Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 997

Chapter 997

Chapter 997 is a beautiful thing

While chatting and eating happily, Wang Ye's cell phone rang.

He took out his mobile phone and took a look, it showed that it was from Elena, who should have important business, otherwise she wouldn't bother him at this time.

Wang Ye put away his cell phone calmly, and said to Tonya and Liye, "Excuse me, I'll answer the call."

As he spoke, he got up naturally and went outside, lit a cigarette, and connected the phone while smoking.

Irina really has something urgent to do, which is about the industry fund.

According to the rules set by Wang Ye when he set up the Industrial Fund Office, except for the National Economic Commission, no institution or individual has the right to interfere with the work of the Industrial Fund Office.

Elena can plan several major industries independently, conduct research and evaluation on enterprises applying for support funds, demonstrate the application projects, and then release funds as appropriate.

That is, very independent and powerful!

Since the establishment of the office, it has also received a lot of applications. With the professional team she formed, Yi Lianna eliminated most of the projects after careful evaluation and screening.

Because in her opinion, these projects have no support value at all, and even some newly established projects can be said to be established specifically to "cheat subsidies"...

But today she encountered a rather difficult matter, which was an application for a newly established chip design company from Petersburg.

The company's qualifications are not bad, and its research and development capabilities are also strong. It has recruited many top talents in the chip industry in China, and it can be seen that it has great potential.

For such companies, the Industrial Fund Office will include them in the key support list, and provide financial and technical support to them in batches and time periods.

But the problem is that when Elena examined the shareholders of this company, she found a problem.

That is, this company was funded and established by the Rosiana family, and the shareholders are also Rosiana's relatives, which is a bit difficult to handle.

What she is worried about is whether there will be hidden dangers if the company is given financial subsidies.

Will there be competitors who will make a fuss about this in the future and attack Wangye!

This kind of thing has to be guarded against. Although this company fully meets the subsidy requirements of the industry fund, Guada Lixia, in the eyes of outsiders, may think that you are pocketing yourself, and they will not care about anything else.

But if it is directly vetoed for this reason, it will violate the purpose of the Industrial Fund Office...

That's why Yi Lianna called Wang Ye and asked for his opinion.

After listening, Wang Ye also frowned slightly.

The Romanov family wants to develop into the chip industry?

But it's not surprising to think about it. Their family has been working in the communication industry, which can be regarded as a technology company. In addition, they are well-informed, and they may really be optimistic about the future development of the chip industry.

So I started to set up a chip company in advance, not only can I get industrial subsidy funds, but it will really develop in the future, and maybe it can become a cash cow.

Elena's consideration is also reasonable.

In the final analysis, politics is not that simple, and there are too many issues to consider.

Maybe an inconspicuous little thing becomes the last straw that breaks the camel's back at the critical moment, and it will lead to a catastrophe!

Irina has been working with Wang Ye in the Duma for the past few years, so she is very politically sensitive. In addition, she is very careful, so she made this call to Wang Ye.

If you change to someone else, maybe you will pass it directly, and you will feel that this is a great favor to the boss!

After thinking for a while, Wang Ye had an idea in his mind, and he ordered:

"In this matter, you should not directly give opinions. In the name of your industrial fund office, invite authoritative experts in related domestic industries to form a jury, and let them review and check and give opinions.

If the company can pass the review of the expert group, and no one raises objections after the publicity, then follow the normal process to give financial support.

Anyway, all procedures should be open and transparent. As for the relationship between the company's shareholders and whom, that doesn't matter. We do things only with a clear conscience! "

Wang Ye's suggestion is to transfer the responsibility ingeniously.

If the industry fund office directly decides which companies and which projects can receive support funds, then if someone wants to deal with Wang Ye in the future, it is likely to use this matter as an argument.

But if authoritative experts in the industry do the collective review, it means that the responsibility falls on the expert group. Even if someone wants to make trouble, they can't find Wang Ye!

Elena immediately understood after listening...

While Wang Ye and Irina were discussing work, in the coffee shop, Dongia and Liye were discussing him in a low voice.

"Donia, do you have a crush on him?

As a good friend, I have to remind you that he is just an ordinary employee and cannot give you any future.

In the future, you may become a big star, surrounded by suitors of all kinds of rich people and noble sons.

So, be careful. "

Liye whispered to Tonya.

She said these words out of kindness. As a good friend of Tonya, she knew that Tonya had never accepted invitations from boys before.

Being like this to Mikhail who just met once today, obviously has a good impression of him.

In order to prevent "tragedy" from happening, she must remind her good friend.

Donia was a little unhappy, pouted and said:

"What are you talking about, I just regard Misha as a friend, and I feel quite happy to get along with him.

Don't you feel that Misha has a very charming temperament, which I have never felt in other people before.

Can't we be good friends with boys? Is something bound to happen? "

Liye rolled her eyes and said angrily:

"How can a man and a woman have any friendship when they are together, maybe they talked about good friends and girlfriends at the beginning, but in the end, no, they still have sex!

This kind of words are just to deceive those stupid men. "

Donia was speechless, because what Liye said made sense. Even though she said she wanted to be friends with Misha, she had a good impression of him in her heart and wanted to develop further...

It's just that what Li Ye said was too... utilitarian!

This made Tonya a bit unacceptable.

She justified:

"I want to correct you on two points.

One is that I may not be able to become a big star in the future. Our school graduates so many seniors and sisters every year. How many of them can really become stars?

Secondly, Misha may be just an ordinary employee now, but who can be sure that he will remain ordinary in the future.

Perhaps, in a few years, after Misha has some chances, he will rise to the top and soar into the sky!

Maybe, if we want to become big stars by then, we still need Misha to take care of us, hehe..."

