Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 829

Chapter 829

Gryzlov nodded without hesitation, "Misha is very confident, and I trust him too. After all, he is an expert in the energy industry. And his predictions have never failed."

Gobrev also said beside him: "In this regard, Misha is trustworthy, and his vision has always been very keen. It seems that the international crude oil price and natural gas price will rise next year. If he dares to make such a judgment, there must be someone else. basis."

Puding nodded slightly, no longer questioning.

Obviously, as the chairman of Yukos Group and the major shareholder of Gazprom, Wang Ye must have a better understanding of energy market trends than ordinary people, and he has more information in his hands.

Since he said that crude oil and natural gas prices will rise sharply next year, that should be the case.

As for the government's fiscal revenue forecast, it may be too conservative!

But this is not surprising. The government would rather be conservative when setting goals than to set a goal that is difficult or even impossible to achieve.

Besides, their current fiscal revenue estimates have reached 2.6 trillion rubles, and the GDP growth rate has reached 7.2%!

This goal is indeed not too low...

If the actual income and growth rate exceed this target next year, everyone will have a good face.

If the goal is barely achieved, it is a credit, a good job.

So they don't need to take risks to formulate a double-digit GDP growth rate, which is also understandable.

But Wang Ye is obviously more optimistic about next year's economic development.

But he didn't touch the government's fiscal revenue forecast and GDP growth rate, but just raised the fiscal expenditure budget!

I have to say, this kid is really cunning!

Because of "spending more money", everyone will definitely support it.

If you want people to "earn more money", then you will encounter relatively large resistance...

"I think there is no problem!

Since you are all unanimously optimistic about next year's economic development and are so confident, I am too happy to be happy. How could I object?

And what Misha said is right, our security environment at home and abroad is indeed facing challenges, and the budgets of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Security Bureau also need to be allocated more.

There are also higher education, investment in scientific research, etc.

Hey, there are too many places to spend money. "

Puding shook his head and sighed, but there was a smile on his face.

You know, next year is the year of the general election!

At this time, Wang Ye took the initiative to stand up and said that the economy will develop better next year, and that fiscal expenditure will be greatly increased.

On the surface, the internal affairs department, security bureau, higher education and other institutions will benefit, but in fact, Puding himself will also benefit greatly!

Because under his leadership and good leadership, the country's economy has continued to grow at a high speed in the past two years!

In 2002, the GDP growth rate was 6.1%!

In 2003, the GDP growth rate was 7%!

In the upcoming 2004, the GDP growth rate is expected to reach double digits!

The momentum of development is rapid...

Whose credit is this?

The general public should also know it well.

Of course, Puding also understands that Wang Ye has definitely made a huge contribution to the rapid growth of GDP in the past two years!

Helped Yukos Group acquire Siberia Petroleum Company and integrate the oil industry.

Take the lead in getting China and Russia to sign huge energy orders, opening up a huge new market for domestic excess crude oil and natural gas.

Acquired the three major automobile brands and invested heavily in the construction of an automobile production base in Moscow Region...

This series of generous spending has directly boosted the growth of GDP!

It is no exaggeration to say that without Wang Ye's business initiatives, the GDP growth rate in the past two years would have been reduced by at least two percentage points or even more!

All of this is not only the credit of Wang Ye, but also the credit of Ke Gong.

It is the support and cooperation directly behind the scenes that Wang Ye can do this smoothly.

What does it mean to know people and be good at assignments? This is it!

The most critical hurdle has passed, and the Kremlin side expressed support for this new fiscal expenditure budget.

That of course also represents a consensus within the first faction, and the Duma Congress will also support this new plan.

In addition to Wang Ye's internal communication and coordination within the third faction, there is no suspense in the approval of this new plan.

After discussing the budget, Gobrev shifted the topic to the upcoming general election of the Duma.

He smiled and asked, "Has Misha talked to you recently?"

Gryzlov didn't react at first, and asked subconsciously, "What are you talking about?"

