Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 970

Chapter 970

Chapter 970 Serious dereliction of duty

Hu Yueyue didn't react all of a sudden.

The boss is here?

Which boss? !

Because she has always reported to Zhang Xiaoxi, and she has never had any contact with other people.

"Hello? Mr. Hu, are you there?" On the other side of the phone, Zhang Xiaoxi didn't hear Hu Yueyue's response, and asked again.

"Ah... I'm here. I'm in the company. Come here directly. By the way, Mr. Zhang, you should know the address of the company, right?" Hu Yueyue replied in a panic.

"I know! Then we'll go straight there." Zhang Xiaoxi said bluntly, and then hung up the phone.

Half an hour later, Zhang Xiaoxi and Wang Ye appeared downstairs in the rental company.

"This office building was also bought by a leasing company, but we don't buy many office buildings. Just this one, we bought it because of its good location and reasonable price. I'm not very optimistic about the market for office buildings in Pengcheng, because there are too many buildings. Yes! This has led to not only the rent not rising, but also the house price not rising too much," Zhang Xiaoxi introduced.

Wang Ye nodded slightly, expressing his approval of Zhang Xiaoxi's judgment.

Even after more than ten years in Pengcheng, after the economy has firmly established itself as the "third city in China", the vacancy rate of office buildings is higher than that of other big cities.

This does not mean that Pengcheng's economy is not good, or that there are few companies.

Just because there are too many new office buildings here every year...

Just like the idea that Wang Ye talked with Mayor Zhang just now, Pengcheng has attracted a large number of companies to land here thanks to special policies and relatively low industrial and commercial land costs.

A lot of office buildings are built, and the vacancy rate is high, so when many companies are newly established, they can rent satisfactory office space at a relatively low rent, which can be regarded as reducing the cost of starting a business!

This is what the Pengcheng government did on purpose.

Zhang Xiaoxi also observed this keenly, so instead of letting leasing companies buy too many office buildings, they hold more commercial housing!

The two of them were about to go in when they saw Hu Yueyue rushing out to greet them.

Obviously, she should have been waiting for the two of them in the lobby on the first floor.

Hu Yueyue saw Wang Ye with a smile on his face at a glance. Although she had only seen this face once, she never forgot it!

It was this man who changed her destiny, how could she forget it.

"Wang...Mr. Wang." Hu Yueyue greeted a little stiffly.

She didn't know if the "boss" Zhang Xiaoxi was talking about was this Mr. Wang, but so far, only Zhang Xiaoxi and this Mr. Wang came over, so it probably was!

As expected, Zhang Xiaoxi introduced with a smile: "Mr. Hu, this is the boss of our company, you have met him before."

Hu Yueyue quickly bowed again and said, "Hello, Mr. Wang!"

Wang Ye nodded with a smile. It was too hot outside, so he didn't say much, and the two went upstairs under the leadership of Hu Yueyue.

This office building is not very tall, it has more than 20 floors, and each floor is only more than 1,000 square meters.

According to Hu Yueyue, they are basically rented out. After all, this is the city center, the transportation is convenient and the environment is good, and the rent is also reasonable, so the occupancy rate is still acceptable.

Because it is its own property, the leasing company occupies the entire top floor as the company's office space.

Go to the top floor and get out of the elevator, and the company gate is directly opposite.

A shiny copper sign hangs at the gate, with the words "Pengcheng Yuemei Real Estate Company" on it...

Although it bears the name of "real estate company" and the company's business scope is quite wide, including real estate development, leasing, property management, etc., but in fact it only operates leasing business at present.

In fact, it is just a leasing company that holds its own properties.

Even the property management is outsourced to a professional property management company, which is also Zhang Xiaoxi's request.

I would rather have a lower profit than make the company too "bloated", because this company didn't think about how large it would be. After the price of commercial housing rose to a certain level, it planned to sell the house to cash out...

In the final analysis, the leasing company is just a transition.

Of course, these things are just Zhang Xiaoxi's plans, and they haven't made it clear to Hu Yueyue yet.

Although the company occupies an entire floor, there are not many office workers.

Seeing Wang Ye looking around, Hu Yueyue quickly introduced:

"The company now has more than 100 employees, and most of the employees have gone out to work now, inspecting new real estate, negotiating with cooperative intermediary companies, collecting rent, etc. These are jobs that require going out."

