increases my Soul stat by 3 Points. When I originally reached the Peak Stage of Mortal Tier Ki Cultivation, it only grew by 2 Points.' He smiled,

'This must be the difference between Physiques, huh?' A stronger Physique would make his Ki Cultivator Ability grow stronger and stronger, far more than those with weaker Physiques.

It was a large reason why the Tribes of Deities were called as such. A member of one of the G.o.d Tribes could be lazy and cultivate at 10% the speed of a regular human, and still achieve better results. It wasn't fair, but then again, life wasn't fair.

Even with the Shop, the Physiques of the other Races, as well as their unique systems of Magic or Cultivation, or whatever special powers they had, overwhelmed humanity.

'A 3 Point increase in my Soul stat is useful, but does little. My perception of time has been enhanced by a tiny amount, but I don't have another Life Orb to use. The amount of time it takes to accelerate my Life Orbs was decreased by a bit.' His Soul stat would grow stronger and stronger the higher the Tier of Ki Cultivation he reached, but the lower level increases were rather pitiful.

'Still, progress is progress.' He stood up, tossing the thoughts aside as he looked out at the horizon. He loosely held his Ashari Blade in his right hand, adopting a relaxed pose.

"I still have a few hours before Sophia and I meet up." He spoke aloud, his voice quiet.

"While I can't truly access Grandmaster Sword Energy, I can keep up my practice and work on understanding Sword Energy and the Way of the Sword more." He nodded. His Ashari Blade was tough enough that it could bear the strain of continuous Sword Energy practice without damage.

He adopted another pose as he leaned backwards, holding the sword above him.

"Hah!" His right arm blurred as the sword struck forward, slas.h.i.+ng through the air.

"Woah!" As he completed the strike, leaping forward, he abruptly realized something.

He had been so caught up on practice and going over his improvements, he'd accidentally forgotten he was precariously perched on an outcropping more than a dozen stories high.

He began to fall off the edge.


"Hahaha!" He couldn't help but smile as a pair of glowing Life Orbs appeared, holding him up and preventing him from falling to his death.

"Even I can make a mistake like that, huh?" He continued to grin. His decade of experience battling foes, of staking out enemies, of being constantly aware of his environment…

All of that could vanish in a single instant if he let his guard down. It was a lesson he committed to heart as he shook his head,

"Right. Let's practice inside."

.. .. .. .. .. ..

Several hours later…

"Do you think things will ever go back to normal?" Sophia's voice echoed softly in Micheal's ears as a cool breeze brushed by, the dying light of evening fading all around them.

"I'm not sure. But if things do, it will take a long time." Micheal sighed quietly, nodding at her.

The duo were sitting outside, in the same lounge outcropping Micheal had been at before, around 30 floors up.

They looked out at the endless plain of gra.s.s spread out, at a world very different from the Earth they both knew.

"But just because it takes a while doesn't mean it's impossible." He smiled gently.

Sophia sighed,

"That's what you've said before Micheal. But we've been here for more than 3 weeks now…" She rubbed her forehead, her voice all of a sudden sounding very small.

"All I wanted was to find my little sister. But even that is starting to feel impossible. All these monsters, all these people that want to kill me. I don't want any of this. I just wish things would go back to normal." She trembled slightly as she went on,

"I hate this, Micheal." Her voice trailed off,

"I hate it."

There was a brief pause as Micheal looked at her. Her shoulders were hunched and pulled in, a vast feeling of loneliness settling upon her shoulders.

He reached over and put an arm around her, giving her a hug,

"It's not easy, Sophia. It never is. And it isn't going to become easier." He spoke softly, but not condescendingly, as he went on,

"But we have to keep moving forward. It's not easy, but if we stop, that means giving up." He looked out at the seemingly endless plain of gra.s.s, motioning at it with his free hand,

"It's like this plain here." He nodded,

"The Main Cl.u.s.ter exists, beyond this empty wasteland. We can't see it, but we both know it exists." His words were strangely convincing, carrying with them a sense of absolute certainty,

"In two days, the Great Bridge is going to appear and we will be able to cross that wasteland. We've spent the past several weeks getting stronger and preparing." He nodded,

"I have faith that that bridge will rise. I have faith that we can reach that grand destination." He gently turned his head, looking back at her.

Sophia was staring up at him, drinking in his words.

"I know you can't see the end, but you have to have faith that we will reach it. It will be a long, arduous journey. But we can help you find your little sister and make this reality one that is safe for all humans, including her." He finished, his eyes flas.h.i.+ng.

There were a few moments of silence as they looked at each other, his words settling in.

"I have to have faith, huh?" Sophia muttered back, turning to look out at the gra.s.s plain.

"Faith and a good deal of preparation." Micheal replied with a smile, b.u.mping her on the shoulder.

She glanced at him from the side and then b.u.mped him back.

"Hahaha." He laughed out loud as he saw her smile.

He then stood up, stretching.

"Come on, you. We've got lots to do in the morning!" He helped her get up, still smiling.

"We don't want to wake up late! After all, the Stardust Coalition officially forms tomorrow." His grin widened,

"Heron and Crane wouldn't want to miss it!"
