Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 862

Chapter 862

Chapter 862 New Development Direction

When Wang Ye came here, he naturally lived in Ajielina's big apartment.

Living with Natalia.

Because she had to go to work, Natalia did not come to the airport to pick up the plane, but she also knew that Wang Ye was coming today, so she got off work a little earlier and went home.

The welcome dinner was fairly simple. Ajielina and Natalia personally cooked a few special dishes.

There are no outsiders, only the three of them eat together.

I have to say that Ajielina's culinary skills have improved a lot compared to when she was in Moscow, and she cooks like that.

"Cheers! Welcome our Speaker Mikhail, come to Simferopol, a small place, to inspect the work."

Natalia raised her red wine glass and said with a smile on her face.

Wang Ye and Ajielina also smiled and raised their wine glasses, and with a "ding", the three of them clinked their wine glasses.

At the dinner table, Natalia talked more than the two of them, chattering non-stop.

"Misha, I can see you every day on the news recently. It seems that you are getting better and better."

"Oh, it's a pity that we are not under your direct jurisdiction, otherwise, my position can be moved again."

"This time I'm here, I want to tell you about Ajielina. She is a bit too weak as the speaker. Sometimes she usually chooses to back down on things that shouldn't be backed down..."

Wang Ye just smiled and listened to her, nodding from time to time.

It is not that he is ignorant of the situation of Ajielina and Natalia.

Quite the contrary, he knows it!

Wagner Company has a detailed document every month, which is secretly sent to Wang Ye, which is a summary of the situation on Crimea.

From Myshkov to Ajielina to Natalia, almost every influential figure in Crimea is under Wagner's control.

This is Wang Ye's "base area", and he can't really let it go.

After dinner, the three of them nestled side by side on the sofa watching TV, and the atmosphere was very warm.

Natalia is also very knowledgeable. After chatting for a while, she made an excuse, saying that she still has some work to do and needs to go back to her room to deal with it.

got up and went back to his room.

Anyway, the master bedrooms in this big apartment are all suites with bathrooms inside. Natalia will probably not come out in the next time, leaving the space for Wang Ye and Ajielina.

The spring night is short, and Wang Ye and Ajielina haven't seen each other for a long time, so of course they won't waste time watching TV here.

The two looked at each other and smiled, got up together, and went back to the room...

After a long time, the two snuggled together and whispered.

Wang Ye planned to go back to China after finishing his business, and he told Ajielina about it.

Ajielina remembered this now, looked at Wang Ye with a little longing and asked, "How about I go back with you? The last time I went there was three years ago. I heard that there have been great changes in the past two years." Great, I also want to go to the country to see."

What she said was naturally that she wanted to go to China with Wang Ye. The last time she returned to China with Wang Ye, she was referring to the fact that Wang Ye took her back at the promotion meeting for studying abroad.

Ajielina knows most of Wang Ye's secrets, and of course she understands what going to China means to Wang Ye.

That's "going home"...

Hearing what Ajielina said, Wang Ye was slightly moved.

It would be really wonderful to go on vacation with Ajielina in a completely "strange" place where no one around you knows.

But after thinking about it again, he still shook his head regretfully.

If it was only him, or only Ajielina, then there should be no problem.

But if the two of them "disappear" at the same time, it's hard not to arouse others' speculation.

In case someone is watching, maybe there will be some troubles!

Seeing Wang Ye shaking his head, Ajielina sighed in disappointment. She also understood what Wang Ye was worried about, so she didn't fight any more.

He just muttered a little depressed: "When will I be able to live freely, without worrying about other people's eyes, without thinking about messy things..."

Wang Ye rubbed her long hair and comforted her with a smile: "This day will come, don't worry. All our efforts now will not be in vain, just wait a few more years."

Ajielina was just complaining, so after hearing Wang Ye's comfort, she just hugged his arm tightly and said nothing more.

The two also tacitly did not mention Rosiana...

The next day, Wang Ye attended the listing ceremony of the Crimea Free Trade Zone.

From this day on, the business environment in Crimea has changed again, and luxury brands from all over the world will also gather here. In the future, tourists who come here will not only come to travel or gamble, but shopping will also become a part of the local life. Great spot.

Because it is a duty-free port, goods from any country or region do not need to pay taxes!