"The members of your faction switched to the third faction." Gebrev said.

"Oh... of course, he came to my office to discuss this matter a few days ago. I guess he was very surprised, but I prevaricated, saying that some hilltops in the faction were abandoned and found their own way out." Grezlov laughed.

Puding also smiled, of course he knew what was going on.

In fact, behind this matter, he is promoting!

"However..., you really don't have to worry about Misha's tail getting too big in the future?" Gryzlov said with a little worry.

Recently, he sometimes has faint worries in his heart.

Because Misha is developing too fast!

He himself has very good conditions, owns huge assets, and does not need to worry about funds.

He is young and has a strong upward momentum. Both ordinary people and politicians are very optimistic about his future development.

Now we have to add the strong support from the Kremlin...

Is there really nothing to worry about?

Regarding this issue, of course, the Kremlin has already discussed it.

So Putin didn't speak, and Gobrev answered Gryzlov's question.

"Don't worry, because Misha is one of us!

Moreover, for quite a long time, it is impossible for him to have any greater ambitions.

So no matter how fast his power develops, it will not cause any backlash, so there is no need to worry about this. "

Gobrev said unhurriedly.

Actually, Gryzlov understands the reasons Gobrev said, but he is just worried...

Can't tell why, maybe it's the so-called sixth sense!

But in front of Pu Ding, he used his own feelings as an argument, so he could only shake his head and stop mentioning it.

Because Gryzlov also understands that in terms of relationship and trust, perhaps in the eyes of the Kremlin, Misha is already ahead of him!

From the moment Misha and Rosiana got officially engaged...

Just kidding, I and Ke Gong have the same interests, and they can be regarded as trustworthy partners.

But what about Misha, that's his "son-in-law"!

So he changed the subject tactfully and started talking about some interesting things that happened recently.

"You should have heard that all the members of Khovchenko's faction have recently gone down to the city below. They gave speeches and blackened Leba. They really don't take money for money. Now everyone says that Hovchenko They're campaigning for Heleba."

How could Puding and Gobrev not know!

Khovchenko is a potential opponent next year.

Although Hovchenko is not very optimistic about what big news he can make, the Kremlin did not ignore him.

It can be ignored strategically, but it must be taken seriously tactically!

So every move of Hovchenko and the others is under the control of the Kremlin.

Speaking of the "Heleba campaign", both Putin and Gobrev laughed, of course they knew!

This is talking about the new campaign strategy launched by Hovchenko and his faction.

Each faction will conduct publicity roadshows in the following state constituencies to solicit votes, and often there are campaigners with more financial resources to send gifts to voters in order to increase their good impression among voters.

Of course, no matter how much you say, it's better to give more gifts to voters.

When Wang Ye first ran for the Duma, he gave vodka directly, and it was an adult in the entire state, everyone got a share, that was a big deal!

But it is also because the population of Chukchi Prefecture is not large, and Wang Ye is rich enough to afford it.

Gifts of this kind are rare.

Under normal circumstances, when other members of parliament run for office, they give small gifts such as candy and eggs, and the cost is not high.

But recently, Khovchenko and his faction have come up with a "Heileba Campaign" strategy that has attracted everyone's attention.

It is to directly buy one or more bakeries in a certain constituency, and only produce one kind of bread, which is the kind of big Lieba black bread that Lao Maozi often eats.

Then during the road show, they promised to give every voter who voted for them a bread coupon every day. With the bread coupons, they can receive a big Liba for free at the designated bakery...

In Russia, Daliba is like the steamed buns in the north of China. It is a staple food, which everyone cannot live without, and it is a must for the family!

The price is not expensive, a large Lieba is usually about six rubles, which is 0.2 US dollars, or two RMB...

And this kind of big Liba is quite big, one is enough for a family to eat one or even two meals.

This is really a big deal!

Don't look at a big Lieba that doesn't have much money, but you can't afford to give it a lot and give it for a long time!

