Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 974

Chapter 974

Chapter 974 CHEP

Wang Ye considered for a long time about the candidate for the faction whip.

He once considered letting Oleg who had defected to take up this position. After all, Oleg is old and familiar with the Duma members, and his prestige is not bad.

is a more suitable candidate.

But in the end, Wang Ye himself denied this idea, because what he needed was someone who could be completely loyal to him, and he could even be called his "loyal dog"!

The candidate for the party whip is to help him better control the entire faction, not to support a faction's "number two role"...

Danya wants to rely on herself for a while now, and after successfully passing the test of Wang Ye, Wang Ye has an idea in his mind.

This little lawyer is the party whip I want!

Because Dania perfectly meets all her requirements for a party whip candidate.

Strong ability to handle affairs, no entanglement with other factions and members of parliament, power comes entirely from oneself, can only be attached to oneself, it is best to have a certain reputation, even if it cannot convince all members of the faction, at least It's also fear, wait...

Danya, who brought down Luzhkov, has all these characteristics.

That's why Wang Ye officially proposed that she should be appointed as the party whip of the faction.

In fact, strictly speaking, the position of faction party whip is not an official position, but a name within the faction.

In a faction where the party leader has a strong control, the party leader directly appoints him to assist him in managing the members of the faction and supervises the behavior of all members. When the faction members do something wrong or betray the faction, the party whip will come Come forward to punish.

If the party leader does not have strong control over the faction, then the party whip is basically elected by all or most of the members, which is equivalent to the second person of the faction.

Because this is a matter within the faction, even though Dania is not even a member of the Duma now, it does not prevent her from being appointed as the party whip of the Wangye faction.

Dania was stunned, she never thought that she would be entrusted with such a heavy responsibility!

That's a party whip

Although most factions in the Moscow political arena do not have the post of party whip, everyone knows what this post means.

After all, they are all parliamentary systems, all in the European continent, and the parliaments of various countries also have exchanges.

I am just a newcomer to the faction, and I am not even a member of the Duma, so I was directly appointed by the boss as the party whip. Is this really okay...

What if the members of the faction are not convinced by themselves?

What if I can't control the members of the faction and mess up the job assigned by the boss...

Dania's mind was in a mess, and she didn't know how to respond for a while.

"This... that... thank you boss for trusting me, but I..."

Dania, who has always been articulate, is now stuttering.

Wang Ye naturally understood what she was thinking, smiled and said:

"Don't think too much, although you have just entered the political arena, you are not an unknown person.

Don't forget, evergreen trees like Luzhkov fell in your hands!

With such qualifications, isn't it normal to be a faction whip? "

Encouraged by Wang Ye, Dania finally gained some confidence. She nodded emphatically, "Then I'll give it a try! You shouldn't be disappointed, boss!"

Going back to the residence of the Kitty Eagle Hotel, washed and changed into clean clothes, just about to go to the restaurant for dinner, Rosiana rushed over, just in time to have dinner with Wang Ye.

In the special private room, Wang Ye looked at Rosiana sitting opposite, and asked with a smile:

"It's been a while since I was governor, how does it feel?"

Rosiana looked a little tired, but she was in good spirits and her eyes were bright.

She smiled and said, "It feels...not bad!"

"Is there any remnants of the Moscow faction stumbling you for trouble?" Wang Ye asked with concern.

Although the Moscow faction has existed in name only in the upper echelons of the political arena, the two iconic figures Luzhkov and Konov, one fell and the other fell and the monkey scattered...

Most of the members of the former Moscow faction in the Dumali have defected to Wang Ye.

Now there is no Duma general election, so the original name will continue to be used. When the next Duma changes, the Moscow faction will completely disappear in the Duma!

However, in the Moscow state system, there are still a large number of members of the Moscow faction, which was originally the base camp of their faction.

Although Luzhkov has fallen and Rosiana has taken over as the governor, it is not guaranteed that there will be no diehard members of the Moscow faction secretly making troubles.

This will test Rosiana's skills!

Rosiana grinned contemptuously, "There must be! But it doesn't matter, I have no one under my command, and I, the governor, have the power to appoint and remove officials from any department in the state. As long as they dare not cooperate, how much Only people who are willing to cooperate will not affect the overall situation."

Maybe this is the reason why many foreign elites are unwilling to be civil servants.

Because there is really no guarantee!

Unless you really get into one of the top few positions, or can get enough votes to hold those important elected positions.

Otherwise, the future really cannot be controlled by oneself.

Like those positions in the Moscow state system, except that the state assembly is elected, Rosiana can't intervene.

She can appoint and remove the directors of other departments at will!

There is no need to find any excuses, just saying "unable to cooperate with work" is enough.

Of course, under normal circumstances, as long as you keep pace with the superiors and don't make any mistakes in the general direction, they will generally not move you casually.

Rosiana is staring at the heads of various departments, and she doesn't have the energy to take care of the little guys below.

Wang Ye nodded, he would not interfere with Rosiana's work too much.

Although they are an unmarried couple, they should be "partners" at work.

Help each other, support each other, but will not interfere with each other.

However, according to what Wang Ye learned, after Rosiana became the governor, as soon as she was firmly seated, she began to "kill"!

In the ten days since Wang Ye returned to China, more than a dozen officials in the Moscow state system have been dismissed and brought to court!

This was not done by Dania, but by Rosiana...

Obviously, the officials who were brought to court were not very cooperative with Rosiana.

If Wang Ye was replaced as the governor, perhaps his wrist would be more flexible, and he would not be so ruthless at the beginning.

