Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 965

Chapter 965

Chapter 965 Holding a Gold Mine

According to the plan, in Yangcheng, Zhang Xiaoxi also "brought" Wang Ye to have a meeting with the mayor.

The reason why it is said to be "carrying" Wang Ye is because Wang Ye did not reveal his identity, but acted as Zhang Xiaoxi's assistant temporarily.

Otherwise, the reception standard will skyrocket!

After all, the level of the mayor of Yangcheng City is actually far lower than Wang Ye's "First Deputy Speaker of the Duma"...

The mayor of Yangcheng probably doesn't know Wang Ye's true identity at all, perhaps because of his level, he hasn't been exposed to this secret.

So when talking with Zhang Xiaoxi and Wang Ye, although the attitude was quite enthusiastic, it could still be seen from the posture that there was a little bit of aloofness.

As a "superior person", he guided Zhang Xiaoxi.

Yangcheng is the gateway to southern China and a commercial city for thousands of years. The successful holding of the Canton Fair in recent years has made Yangcheng a window for domestic commodities to be exported to the world.

So, in Yangcheng, there are opportunities everywhere, opportunities everywhere!

You are willing to invest in Yangcheng, which shows that you are also optimistic about the future of Yangcheng, and the future development of Yangcheng will prove that you have a good vision, haha..."

The mayor of Yangcheng smiled happily.

Zhang Xiaoxi should have dealt with officials at all levels in the past two years, so he is no stranger to this kind of scene.

She smiled slightly, nodded in agreement and said:

"We at Joy City are also optimistic about the development of Yangcheng, so we listed this place as the first choice for our company after leaving the capital.

I hope that the Yangcheng Joy City project can be successfully completed and contribute to the development of Yangcheng.

The development of a city will inevitably lead to an increase in consumption levels. For the Yangcheng Joy City project, our company is very optimistic about it..."

Although this kind of scene talk is meaningless, it must be said in this kind of place.

Wang Ye sat next to him, a little bored, and looked around the living room.

This is the city government building, which is decorated very elegantly.

Although there are only a few people in the meeting, the living room is huge, with thick carpets on the floor, and the decoration is magnificent and magnificent!

Yangcheng should be regarded as one of the cities with the best economy in China these years.

It seems that the GDP of the city is similar to that of the capital, and weaker than that of the capital.

As for Pengcheng, he is still a "little brother"...

After the boring meeting was over, Zhang Xiaoxi and Wang Ye walked out of the city building. They didn't stay for dinner, because the mayor didn't invite them either.

Wang Ye didn't care about this, but he could see from it that Zhang Xiaoxi still didn't hold enough weight in the mayor's eyes.

It might just be because Zhang Xiaoxi is younger.

After getting back into the car, Zhang Xiaoxi said apologetically, "I'm sorry for making you feel slighted."

Obviously, with Wang Ye's current status, no matter where he goes in any country, he should receive a grand reception.

Wang Ye smiled, waved his hands and said:

"People don't know my identity, what kind of neglect is this.

I think it's pretty good. It's good to just talk about business and not engage in welcoming and sending off.

The southern cities do better than the mainland. If you go to the provincial capital to invest in such a large project, it is estimated that at least the local area will treat you to banquets for a few days, haha. "

He is not joking, but from the heart.

If you have to find fault, it is that the conversation is not pragmatic enough, there are more high-spirited talks, and fewer real implementations!

But it's not bad, in Wang Ye's eyes, it can be classified as "competent".

Yangcheng project has a total investment of only 3 billion. It is planned to build a large shopping center plus two office buildings, and the total area is not large.

After all, it is the center of an old city, and it is difficult to find a larger one.

According to Zhang Xiaoxi, it took a lot of effort to get this piece of land, and there was no need for loans from the Yangcheng local area, and it was all funded by Joy City Company itself, which played a relatively large role.

Although Yangcheng is not poor, it is still in a stage of rapid development. Every place needs money, and the local government is not rich.

So promises like Zhang Xiaoxi's are easier to get favored.

At that time, several other competitors, without exception, required local governments to provide guarantees for bank loans.

After all, it is also the sponsor of the Joy City project, that is, Wang Ye is rich and powerful!

I worked on the project sincerely, never thought about taking advantage of the space...

After finishing the business in Yangcheng, the last stop is Pengcheng.

