Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 880

Chapter 880

Chapter 880 Dialogue between father and son

The reason why Wang Ye did not embarrass Hawley face to face, but continued to entrust him with the management of the low-rent housing project.

I just don't want to turn against Gryzlov and the first faction...

Sometimes, when the water is clear, there will be no fish. For some unaccustomed things, even if you are as strong as Wang Ye, you still have to turn a blind eye.

Otherwise, what else can I do?

Is it really necessary to have a top-to-bottom purge because of this incident, and arrest and sentence Holly, Klitschko and all the people involved? !

In that case, Gryzlov and the others may not be the only ones offended. Invisibly, many government officials will keep away from them, and may even attack them in groups!

No way, the general environment at the time was like that, and even the Kremlin was helpless.

In some public occasions, the Kremlin has mentioned keywords such as "clean government", "corruption" and "government efficiency" many times.

Everyone understands what it means. It is nothing more than seeing that most government departments are inefficient, have no sense of service, and are even corrupt, which has seriously affected the operation of the country.

But so what, most people and institutions have such a work style, which cannot be changed with a few words from one or two powerful figures.

Wang Ye has also made a lot of efforts in the past two years, and the first thing to focus on is the police system.

By promoting his cronies, and taking advantage of those few incidents, the police system has been rectified and cleaned up a few times, and now it is finally better.

At the very least, it is almost impossible to see police officers stopping foreigners on the street asking for money like before...

But other departments, Wang Ye can't get in for the time being, so of course there is no way to rectify them.

To be honest, a congressman like Hawley may have been relatively "clean" at the time...

If you really want to get rid of him and replace him with a new one, you still don't know how messed up it will be.

At least, Huo Li's work efficiency is not low, and he is also very serious and responsible. He completed the tasks assigned to him by Wang Ye on time and in quantity, that is, there is no "guarantee quality".

Now beat him a few words, let him communicate with the construction company, wipe the "butt" clean, forget it...

After Huo Li came out of Wang Ye's office, he wiped the sweat from his forehead first. Only then did he feel that his shirt was already wet with sweat, and it was uncomfortable to stick it tightly to his back.

He took a long breath and slowly calmed down.

No way, although Speaker Mikhail didn't scold himself or say anything harsh, but he felt like Alexander in front of him!

It's ridiculous to think about it. I am a senior member of Parliament in my forties and fifties. I have been in the Duma for so long. In the eyes of others, I can be regarded as a master.

But in front of Deputy Speaker Mikhail, who is nearly two rounds younger than him, he looks like a primary school student who has done something wrong...

This is also the series of glorious deeds of Speaker Mikhail in recent years that have formed an impression on everyone. To put it simply, it has established majesty!

Especially in the recent period, anyone who is not blind can see that Speaker Mikhail is in full swing, and his actual power and influence in the Duma have far surpassed that of Speaker Gryzlov!

First Deputy Speaker of the Duma!

The leader of the second largest faction!

Holds two powerful committees!

What's even more outrageous is that these two major committees have also been upgraded. From the previous Duma internal committees, they have been directly upgraded to state committees!

Although the words in the prefix are just changed, the actual power is very different!

Originally, the internal committees of the Duma only had the right to make suggestions, laws, and supervision, but now, they have been granted the right to coordinate and even direct execution!

You can directly mobilize any relevant departments, appoint relevant officials, and manage funds by yourself...

To put it simply, in related fields, these two committees have "integrated three powers into one".

In the eyes of veterans like Hawley who are well versed in politics, Mikhail now actually holds power, second only to the Kremlin, and has become a well-deserved "number two" in the country...

He returned to his office in a hurry, and Holly made a call.

"Hi Klitschko, this is Holly.

I have some bad news for you..."

After a phone call, Holly slumped down on the chair with relief.

Fortunately, Klitschko's mind is still flexible, willing to cooperate with his work, and he didn't single-mindedly try to compete with Mikhail.

Aftermath work, Hawley arranged it like this.

First, Klitschko's construction company was asked to come forward and apologize to the public, saying that the reason for the quality problems was that the construction schedule was too tight. In addition, the company recruited too many new employees from neighboring brother countries, and their skills were not skilled enough.

However, since it is a project undertaken by the company, the company will definitely be responsible to the end.

For all rooms with quality problems, the company will immediately send professionals to inspect them on the spot, register and record the problems, and immediately make improvements and repairs.

If someone is affected by this during the period, or needs to temporarily move out of the low-rent housing for maintenance, then all rental costs will be borne by our company!

This attitude is not insincere.

Although it must have cost a lot of money to go through all this trouble, both Hawley and Klitschko felt it was worth it.

As long as the low-rent housing project continues to be entrusted to them, it is nothing more than the difference between earning more and earning less.

Actually, for the first batch of low-rent housing projects, they just tried a little bit, and they didn't cut corners too much, they just made some tricks on some floors selectively.

How much money can I earn from this...

Their real purpose is the follow-up low-rent housing project, highway project, and railway project!

That is the real big cake.

But just as he stretched out his hand now, he was followed by Speaker Mikhail. It seems that he really needs to be more cautious in the future.

In other words, just work hard.

Only earn the money you should earn. In fact, after careful calculation, there are quite a lot of reasonable profits.

Because in the next few years, the country will invest too much money in infrastructure construction, and there will be too many projects!

On the one hand, it is reasonable and legal profits. If you work hard, you can earn hundreds of millions of dollars in a few years, not to mention tens of billions of dollars.

The other side is the black-hearted money who is worried. Once Speaker Mikhail is angered, he might go to jail...

How to choose the two, whether it is Hawley or Klitschko, neither of them is stupid.

Nature will make a wise choice.

There is also a reason why Klitschko cooperated with Holly so honestly.

