Reborn: Apocalypse - Volume 2 - 64 Chapter 111 - Sword

64 Chapter 111 - Sword

Cool silence reigned supreme as several minutes pa.s.sed in peace.

"I am the sword… the sword is I… I am the swo-" Abruptly, the speaker paused as their words were cut off.

"You don't look very much like a sword to me." s.h.i.+n's words sounded off cheekily as he sauntered out onto the balcony, grinning. He wore a pair of black jeans and a loose, grey s.h.i.+rt, with a handgun on his side.

Sophia blinked as she looked back up at the blond-haired man with a long-suffering sigh. She tugged slightly at the comfortable, long sleeved white s.h.i.+rt she wore. They sometimes got a bit tucked into her jean shorts when she was sitting.

"It's called meditation, knucklehead. Micheal taught me a bit on how to use my sword and I'm applying that teaching further." In fact, today had been a bit of a special day for her.

Right after she spoke, she called her Status up in her head.


— - Status — -

Name: Sophia Morgan

Points: 18,827

Race: Human

Physique: 1 Star

Age: 23

- Stats -

Strength - 48

Endurance - 37

Recovery - 37

Soul - 20

Abilities - (4/7)

Fairy Eyes

Ki Cultivator (Mortal Tier - Late)

Basic Sword Mastery (5/5) -> Intermediate Sword Mastery (1/5)

Wind Sweeper


Her Ki Cultivator Ability was in the Late Stage, its effects greatly boosted by her 1 Star Physique. Her Fairy Eyes, in particular, kept boosting her Soul stat as it continued to grow, giving her a powerful edge. The increment in perception of time might appear small, but every bit added up.

She had also finally broken through and upgraded her Basic Sword Mastery Ability to Intermediate Sword Mastery, something she could officially see in her Status. Her Status was somehow able to quantify her understanding in such a way that it tracked her progress, using numerical stages.

If Micheal had been there, he would've snorted, half in annoyance but also half in appreciation, at her blazing-fast progress. It had taken him a bit less than a year to advance from Basic Sword Mastery to Intermediate Sword Mastery. While he hadn't been graced with careful instruction from a skilled Grandmaster like Sophia was, it was still an incredible feat for her to move forward so quickly.

Sophia stood up, sheathing her sword as she glanced at the teleporter.

s.h.i.+n stared back, giving her a grin.

"Ready to go?"

The past few days had been both exciting and boring.

After she met up with s.h.i.+n and found out he was in the middle of a test, she ended up waiting patiently for him to finish his test. She managed to avoid being involved in any of his business, staying out of the spotlight. The members of the G.o.dfather Organization that were a.s.signed to watch over s.h.i.+n's trial dismissed her as one of the random challengers that caught word of the challenge to defeat s.h.i.+n.

In the end, s.h.i.+n pa.s.sed his challenge. His incredibly versatile teleportation power allowed him to easily escape from most types of danger. Throughout the entire challenge, Sophia had yet to see anyone actually manage to make it near him before he teleported away. He would then pepper his enemies with well-aimed shots, tiring them out or injuring them and forcing them to retreat.

She did manage to reach one conclusion, however.

'He's a softie at heart.' The man gave off a lackadaisical appearance, as if he cared for nothing, but she noted that even when he was being attacked, he still took care to ensure that the people he shot were only shot in areas where it was impossible for any crippling or serious injury to occur.

He even went so far as to put himself at more risk to ensure this. While his aim was well above average, and it was apparent that all the training he was undergoing with the G.o.dfather Organization was improving this more, it wasn't as if he could always shoot perfectly. Taking a few extra, unnecessary moments to fire could be a serious risk in some contexts.

She had shaken her head slightly when she saw this, her eyes hardening. A habit like that could be a fatal weakness in this environment. She well remembered the lesson Micheal had taught her, back when they knocked out a group of random robbers they met atop a skysc.r.a.per.

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.. .. ..

"Sophia… your little sister is still lost. Imagine if we let men like this back into the world, what do you think they would do if they found her?" Micheal's words had gone off like thunder in Sophia's ears as he continued,

"We aren't on Earth anymore, Sophia. Playing nice with people like that will get innocent people killed."