Similarly, Zhang Xiaoxi also won a piece of land here, planning to build Pengcheng Joy City.

Because the area of this land is larger than that in Yangcheng, so the investment is more. It is planned to build a large shopping center, two 5A office buildings, and a five-star hotel. To use a trendy term to describe it, it is called "city". Complex"!

The total investment of the project is as high as 6 billion RMB!

Among them, this hotel is naturally intended to be reserved for the Little Eagle Group. Before the construction of the project started, a cooperation agreement has been signed with the Little Eagle Group.

So a part of the project funds is also directly advanced by the Xiaoying Group, which is the benefit of having more brother companies.

They trust each other more, and they are very happy to pay money, and the Little Eagle Group is not worried about delays or unfinished business in Joy City.

Perhaps because the project investment is relatively large, the attitude of the city government in Pengcheng is obviously more enthusiastic than in Yangcheng.

Compared with Yangcheng, the officials in Pengcheng are more "down-to-earth".

He did not entertain Zhang Xiaoxi and his party in the city hall building, but simply drove lightly. Mayor Zhang only brought a secretary and a driver, plus Zhang Xiaoxi and Wang Ye, and went directly to the piece of land that Zhang Xiaoxi won for a field survey. .

This is Nanshan District, although in later generations this district is the most prosperous and the one with the highest GDP in Pengcheng, where various high-tech company headquarters gather.

But in 2005, it was still relatively desolate, basically not developed.

Zhang Xiaoxi originally wanted to acquire land in the oldest and most prosperous district of Pengcheng, that is, Luohu District, but under Mayor Zhang's sincere persuasion, he believed that Nanshan District would be the focus of Pengcheng's future development, so It was only here that the land was acquired and a large-scale urban complex was planned to be built.

Two cars stopped one after the other, and everyone got out of the car and stood at the edge of an open space.

Mayor Zhang smiled and said to Zhang Xiaoxi:

"Don't look at it, it's deserted here now, there's no one there.

But according to the plan, there... a large-scale science and technology park will be built in the future, and many high-tech enterprises will settle in it.

The employees working in such an enterprise are all high-income groups, so there is no need to worry about the consumption power in this area.

There is a large piece of land near the sea. It is planned to be a high-end residential area, and it is also the place where Pengcheng's upstarts in science and technology live. It may also be the area with the highest housing prices in Pengcheng in the future.

So you, Joy City, have a unique location, and your business must be booming! "

I have to say that the mayor's speech is quite contagious. With his explanation, it really makes people feel that getting this land is a big deal...

Of course, Wang Ye has already noticed that the location of this land is really good!

Perhaps because of my intervention, some things related to me have also been changed.

In the previous life, there was originally a large shopping mall here, but it was not called Joy City, but Coastal City...

Coastal City was originally a commercial benchmark in Nanshan District, and the business is quite good!

Now it has been replaced by Joy City, and the scale is even larger than the coastal city that should have existed. It must develop quite well in the future.

Under the personal leadership of Mayor Zhang, a group of people walked around the open space.

Beside this open space, across a road, there is still an urban village that has not yet been demolished.

Standing on the side of the road, Wang Ye looked at the village in the city opposite. The familiar handshake building, narrow alleys, and crowded crowds suddenly returned to the time when he first arrived in Pengcheng...

In the previous life, Wang Ye was Pengcheng after the 2008 Olympic Games, that is, three years later...

That will Pengcheng is entering a period of rapid development, the whole city seems to have become a giant construction site, rumbling new projects everywhere.

The city changes a little every week and a big change every month!

If you come to Pengcheng again after a year, you may not be able to find many familiar places.

High-rise buildings rise from the ground, and roads spread out. Starting from 2000, Pengcheng has transformed from an inconspicuous small city into an international metropolis in just a dozen years!

This is definitely the biggest miracle since the new century.

It can only be said that the right time, place, people and everything are all in place. No city can replicate the Pengcheng model in the future...

It was noon now, Mayor Zhang looked at his watch, smiled and said to Zhang Xiaoxi:

"Mr. Zhang, do you mind having a pig's knuckle rice together? This is a local specialty of Pengcheng.

But this seems a bit neglectful, I will host a banquet to entertain you in the evening, haha..."

Zhang Xiaoxi naturally doesn't care, but there is Wang Ye with her, she subconsciously looks at Wang Ye.