Internet finance has not been popularized these days, and rent collection is often done in cash or bank transfer, which is troublesome.

In addition to the fact that leasing companies own so many houses, it is obviously not a small workload to collect rent every month. It should be much more convenient when Internet finance becomes popular in the future.

The three of them were about to go to Hu Yueyue's office when they saw a tall and thin young man walking towards him.

"Cousin, you can transfer some more money to me, I need it urgently! One hundred thousand yuan is about the same..." He said to Hu Yueyue self-consciously, without even looking at Wang Ye and Zhang Xiaoxi.

Hu Yueyue was a little embarrassed. She took a sneak peek at Wang Ye and Zhang Xiaoxi, and hurriedly pulled the young man aside, and said in a low voice, "We'll talk about the money later! Now I have guests here, don't you see?"

As a result, the young man turned his head and looked at Wang Ye and Zhang Xiaoxi when he heard it.

When he saw Zhang Xiaoxi, his eyes lit up, and he said to Hu Yueyue with a smile: "Is this here for a job interview? I just happen to be short of a secretary. You think I am the vice president of a dignified company, and I have to serve tea and water." It's a bit outrageous to come by yourself. This girl looks okay, I'll interview her myself."

His voice was not low, so both Wang Ye and Zhang Xiaoxi heard it.

Wang Ye didn't say anything, just frowned slightly, and Zhang Xiaoxi's face changed, and he glanced at Hu Yueyue sullenly.

Hu Yueyue's face suddenly turned pale.

My cousin...

Incompetent bungler!

It seems that recruiting him into the company not only didn't help me at all, but also caused me a lot of trouble!

It's the female secretary, she's the boss of the capital headquarters...

And standing next to him is the real boss of the company!

She suppressed her anger, gave the young man a hard look, gritted her teeth and said in a low voice, "Go back to the office immediately! Don't say a word!"

Perhaps Hu Yueyue had never talked to him like this before, so the young man was frightened and didn't dare to say anything.

Hu Yueyue also ignored him, turned around and asked Wang Ye and Zhang Xiaoxi to go to her office.

Seeing that Wang Ye didn't say anything, Zhang Xiaoxi didn't say anything either.

Hu Yueyue's office is about 70 to 80 square meters, not too big or small, and the decoration is simple and elegant, not luxurious.

But there are office areas, reception areas, and lounges, which are more in line with her status as the general manager of the company.

Wang Ye and Zhang Xiaoxi came to sit down on the sofa in the reception area, while Hu Yueyue, like a child who had done something wrong, stood facing them with her head down, twisting her hands together, not knowing what to say.

Zhang Xiaoxi glanced at Wang Ye with a questioning look in his eyes.

Wang Ye smiled, and said casually: "This is a subsidiary company under you. Naturally, you take care of it. It has nothing to do with me."

Indeed, this leasing company is affiliated to the asset management company that Zhang Xiaoxi is in charge of.

All the company's shares also belong to that asset management company, and it is undoubtedly a subsidiary of Zhang Xiaoxi. Whether there is a problem or performance, it is Zhang Xiaoxi's job scope.

Wang Ye, the big boss, is hiding behind him, so of course he doesn't bother to care about these trivial matters.

After receiving Wang Ye's reply, Zhang Xiaoxi was no longer polite, and she said with a straight face:

"Mr. Hu, if I entrust this company to you to manage, will you manage it like this?

Where do you think this is!

Is it your private company, Hu Yueyue?

Originally, I delegated the personnel authority to you, so that you can recruit and train suitable employees and form an efficient and effective team!

In the end, you put all the relatives of the seven aunts and eight aunts into the company?

Oh, isn't the position given low, Vice President?

The annual salary should be quite high, isn't there a million or one hundred thousand? "

Being criticized by her so much, Hu Yueyue felt that she was about to lose her footing.

However, some of the things she did were really selfish. Now that she was witnessed by the boss and the boss at the headquarters, she really didn't know how to speak up if she wanted to justify herself...

Zhang Xiaoxi is usually very kind when talking to people. Even if her employees make mistakes, they will not criticize them too harshly.

But this time things are different!

Although it is said that Hu Yueyue was dug here by Wang Ye himself, Wang Ye also told himself at the time that he would supervise the situation here.

Moreover, this company is also a subsidiary company of the asset management company, and Hu Yueyue is undoubtedly her subordinate.