.. .. ..

Technically, the people that had been attacking s.h.i.+n weren't trying to kill him either, but only trying to take him down. The test he was partic.i.p.ating in wasn't necessarily a lethal one.

Instead, it was designed to measure a person's power and capacity to deal with threats safely. If they couldn't handle being attacked or defending an area for an extended period, they had no right to become a higher ranked member of the G.o.dfather Organization.

Still... his demeanor made it apparent that his actions here weren't an anomaly, but a core part of him.

"What's up?" After a moment of staring at each other, s.h.i.+n broke the silence.

"What can I, the newest Sub-Executive of the G.o.dfather Organization, do for you?" He grinned a little wider as he announced his new position, rather pleased with himself.

Sophia simply shook her head with a sigh.

"Did you find out where they are?" She responded as she walked back inside the lounge.

This particular lounge had four small tables with chairs all around them, and a large desk on one end. The room was brightly lit, with the soft hum of air condition buzzing in the background.

"Yep." s.h.i.+n followed her in, pulling out a cellphone. He tapped on it briefly before handing it over to her.

"All I had to do was put in a simple records request." As a Sub-Executive, s.h.i.+n had quite a bit of authority in the G.o.dfather Organization. His rescue of Head Cameron had earned him a huge amount of merit. The fact that he was a new Chosen had made him an even more valuable a.s.set, given that he couldn't be a spy.

Just like the Angels Arcadia, the G.o.dfather Organization had men a.s.signed that could see the truth of one's words. s.h.i.+n was able to confirm that he not only wasn't a spy but also had no nefarious intentions.

From all visible records, he was a powerful recruit and warrior of the G.o.dfather Organization, a perfect cover, mostly because it wasn't a cover at all. His rise to power had been quite abrupt.

"The Old Airwing Military Alliance likes to move around and doesn't stay in one spot for too long." s.h.i.+n continued. Sophia scanned over the information he had listed out on the phone, her eyes glued to it.

"They are allied with the G.o.dfather Organization and on very good terms. They often go on long patrols right outside our territory." s.h.i.+n nodded his head, speaking as if he was a long-time supporter of his newly joined organization,

"It's a fortuitous coincidence. Or, well, since Micheal's involved, we can blame it on him. His freaky future stuff." s.h.i.+n shrugged casually.

"Hmm…" Sophia panned through the full information, a frown appearing on her face.

"They are all… veterans?" She remarked quietly, in question. Micheal had given her an explanation of what she needed to do, but hadn't gone over all the minor details, instead focusing on the man she needed to temporarily recruit.

"Yep, from everywhere too. It's a decently big group, something like 20,000ish men and women in it. They help patrol the outer areas of the G.o.dfather Organization, but choose to remain independent." s.h.i.+n's voice had a hint of admiration in it.

After a few movements, Sophia's eyes lit up.

"Ah!" She exclaimed as her eyes latched on to one particular detail.


Leaders.h.i.+p Ranking of the Old Airwing Alliance

Leading General - Martin Hanskiwy "The Wave"

Lieutenant General - Hou s.h.i.+ "The Mountain"

Major General - Henry Whitner "The Fire"

Brigadier General - Pedro Almaraz "The Sky"


"Pedro Almaraz. The Brigadier General of their team." She muttered out loud,

"Known as 'The Sky' for his terrifying aerial attacks." She looked over his information in detail, committing it all to memory. She didn't fully understand why Micheal needed to recruit him, but she understood that he had his reasons and that it was important.

Pedro Almaraz, according to this, was the 4th ranking member of the Old Airwing Alliance. Recruiting him, even temporarily, did not at all seem like an easy task.

s.h.i.+n perked up as he saw her excitement.

"That's the guy?" He queried, glancing at her.

"That's the guy." Sophia smiled.

After s.h.i.+n completed his challenge and won his rank, he had continued to train with members of the G.o.dfather Organization. He also gained access to a Mission Control Forum, where he could accept missions that were posted in return for 'Contribution Points.' The more missions he completed as a Sub-Executive, and thus Contribution Points he earned, the better rewards he could draw.