Wang Ye smiled and nodded.

Pig knuckle rice, I haven't eaten it for a long time.

This is a delicacy that all Pengcheng migrant workers remember deeply.

Cheap and affordable, high quality and low price, most of the people who come to work in Pengcheng probably have eaten this food.

Seeing Wang Ye nodding, Zhang Xiaoxi immediately smiled and said to Mayor Zhang: "It just so happens that I've heard about Pengcheng's pig's knuckle rice for a long time, and this time I just have a taste."

Mayor Zhang noticed the small detail she looked at Wang Ye just now.

Mayor Zhang looked at Wang Ye calmly. According to Zhang Xiaoxi, this young man was her assistant, but after a while of contact, Mayor Zhang didn't feel like it!

Because this young man has an indescribable aura!

This kind of aura can only be possessed by those who have been in high positions for a long time. It is difficult to describe it in words.

And when he invited Zhang Xiaoxi to eat pork knuckle rice, Zhang Xiaoxi's subconscious eyes were obviously asking for the young man's opinion.

This is by no means the normal relationship between the boss and the assistant!

Even if this young man is Mr. Zhang's boyfriend, it shouldn't be like this.

There is only one possibility, that is, the identity of this young man is actually higher than that of Zhang Xiaoxi!

Only in this way can the subconscious behavior between the two be explained...

Although the new students were skeptical, Mayor Zhang didn't point it out. He just cheerfully led the way and led the two to a small restaurant with Longjiang Gold Medal Pig's Knuckle Rice that looked fairly clean in the village in the city.

It will be noon, and there are not many people eating in the small restaurant.

Because most of the young people living in the urban village have gone to work, only at night will the urban village really become lively.

Mayor Zhang's secretary skillfully ordered some pig's knuckle rice, especially asked the boss for a pot of hot water, and helped a few people to iron their chopsticks and spoons.

Then the secretary and the driver went to eat at a nearby table, leaving room for Mayor Zhang, Zhang Xiaoxi and Wang Ye to talk.

Logically speaking, if Wang Ye is really Zhang Xiaoxi's assistant, he should wink at this meeting and sit on the other side with Mayor Zhang's secretary.

But I don't know whether Wang Ye didn't notice it or he had other thoughts, so he sat there firmly.

Even when the pork knuckle rice was served, it was Zhang Xiaoxi who helped him set the tableware and pour the water.

Observing this scene, Mayor Zhang had an idea in his mind.

He smiled and asked:

"Mr. Zhang, your company is full of young talents, this Assistant Wang must be a high-achieving student.

In fact, Pengcheng is especially suitable for the development of young people like you, because this is a young city.

Hey, it's a pity that there are many ideas in the city, but they can't be implemented because there is no funds.

I can only hope that there will be more discerning investors like your company, and everyone will build this city together. "

The topic touched on Wang Ye, Zhang Xiaoxi couldn't say anything, so she just smiled.

But Wang Ye, who had been silent for a long time, spoke.

He smiled lightly and said, "Mayor Zhang, you hold a huge gold mine in your hands, so why do you need to go outside to find funds?"

Mayor Zhang was taken aback, and subconsciously asked: "Gold mine? Is Assistant Wang referring to Pengcheng's special zone policy?

Also, because of its special positioning and relatively superior geographical location, Pengcheng has developed fairly well in recent years.

But these still cannot solve the problem of shortage of funds.

The simplest and most direct question is that we want to provide better infrastructure and better transportation conditions for investors all over the world, but these require a lot of money.

Even if there is bank support, the burden of high loans will put a lot of pressure on the city.

As for taxation, most companies have just landed and are still in the period of policy reduction and exemption. Maybe it will be a few years before they can count on taxation..."

As he spoke, he smiled wryly and shook his head.

It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. No matter how many ideas and policies are good, it's useless if you don't have money.

In fact, compared to other cities in China, Pengcheng is considered "unique"!

It can be said that the resources of the whole country were concentrated for construction.

But there is no way, the country does not have much surplus food, and the support is unlikely to be too strong, so the local government still needs to solve the bulk.

The reason why Mayor Zhang brought up this topic is to brainstorm and hear if these two outstanding young people from the capital have any good ideas.

No matter how bad it is, it would be nice to invest some more...

(end of this chapter)