Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 772

Chapter 772

On the afternoon of the second day, the Highbury Stadium, which is enough to accommodate nearly 40,000 people, was full of people.

Looking around, the seats were full, and the stands were full of people.

Most of the fans are still wearing red and white home jerseys, which is simply a sea of red with white "sprays".

Although Arsenal's home atmosphere is usually so lively, today is obviously not the same as usual.

Because everyone knows, before the game starts today, the new owner of the club will make an official appearance!

For the mysterious new boss, fans can't wait to get acquainted.

I have only seen news about him in the newspapers and media these days, but I haven't seen a real person appear, which has hoisted everyone's curiosity.

Judging from the news, this new boss is really amazing.

Just in his early twenties, he started from scratch, and in just two or three years, he has achieved rapid success, "double cultivation of politics and business"!

In terms of business, he controls several giant group companies, including the largest oil company in Europe, Yukos, with a net worth of over 10 billion US dollars!

In terms of politics, he has already sat in the position of Deputy Speaker of the Duma. Considering his age, it is definitely a promising future!

Just such a legendary figure, who has suddenly become a fan of Arsenal, it is absolutely impossible to say that everyone is not interested.

Several female fans were excitedly standing by their seats, chatting and discussing Mihayel who was going to play next.

"Hey, Dolly, do you think the new boss will be handsome! Just like... Beckham!" a female fan asked with longing.

"Maybe he's even more handsome than Beckham. I read on the news that Mihayel is a half-breed, aren't all half-breeds handsome. Besides, he's a super rich man with a lot of money and billions of dollars!" The girl named Dolly also said excitedly.

"It doesn't matter if he is handsome or not, in contrast I think it would be great if he could bring some real superstars to Arsenal, like Zidane, Figo, Adriano, etc. !" Obviously, this is a real fan...

was discussing, the host appeared, and he walked quickly to the small temporary stage in the middle of the stadium.

He picked up the microphone and shouted loudly: "Welcome to all the fans who come to the stadium. Next, let us welcome the new owner of our club with the most enthusiastic cheers and applause, Mr. Mi~ha~Yin~er~~~ !"

When Wang Ye's name was called, the host deliberately prolonged his voice, just like when the host reported the name of the boxer in a boxing match, creating a sense of atmosphere.

Sure enough, along with his shouts, a tsunami of cheers erupted in the stadium.

Intentionally or unintentionally, everyone began to shout the name of Wang Ye rhythmically.




It is no exaggeration to say that this is basically the treatment of a superstar when he joins a new club and makes his debut.

Of course, as the new owner of Arsenal, Wang Ye solved the club's financial problems and promised to bring many superstars to the team.

also deserves the warm welcome from the fans!

Accompanied by David Dane and Wenger, Wang Ye walked out of the player tunnel and waved to the fans next to him with a smile on his face.

Today is the official debut, so Wang Ye is not dressed casually.

Haute couture suits, shiny oxford shoes, and hairdos were specially prepared by a hair stylist after lunch.

This dress, coupled with Wang Ye's appearance, would have thought it was some kind of idol star.

The fans on both sides of the aisle became agitated, especially the female fans, who were shouting at Wang Ye frantically.

Wang Ye felt that his ears were going deaf, and the whole stadium shook a little. He finally felt the enthusiasm of the British fans...

Seriously, this is the first time he has come to a football match.

In my previous life, I was busy with work every day, and I wasn't really a fan. At most, I stayed up late to watch the Champions League.

Naturally, it is impossible to pay high ticket prices to watch the game live.

In this life, he is obviously busier, especially in the past year, he has been so busy every day that he can't touch the ground.

If it weren't for the acquisition of Arsenal, it is estimated that he would not have taken the time to watch the game at all.

The capacity of Highbury Stadium is not large, and it is almost 40,000 people. When tens of thousands of people shouted together, it was really deafening!

What if the stadium with 70,000 or 80,000 people, or even more than 100,000 people, was replaced!

What kind of situation would it be when everyone shouted at the scene of the game...

Wang Ye dare not even think about it!

Seriously, for a moment, Wang Ye wanted to expand the new stadium that had not yet been built, so that it could be done in one step and build a super stadium for 100,000 people!

The newly built stadium by Arsenal, although the capacity is larger than the old stadium at Highbury, is not much larger, with a capacity of only 60,000 people.

This number of seats is still a bit small, not to mention the stadium of 100,000 people in Barcelona, even Manchester United's Dream Theater can accommodate 75,000 people.

Since we want to be the No. 1 giant in football, the main stadium as the "face" of the team, of course, cannot be ignored.

In the past, the financial situation of the Arsenal club was relatively poor, so it took a lot of effort to build a new stadium. It only cost more than 50 million pounds to build such a new stadium.

Now that Wang Ye has become the boss, it is not difficult to add tens of millions of pounds to build a super-large and super-advanced stadium.

I just don't know if it's too late

I will ask David Dayne about this. If there is still time to change it, then make the stadium bigger.

But it was too late for Wang Ye to think about it, because he had already come to the small stage in the middle of the stadium. The host handed the microphone to him, and it was his turn to speak to the fans in the audience.

Holding the microphone, Wang Ye stood upright on the stage, twisted his body slightly, waved his arms, and waved to the fans in the surrounding stands.

At this moment, Wang Ye is literally everyone's attention!

Forty thousand pairs of eyes were fixed on him...

Gently exhaled, Wang Ye said:

"I know that a lot of people are curious about me and speculating about what I will bring to Arsenal.

In the past few days, there have been a lot of gossips about me in various media and magazines, some of which made me want to laugh when I saw it myself.

What money laundering, what tools to show off wealth, etc.

So, today, here, in the face of tens of thousands of Arsenal fans, I can give the answer to this question.

That is, I was originally an Arsenal fan.

So, I will do my best to make Arsenal great again! "