It was a unique format to keep the powerful A Rankers working for and helping out their force. Most people had only been here a year or two and not everyone was an altruist. Loyalty wasn't something that would be inborn and keeping the force together was a focus of the G.o.dfather Organization's leaders.h.i.+p. A method like this was bound to keep people interested and the team cohesive.

s.h.i.+n had automatically been gifted with a decent number of Contribution Points, as a leftover reward for his effort in helping save Head Cameron. He'd used some of those Points to get the intel he had now.

Their request had taken quite a bit of time and they had only now gotten back a response, though that partly seemed to be because of the thoroughness of the report they were given.

"Alright." Sophia's eyes flashed as looked up from the screen, glancing at s.h.i.+n.

"According to this, their force is currently going on a slow expedition all the way around the G.o.dfather Organization's territory to try and help quell the chaos that has been unfolding ever since so many people showed up." She spoke aloud slowly.

s.h.i.+n nodded quietly in response.

"Right now, they are located…" She tapped on the phone, sliding down till she found one piece of information,

"To the South-East of the G.o.dfather Organization's territory. Their central chain of command is currently skysc.r.a.per LM 881 and they will likely remain in place here for 4-6 more days." She finished up as she looked at s.h.i.+n with excitement.

"So we just need to go there and convince this Pedro guy to join us, right? Then we meet up with Micheal near the center of the Main Cl.u.s.ter?" s.h.i.+n replied, rubbing his hands slowly with antic.i.p.ation.

He had so much to share with his best friend, and so many questions to ask him.

"Yes! Let's go right now!" Sophia put the phone away and then pulled out a map of the Main Cl.u.s.ter that Micheal had given her.

"There isn't a moment to waste!"

A few minutes later…

Two people, a man and a woman, could be seen traveling quickly and silently through the territory of the G.o.dfather Organization, heading south. The man disappeared and then reappeared dozens of meters away, while the woman soared high in the sky, dancing on the wind as she flew.

In no time at all, the duo vanished into the distance, racing to complete their mission.

.. .. .. .. .. ..

Meanwhile, at an unknown area within the Nightrunner's territory, three masked figures could be seen, standing within a small room.

"My Golden Dogs will track the Aura we found in that room, but I can't guarantee that it will belong to our target." One of the masked figures, a man with a number 9 carved into his mask, had begun speaking. He was an average looking man, wearing black robes and the customary enamel mask of the Nightrunners.

Nothing about him made him stand out, save for the three small dogs that sat on the ground in front of him. Each dog had golden fur and stood at about the height of his s.h.i.+n. They wagged their tails cheerfully, looking around the room.

"It's her." Number 10's voice echoed out as she cut in, her eyes gleaming.

"According to the Angels Arcadia, no one but her has slept in that VIP room since it was last occupied." Number 10's tone was harsh as she replied, still livid from Number 14's death.

After finding out that Micheal had arrived in the Main Cl.u.s.ter with someone else, Number 10 had enlisted Number 9 to help her find that person.

Among all of the Nightrunners, Number 9 possessed some of the strongest tracing Abilities when it came to finding people. His Limited Type Ability was extremely unique in that aspect. The Animal Master Type.

Not only did he have a natural affinity for animals, he could also 'Summon' creatures to work by his side and aid him.

His 'Golden Dogs' were one of the creatures he could summon, ones that could sniff the air and seek out whatever it is they smelled even the faintest trace of. One of the things they could sense was the 'Aura' of another being's Soul.

The third and last figure remained silent through all of this. A slim, small man wearing an enamel mask with the number 6 carved into it.

"Well. Like I said earlier, my dogs will be able to trace her Aura as long as we move within a mile of anywhere that our target has been within the past 24 hours." Number 9 shrugged nonchalantly.

"Good. Then our mission is simple." Number 10 nodded sharply,

"We'll enter the G.o.dfather Organization's territory and split up. The moment one of us finds a hint of her Aura, we'll use their closed network to communicate in code. I'll create a forum post for us to use." Number 10's voice sounded supremely confident as she crouched down and patted one of the dogs on the head.

"Let's go." She stood back up, looking at both Number 6 and Number 9 warmly,

"There isn't a moment to waste."