The purpose of Wang Ye is to turn Crimea into a tourist and shopping paradise!

Now the goal is being achieved step by step.

After attending the ceremony, Wang Ye stayed for another day to accompany Ajielina.

On the third day, his special plane flew straight into the sky again, and the destination was naturally the domestic capital!

Returning to China this time, Wang Ye came back in a private capacity.

So I didn't report or submit documents to the relevant domestic departments, and I didn't plan to let the country be responsible for the reception.

Just notified the domestic Yukos branch and Liu Mei and Zhang Xiaoxi, and told them that they don't need to pick up the plane.

When the special plane landed at Capital International Airport, Liu Mei and Zhang Xiaoxi were already waiting there.

On the contrary, the Russian person in charge of the Yukos branch is more honest. Wang Ye said he would not let him come, so he really didn't come to pick up the plane...

Seeing that Liu Mei and Zhang Xiaoxi didn't listen to his orders, but came to pick up the plane anyway, Wang Ye was not angry, but just smiled and said to trouble them.

The two women each brought two black Mercedes-Benz S, both of which belong to the company.

Because Wang Ye didn't bring many people this time, four cars were enough.

"Boss, let's go back to the Wangfu garden first. I had someone clean it again yesterday." Liu Mei said enthusiastically.

Now that Wang Ye returns to the capital, he no longer needs to stay in a hotel, because he has a big house.

Including the entourage he brought, it is enough to live.

After passing the customs through the VIP channel, the convoy drove out of the airport and drove directly to Wangfu Garden.

Liu Mei drove, Zhang Xiaoxi sat in the co-pilot seat, Wang Ye sat alone in the boss seat in the back row, three people in one car.

"By the way, Xiaoxi, how is your shopping center doing?" Wang Ye asked casually.

Zhang Xiaoxi quickly turned around and replied: "Many brands are entering the venue for renovation now. The plan is to open during the National Day. I don't know if you are still in the country at that time, boss. It would be great if you could participate in the ribbon-cutting opening !"

Wang Ye shook his head with a smile and said, "I'm definitely not in the country anymore, and it will take more than a month. I can't stay that long."

Zhang Xiaoxi felt a little regretful, but she didn't have much hope in the first place.

She knows how busy Wang Ye is.

But then she enthusiastically introduced the situation of Joy City to Wang Ye.

According to the original idea, Joy City, a shopping center, is positioned as "young, fashionable, and affordable luxury", so the imported brands are basically in line with this positioning and are more popular with young people.

There is no shortage of top luxury shopping malls in the capital, and Joy City is Zhang Xiaoxi's first large-scale shopping mall, and she doesn't have too many connections with luxury brands, so she won't get involved in the top luxury circle.

But light luxury fashion brands, this is a new segment, according to Zhang Xiaoxi's judgment, it should be more popular in the future.

If Xidan Joy City can be established, then the commercial real estate company she is in charge of will follow the same positioning route when it builds a new shopping center in the future.

Liu Mei, who was concentrating on driving, couldn't help interjecting when she heard the topic they were discussing: "I also went to Joy City to take a look a few days ago, Xiaoxi did a really good job, this shopping center is so big, and The decoration is very is very young and fashionable, not to mention young people, even an old woman like me likes it. Compared with other shopping malls in the capital, it does not seem to be of the same class, and it will definitely be popular!"

Actually, Liu Mei is not too old, she is just in her early forties this year.

In addition, she is also a fashionable person who loves to dress up, knows how to dress herself up, and has money in her hands, so from the perspective of outsiders, she may think that she is only in her thirties.

But judging from what she said, she should have a good relationship with Zhang Xiaoxi.

Liu Mei is a smart person, she didn't feel jealous because she knew Wang Ye earlier than Zhang Xiaoxi, but the company she's in charge of now is much smaller than Zhang Xiaoxi.

Instead, she tried her best to have a good relationship with Zhang Xiaoxi, and helped Zhang Xiaoxi a lot in many things.

It is not beyond Wang Ye's expectation that this Joy City shopping center will open so soon.

Because of this project, when Zhang Xiaoxi took over last year, the main structure had already been capped, but the interior decoration had not yet been done.

