Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 831

Chapter 831

Chapter 831 More famous

Reminiscent of a while ago, inexplicably, a large number of members of the first faction defected to him.

There was a flash of inspiration in Wang Ye's mind, and he faintly felt that he had grasped the key to the problem!

The first faction has never been monolithic!

Even Gryzlov admitted that there are many mountains in their faction and the relationship is very complicated.

itself was formed by the merger of several different parties, representing the interests of multiple parties. Although in the last election, everyone unanimously elected Puding as their representative candidate to compete for the presidential position, it did succeed.

The past few years have passed, and many people's ideas have changed.

Moreover, Pu Ding has never joined the first faction. Even though the heads of various government departments are from the first faction, most of his cronies are also from the first faction.

But still can't equate him with the first faction!

For Pu Ding, except for the second faction that does not deal with him, the other factions support him.

Oh, now to add a new faction of Hovchenko...

In addition to these two factions, other factions are unable to nominate a decent presidential candidate, which means that there is no threat to him.

So, in next year's general election of the Duma, whether Gryzlov or Wang Ye's faction won the most seats, will it have any impact on him?

Whether it is Gryzlov or Wang Ye who holds the speaker's seat, can it pose any threat to him?

Obviously neither!

It can even be said that Wang Ye's faction won the most seats, and Wang Ye himself took over the position of Speaker of the Duma, which is better for Putin.

Because the relationship between them is closer!

That's my "son-in-law"...

Whether in terms of morality or interests, Wang Ye has no reason to betray him!

So, he is very likely to instigate some members of the first faction to defect to the Wang Ye faction, the purpose is to support Wang Ye to win the election in the Duma!

Of course, there are still certain risks in doing so.

Because Wang Ye's "uncle" Khovchenko is also competing for that position, what if Wang Ye chooses to support his "uncle"?

This is also possible.

But Pu Ding doesn't think so, he thinks the possibility is so low that it can be ignored!

Because he knew Wang Ye's true identity, Hovchenko was not his real uncle

Besides, Wang Ye is a really smart guy, he should know what kind of choice to make, which is more beneficial to himself!

Taking a step back, even if the worst outcome happens, Wang Ye is dizzy and insists on supporting Hovchenko, then Puding is not afraid!

Because since he can make those people switch from the first faction to Wang Ye's side, he can also make those people turn their guns again and cause internal strife in Wang Ye's faction!

It can even drive Wang Ye down from the party leader's throne...

According to this line of thinking, Wang Ye finally sorted out his thoughts, and also figured out the real reason for those strange things that happened recently.

Now he is very sure that the instigator behind it must be Ke Gong!

Since this is the case, I can do things with confidence and boldly, and I don't need to worry about the faction getting more seats than the first faction.

Perhaps, the more chaotic the situation in the Duma next year, the more the Kremlin would like to see it.

Wang Ye frowned and fell into deep thought. Both Hovchenko and Rosiana were quietly paying attention to Wang Ye.

After a long while, Wang Ye raised his head, with a smile on his face, and his expression became much more relaxed.

"Yes, what do I have to worry about? Is it because I am afraid that I will be elected as the speaker? Although I really don't want to take this position, if the situation really develops to that point, then I will reluctantly do it!" , he spread his hands, showing a shy smile.

Seeing that he let go of his knots, Hovchenko also smiled, shook his head and said: "This opportunity is rare, I hope you can grasp it well. Even if I lose the election next year, if I can push you to the position of speaker, that is One kind of worked out."

Wang Ye was a little moved. He knew that the reason for the favorable situation was that Hovchenko formed a new faction and participated in the competition.

If Hovchenko didn't wade into this muddy water, then the first faction and the second faction wouldn't be in a mess, let alone the current anxious situation.

Although Khovchenko's ultimate goal is the position of the Kremlin, it has to be said that he has indeed helped Wang Ye a lot!