Even if there are two million people in the "main battlefield" of their state, and one million of them are members of the Khovchenko faction, that is one million votes, which is equivalent to sending out one million bread coupons every day, worth 200,000 Beautiful knife!

Then it will cost 70 million US dollars a year!

Of course, this is based on the retail price of Heileba.

If calculated according to the cost price of mass production, it would cost 20 million U.S. dollars.

That is to say, Hovchenko and his faction plan to use a cost of 20 million US dollars to get a Duma seat!

Fifty seats, that's a billion dollars...

This is just the cost of sending Heileba, plus the cost of campaign publicity. It is estimated that for every seat won, the expenditure will be as high as 25 million or even 30 million dollars!

This is not just rich and powerful, it is simply insane!

Under normal circumstances, the cost of other factions running for a Duma seat usually does not exceed two million dollars.

Unless the candidates who participate in the election are rich themselves and are willing to pay for additional campaign funds from their own pockets, or have the ability to attract political donations, two million dollars will be the limit.

This is also the default fund dividing line.

And Hovchenko directly raised this line by more than ten times!

But I have to say that this campaign strategy is still very effective, and it also makes other factions nervous.

Although everyone ridicules this kind of Heileba campaign, why is it not sour in my heart...

If your own faction is so rich, who wouldn't want to use this method, it's simple and effective!

Fortunately, the main battlefields chosen by Khovchenko and his faction were placed in the two major electoral districts of Moscow State and Petersburg, which were staggered from the sphere of influence of the Wangye faction.

Otherwise, Wang Ye will feel a headache.

Although in terms of wealth, perhaps he has not lost to Hovchenko.

But in terms of cash flow alone, he is far behind!

Others may not know it, but Wang Ye knows very well that there are billions of dollars in cash lying in Hovchenko's account!

More importantly, for this election, Hovchenko was really willing to spend money.

Anyway, he seldom invests in business now, and with so much cash in his hand, he is naturally willing to spend it.

Although Wang Ye's net worth is higher, his business layout has not yet been completed, and many places need large investments, so the money that can be used for elections is limited.

So, if he had a choice, Wang Ye would not want to "confront" Hovchenko!

Fortunately, the two main battlefields chosen by the Khovchenko faction are Moscow and Petersburg, the two largest constituencies, with the most concentrated population, the most developed economy, and naturally the most votes.

The constituency Wang Ye chose for the faction deviated from these hotspots.

Anyway, it's not his turn to have a headache.

After all, everyone knows that the Moscow constituency is the traditional sphere of influence of the second faction.

The Petersburg constituency is the sphere of influence of the first faction, and it is the place where the Kremlin made its fortune!

Let them fight among the three families, Wang Ye doesn't want to get involved...

"This matter is worthy of attention. It's okay to give Khovchenko and the others forty or fifty Duma seats, even a little more. But they must not be allowed to get more than eighty seats! Otherwise, the future Duma The horse is going to mess up!"

Puding said meaningfully.

Gobrev nodded quickly and said, "Yes! Dozens of seats won't cause much trouble, but once there are more than a hundred seats, it means that no faction will have an absolute advantage in the next Duma. None of us can do it. If you want to pass any bill, there will be more factions that need to communicate and coordinate."

The number of seats of the first faction next year will definitely drop, even drop significantly!

This was all within everyone's expectations, and even the Kremlin was silently promoting it behind the scenes.

Wang Ye's faction will get more seats, guaranteed 100 seats!

This is also a tacit agreement reached by everyone, and it is also promoted by the Kremlin behind the scenes.

The current second faction, the so-called "Moscow faction", will be reduced in strength and its seats will be divided among other factions.

This was discussed between Wang Ye and the first faction, and it was also a piece of fat that Wang Ye was staring at.

Of course, a considerable part of the seats that the Khovchenko faction will get will also come from the second faction.

After all, their key constituencies overlap with the Moscow faction's sphere of influence...