This project has been handed down twice before, and the first two "owners" have invested a lot of money to build this project one after another, but they are not sure about the prospects of this project, plus some complicated factors, or Zhang Xiaoxi picked up a "cheap" because of the funds or because he was a state-owned enterprise that was not suitable to continue.

When this project is in Zhang Xiaoxi's hands, it only needs to carry out the final interior decoration and add investment promotion.

That's why the efficiency is so high. It will be officially opened within a year after taking over.

According to Wang Ye's past life memories, after the opening of this Joy City, it has created many records in the capital's business district!

The business was booming for a while, and it even took the top spot for many years in a row, becoming the shopping mall with the highest annual sales in the capital and even the entire North China region, no one else!

Obviously, this "cash cow" is now in the hands of Wang Ye, and it will definitely create a lot of profits for him.

Perhaps in the future Zhang Xiaoxi can really make this commercial real estate company bigger, and open a Joy City shopping center in every major city in China.

Of course, this is something for later, and it depends on Zhang Xiaoxi's future performance.

Even if she can't do this, Wang Ye doesn't care.

He doesn't expect this mall to make money to support his family

Among other things, the gas stations he runs, although not very impressive, will definitely make no less money than this Joy City in the future.

It will even far exceed these so-called commercial real estate!

You know, businesses that can really make a lot of money are not very eye-catching.

That's what I said, but Wang Ye won't be stingy when it's time to call.

He said casually: "Keep an eye on this shopping mall, maybe this is a viable path. As long as this shopping mall can be successful, you can expand rapidly, not in all big cities, but at least in Several first-tier cities, as well as prominent big cities, can find suitable land targets and build Joy-type shopping centers to form economies of scale..."

Zhang Xiaoxi nodded repeatedly.

Although according to Wang Ye's statement, it needs to invest a huge amount of money, and she doesn't have that much money on hand.

But she understands that she definitely doesn't need to worry about money matters, Wang Ye will take care of it.

To be honest, until now, she often finds it hard to imagine where Wang Ye made so much money from!

Every now and then, hundreds of millions of dollars are transferred to the asset management company she manages, and from what it means, the money is just Wang Ye's "private money", which is leaked through the fingers...

If it was really a big project that Wang Ye took seriously, how much money would he invest at once?

Zhang Xiaoxi dare not even think about it!

Compared to Zhang Xiaoxi's Dayue real estate, the branch of the Little Eagle Group managed by Liu Mei is not worth mentioning.

However, the boss finally came to visit, and Liu Mei also seized the opportunity to report on her work.

Her main job is to cooperate with major domestic travel agencies to attract tourists to travel abroad.

It has to be said that because the group headquarters has a lot of money and is willing to spend money on advertising, the tourism business has expanded quite well in the past two years.

According to Liu Mei's report, since this year, it's only August, but the total number of tourists sent out has reached more than 300,000!

Although the cost of traveling to Russia and Crimea is much cheaper than that in Europe and the United States, it is still an overseas trip, and the cost is not very low.

More than 300,000 person-times, even after sharing with domestic cooperative travel agencies, the revenue of the branch office is as high as more than 3 billion yuan!

Of course, this is just revenue, not profit.

After deducting various expenses, the net profit is not high, barely three to five billion yuan.

"This little money" was in front of Wang Ye, and Liu Mei was a little embarrassed to mention it...

"Very good! Keep it up, the domestic business of the Kitty Eagle Group will increase in the future. In the future, you can consider operating a five-star hotel business in the country, which is also the next business focus of the Kitty Hawk Group."

Wang Ye encouraged.

This is not his nonsense, but the business focus of the Little Eagle Group in the next stage, which was discussed at the board of directors of the group.

As the gaming industry stabilizes and the cash flow in the hands of the group becomes extremely abundant, it is necessary to consider the next expansion direction of the group.

After discussions among several shareholders, everyone decided on two directions.

One of them is the top luxury shopping mall that Nalan Yaqi is currently "working on"!

After this top luxury shopping mall in Moscow is built, if the effect is good, it will soon be "copied" to Petersburg, Crimea...

The other one is the old business of the Xiaoying Group, the hotel business!

If we do it now, it is naturally impossible to build an ordinary hotel, it must be a five-star hotel.

In this regard, the Little Eagle Group also has natural advantages, and this is a formal and legal business that can develop all over the world...

(end of this chapter)