Because it was seeing the ferocious development of the Khovchenko faction that forced the Kremlin, the first and second factions to make choices they would not have made.

Coincidentally, the biggest beneficiary of their new choice is Wang Ye...

It can only be said that time is also luck, who made Wang Ye's identity so complicated.

In the current chaotic situation, this has become the biggest advantage!

It is because of his complicated identity that he has almost unreserved trust and the greatest support from the Kremlin!

Perhaps, the Kremlin wants Wang Ye to replace Gryzlov.

Not sure why they would do this though...

During the chat, Rosiana mentioned the widely circulated "Heileba Campaign", and said with a smile: "Uncle, you are really willing to spend money. This expenditure alone may be more expensive than the entire campaign expenses of most factions." It's going to be higher."

She now follows Wang Ye and calls her uncle.

Hovchenko said helplessly: "This expenditure is indeed not low. If there is a better way, I will not do it. There is no way, our faction is newly established, and the public opinion base is too poor. Even the vast majority of voters have no I have heard of us. Time is so tight, so we can only use the simplest and most direct method. Bread is something that every family needs every day, and it is also the most practical. Our faction sends bread, although it costs a lot , but it can actually win a lot of votes.

Wang Ye deeply agrees with this point.

When he ran for the Duma, he won it with vodka!

Even now, there is still a "legend" about him in Chukotka. During the holidays, Wang Ye would give vodka to everyone.

"By the way, Misha, what tricks are you going to do this time, won't you still give vodka?" Hovchenko asked with a smile.

Wang Ye quickly shook his head, "That's too much to give away! This time, it's just a promotional presentation. What kind of gift to give depends on the competitors in each constituency."

Yes, no matter how rich and powerful Wang Ye is, it is impossible for him to give vodka this time like he did during his campaign.

Because this is an overall campaign for the faction, but there are one or two hundred constituencies!

Even Khovchenko only dared to give Heleba, how dare he give vodka, otherwise he would go bankrupt!

Hovchenko turned to look at Rosiana again, and said with a smile: "Recently, I have been running around the states below and heard some news about you. Do you know that in some states, you are more famous than Misha."

Rosiana was stunned, a little at a loss, "What? I am more famous than Misha? How is that possible!"

She really couldn't believe it.

I have never been in politics myself. I used to be a reporter, but now I am Wang Ye's assistant. I rarely have the opportunity to show my face alone.

How could anyone know me...

Wang Ye was also a little surprised, and asked curiously: "Her fame? What aspect?"

"Haha, wasn't your engagement ceremony broadcast live throughout Russia a while ago?

Maybe you didn't feel it yourself, but now you two are very famous.

Especially Rosiana, don't forget that she is the orthodox heir of the Romanov family, the only female grand duchess in the world!

In Moscow, people may not think there is anything, but in more remote places, the people there still believe in this. Many people miss the once glorious Romanov dynasty. "

Hovchenko replied with a smile.

Wang Ye and Rosiana smiled at each other, this is not a bad thing...

But Hovchenko's next sentence made him "thump" in his heart.

"Maybe, Rosiana forms a new faction and return to the era of Tsarist Russia? Anyway, it is a slogan like this, and it may attract a lot of votes!" Hovchenko said casually.

Wang Ye was taken aback by these words.

Perhaps Hovchenko didn't mean anything when he said this, he was just making a joke.

Rosiana wouldn't take it seriously either.

But only Wang Ye knows that there are really a large number of Emperor-Russian factions "hidden" on Da Mao's side!

It's just that the previous environment did not allow these people to stand up and show their attitudes. However, with the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, Da Mao's integration into Western society was not smooth, and the economic downturn continued and could not be recovered.

This group of Emperor-Russian factions will slowly "raise their heads" and even become the biggest force in the political arena...

Since it is called "Huang Russia", the word "Huang" is very important!

Originally in my memory, it was because there was no leader with the identity of "Huang", so on Da Mao's side, the Huang-Russian faction did not make any waves, and no one twisted them into a force.