Liye sighed, she felt that Dongnia was "in spring" now, and she was a little delirious.

Based on a rational analysis, compared to the probability of Mikhail rising to the top, it must be that Dongia has a higher chance of becoming a big star!

Dongnia herself has the conditions and foundation to become a star. She looks so beautiful and dances so well, but she just lacks a chance.

Besides, the dance industry wants to become famous very quickly. As long as it can perform well in a large-scale performance and the media hypes it, it will become famous very quickly.

But for young people like Mikhail to soar into the sky, it is basically wishful thinking...

The two girls were whispering, and Wang Ye had already returned from the phone call.

He walked to the table and sat down, and asked with a smile, "What are you talking about?"

Donia felt a little guilty, and quickly waved her hands and said, "I didn't talk about anything, just whispering among girls."

Liye didn't convince Dongia just now, and now she is still a little unconvinced. She rolled her eyes and asked Wang Ye, "Why do you run out when you call? It's not on the phone with a girl. It's not convenient for us to hear it." .

The smile on Wang Ye's face froze, Li Ye was right, he was indeed a **** the phone just now...

But he quickly realized, and said with a normal face: "It is indeed a girl..."

Hearing what he said, Liye's face was overjoyed, she turned her head to look at Dongia and said, "Look!"

Donia frowned slightly, "Misha hasn't finished talking yet, why are you in a hurry."

Wang Ye did not finish, he continued: "That girl is my colleague, she is looking for me for work."

Liye was immediately discouraged. Before she could continue to ask, Wang Ye changed the subject and started discussing tomorrow's performance...

After eating, we drank coffee and chatted for a while. Seeing that it was getting late, Wang Ye said with a smile: "You guys have to perform tomorrow, so you can't rest too late. I'll take you back to the hotel."

The two women got up and walked out of the cafe with Wang Ye.

The Baikal Hotel where they lived was next to the cafe, and they walked there in a few steps.

In the hotel lobby, Wang Ye was about to bid farewell and go back to rest. Dongia was still a little reluctant to part with her. She bit her lip and whispered to Wang Ye, "Do you want to... go up and sit down?"

Wang Ye hesitated for a while, but still refused with a smile: "It's too late today, it's not convenient for me to go up to the room where you two girls live, so forget it.

There is still time in the future, and it's not like we won't be able to see each other. "

Donia nodded in embarrassment. She didn't know what happened to her today, she always said "nonsense"...

Standing there, watching Wang Ye's tall and straight back leave, until Wang Ye walked out of the hotel gate and was no longer in sight, she sighed, turned around and prepared to go upstairs.

Li Ye next to her said a little sourly: "Okay, you stinky girl, after you have a boyfriend, you can't even see me now."

Donia realized that Liye was still by her side, and quickly explained with a blushing face: "Stop talking nonsense, Misha and I...are not boyfriend and girlfriend yet!"

"Looking at you like this, you really want to hurry up, right? That's fine, I don't want to say anything more, but you have to think about it yourself, so you don't regret it in the future." Liye said helplessly.

How the two girls discussed themselves, of course Wang Ye didn't know.

He felt very happy tonight.

Although it was because of Dongia's beauty that attracted Wang Ye, after getting in touch with her, he felt that this girl had a very good character, maybe her heart was as beautiful as her appearance!

Her body has not been contaminated with the "dust" of the secular world. The whole person is so crystal clear and spotless from the outside to the inside. When getting along with her, it will make people feel relaxed.

No longer thinking about those intriguing politics, and no longer calculating any interests. For Wang Ye, this is also a rare relaxation.

Just because of this, he decided to help Dongia.

Isn't this girl dreaming of entering the Royal Russian Ballet?

For Tonya and the others, this matter may be as difficult as heaven!

But to Wang Ye, that was nothing worth mentioning. He didn't need to talk, just arrange it to an assistant, and it would be done directly.

After arranging Tonya to the Royal Russian Ballet, when I feel tired again in the future, I can go to see her performance, and then have a meal, chat and drink coffee together.

This is also a beautiful thing...

After returning to the hotel, I turned on my laptop and dealt with official business for a while. After seeing that the time was almost up, I took a shower and rested.

No words all night...

The next day was a busy day. The Chinese delegation arrived in Irkutsk in the morning.

As the "host", Wang Ye warmly welcomed the distinguished guests from afar, and had a cordial meeting with Vice President Li of the Chinese delegation.

The two had a far-sighted discussion on the energy cooperation between the two countries, reached an agreement, and decided to further strengthen the cooperation between the two sides, and expand the energy pipeline again at the right time, so as to provide China with more crude oil and natural gas...

At two o'clock in the afternoon, at the starting point of the pipeline, the grand opening ceremony officially began.

Wang Ye and Vice President Li delivered speeches and cut the ribbon...

In the evening, after the dinner, everyone moved to the Grand Theater to watch the ballet "Swan Lake". This is also the last itinerary for today.

This time, Wang Ye will naturally not sit in the VIP room on the second floor.

He and Vice President Li sat side by side in the middle of the first row. Next to and behind them were their entourage, as well as officials from Irkutsk Region, City, Yukos Group, Gazprom and other institutions. There are still a lot of staff and so on.

"Speaker Mikhail, I have long heard that your country's ballet is famous all over the world. Today's performance should be very exciting, and I am looking forward to it." Before the ballet began, Vice President Li said politely.

Actually, he knew Wang Ye's true identity, but after contacting him today, he didn't show any strangeness, and he didn't mention it at all, because there was no need for it.

In China, Wang Ye's identity belongs to the "top secret" category, only the most core personnel will know, and before the most critical moment, everyone will choose to "forget" tacitly.

As the position of Wang Ye gets higher and higher, the level of this "secret" will be higher...

(end of this chapter)