That's because he was just scolded by his father Gryzlov!

Last night, Klitschko had just finished work and was going to have a good time, but his father Gryzlov called and called him home.

Although Klitschko is in his thirties this year and has his own career and family, he still feels apprehensive in front of his father.

He knew very well in his heart that the reason why his company was running so smoothly was that he was able to receive so many projects.

It doesn't depend on how powerful his company is. Many projects can be carried on, so Party A is looking at his father's face...

If there is no father of the Speaker of the Duma, with his own ability, he may lose all his capital in doing business!

So, in front of his father, he is still very obedient.

After driving home, as soon as I entered the living room, I saw my father Gryzlov sitting there with a gloomy face, smoking a cigarette in his hand. The room was full of smoke, and it seemed that he had smoked a lot .

Klitschko felt a little bit in his heart, because he knew his father's habits.

Although I usually smoke, I have strong self-control. I only smoke three or five cigarettes a day. It is impossible to smoke so much continuously.

When this happens occasionally, it means that Dad has encountered a very difficult matter and is feeling irritable.

He tiptoed up to his father, and asked cautiously with a smiling face: "What's the matter, Dad, smoking so much is not good for your health."

Without raising his head, Gryzlov crushed the cigarette hard into the ashtray, and said in a muffled voice, "No matter how bad smoking is, you won't die in a short time, and you won't be ruined. But if you go astray, what did you do?" If someone finds out about violations of law and discipline, then this life will almost be over!"

Klitschko's back was sweating immediately, and he quickly reflected on his recent behavior. It seems that he didn't do anything illegal...

He forced a smile: "Dad, what are you talking about, I don't understand."

Gryzlov slapped the coffee table in front of him with a "bang", which startled Klitschko.

"You bastard! What good did you do, do you want me to explain it?

Tell me, did you tamper with that low-rent housing project? Did you read the newspaper two days ago!

Several newspapers mentioned the problem of low-rent housing. As far as I know, the first batch of low-rent housing was built or remodeled by your company!

Have you had a good life too long, you bastard, and you don't feel comfortable without making yourself uncomfortable?

Do you understand that the low-rent housing project is a project of people's livelihood and people's hearts, and it is a project that has attracted everyone's attention from top to bottom!

In this kind of project, do you dare to pluck the hair? !

Are you trying to **** me off? "

Facing his father's scolding, Klinchenko was stunned.

After a long time, he said nonchalantly: "Dad, didn't your Duma promote this project? I thought, you are the speaker of the Duma, so..."

It's okay not to mention this, but upon hearing what he said, Gryzlov couldn't bear it anymore, stood up abruptly, and slapped Klitschko loudly with a "PIA" slap.

This slap made Klitschko's eyes shine brightly, and he staggered and almost fell to the ground.

It can be seen that Gryzlov is always strong and strong, and his strength is really not small!

"You useless guy!

If your father and I were not the speaker, your trash company would have gone bankrupt long ago!

I used to be busy with work, so I didn't care about how to take care of you. In addition, you still have a bit of brains, so I didn't cause too much trouble, so I just turned a blind eye and didn't ask much about your company.

Now you are doing well, causing me such a big trouble! "

Klitschko felt his cheeks burning hot, he covered his face with his hands, and said nonchalantly, "This...isn't this a trivial matter?"

Gryzlov stared, causing Klitschko to take two steps back in fright.

Looking at his son, Gryzlov let out a long sigh and didn't have the heart to beat him anymore, so he sat down weakly.

Said in a low and deep voice: "You are not young anymore, and the company has grown quite large. There are some things that must be explained to you, otherwise I am afraid that you will cause more trouble in the future and create even greater disasters."

Klitschko didn't dare to sit down, but just took a step closer and stood not far from his father.

Gryzlov didn't care about him either, and said to himself:

"Perhaps you think that your father is the Speaker of the Duma, with all eyes and hands, so you can do whatever you want without thinking about the consequences?

I tell you, it is not!

First of all, as the speaker, I can't say that I have no power.

But if you say how big it is, it's really hard to say.

At least, in front of the Kremlin, in front of those powerful departments, and in front of Mikhail, my power is not too great.

Actually, in the projects you took on before, there were similar cut corners, but I was not angry at that time.

The reason why I am so angry this time is because the meaning of this project is different.

First of all, this is a project promoted by Deputy Speaker Mikhail, and even the Kremlin is paying attention, which is of great significance!

You really don't know what to do if you make small moves on this kind of project!

Besides, I know your little thoughts.

Do you think that Mikhail is the deputy speaker of the Duma and I am the speaker, so I can overwhelm him.

If you tamper with his project, even if he knows, what will he do with you? "

As he spoke, Gryzlov glared at his son again.

Klitschko shrank his neck, not daring to respond, but he really thought so.

Gryzlov continued:

"If you think so, you are completely wrong!

Because you have less contact with the political arena, you can't see many things clearly.

I can only tell you that in this session of the Duma, Mikhail is the real speaker!

And I, just a name...

Based on my friendship with Mikhail, it is estimated that he will not do anything to you this time.

But you have to remember, the next is not an example!

If something like this happens again, I don't need Mikhail to say anything, I will take the initiative to send you in.

Your father has worked for half his life, and his reputation is not bad, so he can't ruin it in your hands!

Remember it! "

At the end, Gryzlov raised his voice.

Klitschko didn't dare to make any excuses at all, he could only nod repeatedly, expressing his understanding.

It was because of the father-son conversation last night that Klitschko agreed so readily after receiving Holly's call.

Willing to pay out of pocket to do make up work.

If he doesn't agree, he can't do it!

At that time, don't say that Wang Ye is causing trouble for him, even his own father will not let him go...

(end of this chapter)