Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 80

Chapter 80

Chapter 80 I found a foreign daughter-in-law

Also engaged in study abroad agencies, Wang Ye will play something different this time with those study abroad agencies in China!

And these, it can be said that he has accumulated some experience after working hard in the shopping mall for more than ten years in his "previous life".

Maybe these things are not new at all after 20 years, and even everyone is tired of seeing them.

But at this time in 2001, it should still be quite "lethal"!

Can you open up the market and make a fortune, I will count on this time...

Let's go back to Wangye.

did not interfere too much with Liu Jun and the domestic delegation to discuss matters.

After chatting with his uncle Li Changyun for a while, Wang Ye stood up and said with a smile:

"Okay, it's time for me to go back to school. Uncle, you finally came here. In addition to work, you can go around and see more in the past two days. Although Moscow is average, it can be regarded as a world metropolis after all. , is also the largest city in Eastern Europe, still has style, it is worth visiting.

Li Changyun also got up to see him off, looking at Ajielina walking in front, he suddenly lowered his voice and asked Wang Ye, "What's your relationship with this girl?"

He wanted to ask this just now, but in front of Azelina, he was too embarrassed to ask.

Although he also knows that this Russian girl should not understand Chinese...

"Ah? Her, her name is Ajielina, my friend is also an employee of Qingyun Company. Before she came to Qingyun, she was a preparatory teacher at Youda University, and now she is a consultant for studying abroad." Wang Ye explained with a smile road.

"Hey, you didn't tell the truth. When I entered the door just now, I saw that your expressions were not as simple as ordinary friends. You seem to be very affectionate. Is that your girlfriend? You won't tell your mother when you go back." Li Changyun joked.

Wang Ye was actually a little puzzled, are he and Ajielina really that obvious?

But the two of them clearly haven't broken through that relationship...

But since my uncle said so, he didn't bother to refute it, so he just smiled and said nothing.

Seeing Wang Ye like this, Li Changyun thought he had acquiesced.

"Crack!" Li Chang patted Wang Ye on the shoulder with force, and said with a smile:

"You can do it, boy, you have a future! After graduating and returning to China in a few years, you will not only get a diploma, but also a foreign daughter-in-law. Not bad, this girl is very beautiful, and it is hard to find such a girl in China."

Being able to bring a foreign daughter-in-law back to China, in the small city of Wang Ye's hometown, can indeed be called "honoring the ancestors".

What else can Wang Ye say, he can only smirk...

On the way home in the car, Ajielina suddenly asked: "Misha, when you finally went out, uncle said something to you. After that, you both looked at me and laughed, which made me shiver."

"Haha, my uncle asked me to quickly catch you as a daughter-in-law. He said that such a beautiful girl is rare, and my mother will definitely be happy when she gets married." Wang Ye said half-truthfully.

Ajielina let out a soft "Ah", her face as white as jade turned a tinge of crimson.

She's not that kind of "OPEN" girl...

Wang Ye was just about to "take advantage of the victory to pursue", when he said a few more words, the phone rang.

These days, there are no harassing calls. Basically, relatives and friends call you when they really have something to do.

looked at the screen, it was his cheap old sister Ruan Xiaozhu calling.

"Hey, does Miss Xiaozhu have anything to do with me?" Wang Ye answered the phone and said.

"What are you doing lately, I came to Youda to play with friends today. I wanted to drop by your place to see, but your roommate said you moved out?"

"Hey, sister, you've come to Friendship University. Well, just wait for me for a while. I'll be there in twenty minutes or so. I'll wait until we meet. I'll invite you to dinner in the evening." Wang Ye said simply.

Since his cousin is here, he is not in a hurry to go back to the apartment, and directly told the driver that the destination was changed to the Youda dormitory area.

turned his head and said to Ajielina again: "My cousin has come to Friends University. I will introduce you to you later. Oh, she is a great student."

Agelina hesitated for a while, but nodded anyway.

Young University Building 13, Ruan Xiaozhu is chatting with her friend.

Han Yan came to study in Moscow at the same time as her, but one of them came to Youda and the other went to Moda.

Today Ruan Xiaozhu came to play with friends. First, he really came to find Han Yan, and secondly, he wanted to come to see his cousin.

I didn't call him in advance, I wanted to give him a "little surprise".

"Is Wang Ye your cousin? Why haven't I heard of it before." Han Yan's expression was a little surprised, she didn't expect Ruan Xiaozhu and Wang Ye to have such a relationship.

"Yeah, why do you seem surprised." Ruan Xiaozhu smiled.

"Wang Ye is very famous at Youda. He is handsome, and his Russian is very good. He doesn't have a girlfriend yet. When we have dinner, introduce me to me. Maybe I still have a chance." Han Yan joked. road.

Ruan Xiaozhu looked at her up and down, "Tsk tsk, it's not impossible. You are quite tall, with a good figure, and your front and back are raised. You are so...big! My brother will probably like it, hee hee. "

The two were having fun, Ruan Xiaozhu's cell phone rang, and Wang Ye was already downstairs.

"Okay, if you really want to be my brother's girlfriend, hurry up and make yourself more beautiful, and let's have dinner together later." Ruan Xiaozhu smiled.

Don't say it, Han Yan is really mean, she dressed herself up and chose her most beautiful clothes to wear.

However, when Han Yan and Ruan Xiaozhu went downstairs and saw Wang Yezheng and a beautiful Russian girl standing there hand in hand, they were both stunned.

"Miss Bamboo."

Seeing Ruan Xiaozhu and a girl walking out, Wang Ye greeted with a smile.

"Oh, this is my friend Han Yan. This is..." Ruan Xiaozhu looked at Ajielina and said.

"This is my girlfriend Ajielina. Ajielina, this is my cousin Ruan Xiaozhu, and this is her friend Han Yan." Wang Ye introduced to both parties.

Ruan Xiaozhu blurted out, "'re looking for a girlfriend?! Why didn't I know."

Wang Ye is too fast!

It's been less than three months since you came to Moscow, and you've got all your girlfriends?

is still a Russian girl!

"I just found it, I haven't had time to tell my cousin." Wang Ye smiled.

Suddenly remembered something, Ruan Xiaozhu widened his eyes and asked tentatively, "You moved out of the dormitory, and you are living with this girl... with this girl!"

She thought of what Wang Ye's roommate told her that Wang Ye had moved out.

I'm still a preparatory student, so I just moved out of the dormitory. There is only one possibility, that is to go out and rent a house.

After contacting Wang Ye and finding a girlfriend, the truth of the matter is already obvious...

(end of this chapter)