Looking at Rosiana now, Wang Ye feels that she really looks like her ancestor "Ekaterina the Great"...

The second day after returning to Moscow, Wang Ye came to work in the office of the Duma Building as usual.

After going out for half a month, there is a backlog of work waiting for him to deal with. There are only a large pile of documents marked as "urgent" on the desk.

It can only be said that the stronger the ability, the greater the responsibility.

If Wang Ye only serves as his Duma deputy speaker and faction leader, then he can also be very leisurely.

Mainly his duties as directors of the two committees, the daily work is too heavy!

One is diplomacy and the other is economy. These are both very important affairs for a country. What's more, these two committees can be said to be monopolistic, so there are more affairs that need to be dealt with.

While she was concentrating on her work, Nova came in to report: "Boss, Mr. Gobrev is here."

Wang Ye was stunned for a moment, then stood up and said with a smile, "Please come in."

Goblev is not working in the Kremlin at this time, why come here by himself...

After Nova led Gobrev in, Wang Ye embraced him warmly.

Geblev also patted Wang Ye's arm, and asked with concern: "I heard that you just came back, why didn't you take a break, and came directly to work?"

Wang Ye shook his head, smiled wryly and said, "Hey, I have a hard life, I can't stay idle. By the way, why do you come to Duma when you have time? Just call if you have anything to do."

The two sat down respectively, Nova brought two cups of black tea and backed out.

Only then did Gobrev explain the purpose of his visit.

"Hehe, although I know that you must be very busy when you just came back, but there is no way, there is still something that needs to be handled by you personally."

Wang Ye smiled, and said casually: "It seems that it is worth your trip, it seems that it is not a trivial matter."

Gobrev nodded and did not go around in circles, but he sighed before talking about the business.

Then he said: "You are not in Moscow these days, so you may not know about something. How should I say this matter can be said to be military or diplomatic. Therefore, the Kremlin feels that it should be let You get involved too."

Wang Ye raised his eyebrows. After hearing what Gobrev said, he could probably guess what it was about.

But he didn't say anything, just waiting for Gobrev to continue.

"By the way, do you know CHEP?" Gobrev asked.

Wang Ye nodded and said: "I know, this one should be organized by us at the head, and then jointly organized with several fraternal countries around... in terms of national security?"

He just knew, but didn't understand very clearly.

After all, this so-called "CHIP" seems to have been silent for a long time, and no one usually mentions it.

How should I put it, Da Mao is too busy to take care of himself now, so he doesn't have the mood and energy to take care of the little brothers around him...

Gobrev explained: "This CHEP was established by our country in the early 1990s. There were six initial member countries. In addition to our country, there are Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan. !

Later Georgia, Azerbaijan and Belarus joined in.

There are nine member states in total. "

Wang Ye clicked his tongue a little, good guy, these are all a bunch of "poor brothers"!

"Are there so many countries? That's pretty good strength." Wang Ye smiled.

Gobrev sighed again, and continued: "However, within a few years, three countries withdrew, namely Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Uzbekistan. So there are still only six member states."

Wang Ye expressed his understanding. It should be that the three countries saw that Da Mao was getting more and more depressed, so they were unwilling to follow along.

He signaled Gobrev to continue talking about what went wrong with the CHEP.

"The new CHEP meeting will be held in Moscow soon, but there are also many problems among several member countries, especially Armenia, which and Azerbaijan are going to war because of some historical issues.

We wondered if we could take the opportunity of this meeting to mediate between the two countries.

Otherwise, if the current member states and the former member states really go to war, wouldn't it make the whole world laugh at us.

When the time comes, shall we persuade peace or fight?

Which one should I help?

Although according to the CHEP agreement, we should help Armenia, but Azerbaijan used to be our brother country, and we still want to bring it back..."

After listening to Gebrev's explanation, Wang Ye finally understood what happened.

In a nutshell, Da Mao, as the leading brother of the "CHP Organization", is a bit out of control now!

The poor brothers also have various problems. The hearts of the people are scattered, and the team is not easy to lead.

But Da Mao doesn't want to lose face. Although globally, the influence is difficult to radiate, but at least in the surrounding areas, it still needs to put on the air of "big brother"!

If you can settle the conflicts between member states and other countries, and become a "peacemaker", wouldn't it be both face and face!

However, Ke Gong couldn't think of any good way to settle this matter, so he came to Wang Ye, trying to pull him in and ask him to find a way to come up with an idea.

After all, Wang Ye is also the director of the Foreign Affairs Committee.

Although this CHEP organization is military in nature, it is obviously also involved in foreign affairs.

After clarifying the matter, Wang Ye asked with a smile: "The idea of the Nak Palace is to take advantage of this opportunity to invite Azerbaijan to come, and then we all sit down and have a good talk, trying to make it and Azerbaijan come. Reconciliation?"

Gobrev nodded, "Yes! Of course, if you can take the opportunity to bring Azerbaijan back to CHEP, that would be even better."

Wang Ye suddenly thought of something, and blurted out: "Isn't that right, why is there no Ukrainian country in this organization?"

Indeed, up to now, the relationship between Da Mao and Er Mao is still very good. Why is there no Er Mao in such an organization?

Gobrev smiled wryly: "Uzbekistan's situation is special. They were invited to participate at the beginning, but they responded that they were not interested in this kind of military organization. The country's first priority is to develop the economy and make the country rich!"

Wang Ye couldn't help but laugh, this Ermao's tone is really not small.

As a result, after so many years of development, has the economy really developed...

It is estimated that the leaders at that time were just playing tricks, and they didn't want to "bind" with Da Mao in depth, leaving themselves a way out.

(end of this chapter)