Now in front of Wang Ye, such a big shame has happened.

This is not only Hu Yueyue's problem, but also shows that he usually does not supervise the leasing company in place!

is dereliction of duty!

Of course she won't save Hu Yueyue any face.

Besides, Hu Yueyue's behavior, to put it mildly, is "private use of public power". With the convenience of her serving as the company's general manager, she placed her relatives in the company.

To put it seriously, it is embezzlement of company assets, which is an illegal act!

Letting a relative who does not meet the requirements come to the company as an executive and offer a high salary, this is a disguised embezzlement of the company's assets...

Wang Ye waited for Zhang Xiaoxi to finish speaking, waved his hands with a smile, and said kindly: "Let Mr. Hu explain it first, maybe there is some misunderstanding. Mr. Hu, sit down and say, we are all from our own people. If you have anything, you can do it." Whatever you say, don't be too rigid."

In Wang Ye's eyes, it's not a big mistake to recruit relatives into the company. As long as they are human beings, who can have no selfishness.

Just don't overdo it.

Besides, Hu Yueyue, a young girl, has suddenly ascended to a high position. It is inevitable to make some mistakes, as long as it does not cause major losses to the company.

Of course, the key is to see how far Hu Yueyue has achieved.

It would not be too much if only one or two relatives were brought in, but if a lot of seven aunts and eight aunts were brought in, and all of them were paid high wages, or even emptied of pay, then it would be unforgivable !

Hearing what Wang Ye said, Zhang Xiaoxi's face softened a little, nodded and said, "Sit down and talk."

Hu Yueyue sat across from each other tremblingly, still not daring to look up at Wang Ye and the two.

Her eyes were red now, and after calming down, she said:

"Mr. Wang, Mr. Zhang, I...

I did make a mistake in this matter. The one just now was my cousin, the child of my aunt's family.

He just graduated this year. After my aunt knew that I was the CEO of the company in Pengcheng, she brought him to me and asked me to arrange a job for him.

At first I didn't agree, but my aunt was about to kneel down for me...

There is really no other way, I can only let him come to the company..."

Zhang Xiaoxi sneered, "Oh, you have to listen to what your aunt says, right? It's fine to arrange an ordinary job, but now directly arrange a vice president, how do you explain this?"

Hu Yueyue still lowered her head and said:

"I... my mother passed away very early, and my father worked away from home all the year round, so I grew up with my aunt.

The vice president is just a name, and the salary is not high, which is about the same as that of ordinary employees, only 3,500 yuan.

I didn't ask him to manage any department. He was the vice president in name, but in fact he was just my assistant.

Of course, I know it's not right.

Based on my cousin's working ability and personality, he is not suitable for working in the company..."

Zhang Xiaoxi was a little surprised by these words.

If the salary is really only 3,500 yuan, it is not too much, it is the level of ordinary employees.

It seems that this vice president is indeed just a false name.

But she still frowned and asked: "Apart from this cousin, are there any other relatives of yours in the company?"

Hu Yueyue quickly shook her head and said: "No, no, no! I promise there is only one. Later, I will ask the HR specialist to bring over the employee files. Mr. Zhang, you can take a look for yourself. All the other employees have nothing to do with me.

And my cousin's work contract also indicated the salary.

I swear, all the things I said just now, there is not a single lie, if there is a lie, let me go out..."

Seeing that Hu Yueyue was about to swear a poisonous oath, Wang Ye quickly interrupted her.

smiled and said: "Okay, there is no need to be so serious."

Then turned to look at Zhang Xiaoxi, and asked: "Mr. Zhang, how do you think about this matter?"

Since he intends to hand it over to Zhang Xiaoxi, of course Wang Ye will not give his own opinion.

Moreover, no matter how Zhang Xiaoxi handles this matter in the end, Wang Ye will not object.

It doesn't matter whether Hu Yueyue is fired or she is kept, it doesn't matter.

After all, Hu Yueyue is not a passerby to Wang Ye, but she just met by chance.

If it wasn't Wang Ye that Hu Yueyue received at the beginning, then it might be some kind of Wang Yueyue, Liu Yueyue, etc. Anyway, to Wang Ye, there is no difference.

But Zhang Xiaoxi is different. She has a much closer relationship with Wang Ye, and she is also Wang Ye's veritable "big housekeeper" in China!

(end of this chapter)