But in this life, by chance, Rosiana inherited the title of Grand Duke.

And under the double "certification" of the Kremlin and the Patriarch, he became the most orthodox heir of the Romanov family!

If she climbs up and shouts, maybe there will really be a crowd of responders...

Thinking of this, Wang Ye quickly shook his head, he didn't want this to happen.

What a joke!

At that time, I will lead the largest faction in the Duma, maybe I have already ascended to the position of speaker, and my wife will lead the Imperial Russian faction to challenge my position?

Wouldn't that be an infighting?

"Uncle, don't be joking. How could I engage in any faction? I'm too busy assisting Misha to manage his faction." Rosiana waved her hand and said.

This is indeed what she really thinks.

At the very least, the current her has no ambitions at all.

What she looks forward to the most is to marry Misha as soon as possible in the future, and then live a happy life as husband and wife!

After she gets married, she doesn't plan to come out to work again, let alone start a faction by herself, what's the point of that.

This topic ends here. Hovchenko just mentioned it casually, and no one took it seriously.

Even Wang Ye didn't think that Rosiana had the idea or ability to lead an Imperial Russian faction onto the political stage.

After eating, they sat down and chatted for a while before Wang Yecai and Rosiana got up to say goodbye.

After returning to the car, Wang Ye heaved a sigh of relief.

From the beginning to the end, Hovchenko had no intention of asking Wang Ye to help him!

You must know that Wang Ye's faction is very likely to become the second largest faction in the Duma next year, and even have the opportunity to "touch" the first faction.

With his support, the chances of Khovchenko running for president will be greatly improved!

And in terms of the relationship between the two, Hovchenko is also qualified to make this request.

But he just didn't mention

Maybe it was because Hovchenko knew that Wang Ye was in a difficult position between him and the Kremlin, or maybe it was because Hovchenko didn't want Wang Ye to get involved...

Actually, Wang Ye has been avoiding Hovchenko for a while, because he was worried that he would make such a request!

If Hovchenko really mentioned it, it would be really difficult for Wang Ye to deal with it.

Can't refuse, can't promise...

So he has been pretending to be confused, which means that he leads the faction and devotes all his energy to the Duma election. As for the presidential election, it seems that he doesn't know or pay attention to it at all.

Maybe Hovchenko also saw what Wang Ye meant through his attitude, so he didn't discuss this matter with him.

Throughout the evening, everyone was talking about Duma elections, factional struggles...

Both sides have tacitly ignored the more important election next year, which is actually the presidential election!

Rosiana naturally understood the subtleties, and when she saw Wang Ye let out a sigh of relief, she smiled and said, "It scares you, I think you should openly talk to Uncle Khovchenko and tell him your difficulties. Make a clear attitude and say that we will not participate in the competition between them, so it will be fine."

Wang Ye shook his head and did not speak, how could things be so simple.

And if you receive the favor of a drop of water, you should repay it with a spring!

This is the principle of Wang Ye's life.

Hovchenko gave him too much help, and he will have to repay this favor sooner or later.

It's just that at this moment, I don't have the ability to pay it back.

As for the Kremlin, to be honest, they are not unkind to Wang Ye!

It can only be said that the palms of the hands and the backs of the hands are full of flesh, and Wang Ye doesn't want to make the relationship with any party deadlocked.

Then he can only keep silent and continue to develop his own strength. When his strength is strong enough, it is possible to resolve the conflict between Khovchenko and Kremlin.

After all, I don't have that much face now, and I can't let both parties sit down and listen to him...

In the next period of time, Wang Ye became even busier.

Because he is going to "stand" for some key members of the faction.

That is to accompany those key members, go down to the cities below, hold lectures, and go to win votes!

Russia is a country with a large area and many administrative regions. It consists of 22 autonomous republics, 46 states, 9 border regions, 4 autonomous regions, 1 autonomous prefecture, and 3 federal municipalities...

(end of this chapter)