Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 769

Chapter 769

Chapter 769 Reappearance of former glory

Deputy Speaker of the Russian State Duma, Director of the Economic Committee, Chairman of Yukos Group, Chairman of United Airlines Group, Chairman of Russian Automobile Group

There are so many titles for Mikhail, and each title is so heavy!

People like really do not need to use a football club to expand their influence.

Maybe buy Arsenal, but he just had a whim, just like an ordinary person buying a toy.

But the more it goes, the more interested Helen is in Mikhail!

As a reporter, he understands that it is easier to dig out big news from someone like Mikhail.

Especially when other media reporters have no way to get in touch with this person, if I can do an exclusive interview with him, wouldn't my status and popularity in the news circle skyrocket? !

So, these two days, she has been cruel, and she has been squatting in the hotel lobby since she arrived early, staring at several elevators.

Specifically waiting for Wang Ye to come out, he planned to block him for an exclusive interview!

Today is already the third day, and finally someone...

As for why she recognized Wang Ye the first time they met, it was not difficult to understand.

After all, Mikhail's appearance has appeared in many Russian media, plus it has more characteristics.

"black hair", "early twenties", "handsome", "frequently followed by several bodyguards"...

These features are combined together, and it is much easier to distinguish them.

Go out from the back door of the lobby and come to the back garden of the hotel.

But fortunately there are no people in the garden, it is very clean and suitable for walking and chatting.

Walking on the quiet garden path, Helen is half a position behind Wangye, so it can be considered to be walking side by side.

Seryosha and the others were scattered around, and did not get close to the two of them.

Helen seized the time and asked, "Mr. Mikhail, can I turn on the recording equipment? Then we will start the interview."

Wang Ye nodded.

Helen turned on the miniature recording device on her body and asked, "May I ask Mr. Mikhail, what prompted you to acquire Arsenal Club?"

In front of British reporters, of course Wang Ye couldn't say anything but was just joking with Abu, so he bought the club

He said sternly:

"Out of my love for football!

I have been a fan since I was a child, but the conditions at home were mediocre, so I didn't have the chance to watch the game live. After all, the tickets were too expensive for me.

However, on a small black and white TV, I enjoyed the wonderful games of several major leagues, each superstar, and the hearty games, which left a deep impression on me.

Especially Arsenal, my favourite team!

Now that I have the conditions and opportunities, I naturally hope to buy the Arsenal club and make it return to its former glory

Arsenal is an old and strong team in the Premier League, especially in the 1970s and 1980s, it was indeed more brilliant than around 2000.

Coach Wenger has just arrived a few years ago, and the team has not yet fully matured. If there is no Wang Ye's participation, 0304's Arsenal can be considered to officially take off.

Of course, he didn't fly too high. After all, he didn't get very good results in the Champions League.

is just dominating the Premier League.

Wang Ye said that he wanted to restore Arsenal to its former glory, of course not referring to the results in the Premier League. His goal has always been to stare at the European arena!

Since the beginning of the 21st century, to measure the success of a club, the league results are only the most basic, and the Champions League results are more important!

If you can't win the Champions League, how can you say that you are a giant club?

Helen nodded as she listened, expressing her approval of Wang Ye's words, but it was unknown what she was thinking.

After asked this question, she immediately asked: "Then did you and Mr. Abu have an agreement to buy a football club at the same time? Besides, why did you two choose the Premier League instead of the more famous Serie A?"

The "Seven Sisters" in Serie A at that time were indeed much more famous than the Premier League. Basically, a team was picked out at random, and it was a strong team.

In the Premier League, Manchester United is more competitive in Europe, and the rest of Arsenal and Liverpool are few in Europe.

Of course, after the "Miracle Night in Istanbul" in Liverpool in the 0405 season, the Premier League officially surpassed Serie A and became the world's No. 1 professional league.

Wang Ye smiled and replied: "Mr. Abu and I are indeed good friends in reality. The reason why we are more optimistic about the Premier League is because it has the fairest and most competitive football market, and also has the most fanatical and loyal football market. In addition, the professionalization of the Premier League is more thorough, as long as enough funds are invested, I believe that it will not be long before the Premier League surpasses Serie A and La Liga.

He flatly touted British football.

After all, everyone likes to hear good things. If you want to gain a firm foothold in the British football circle, it is not enough to have a huge investment, and you need a good public opinion atmosphere.

This is why Wang Ye was interviewed by Helen.

He wants to release some of his thoughts through Helen and let the fans know.

Otherwise, those messy tabloid media still don't know how to arrange him...

A sweet smile appeared on Helen's face, "Mr. Mikhail may not know, my family and I are loyal fans of Arsenal.

For as long as I can remember, my dad has been taking me to Highbury Stadium to watch games.

I am also very happy that you can join Arsenal this time.

So, I wonder if you can fulfill my little wish as a fan, which is to tell me in advance which superstars the team will bring in?

Don't worry, even if you tell me, I won't publish this. "

Wang Ye didn't know whether Helen was telling the truth or not, but if he refused directly, it would not seem very good. After all, this girl said it all, and their whole family are Arsenal fans!

So, he said jokingly: "In this way, I suggest you take a look at last year's UEFA best team. The players that Arsenal want to introduce are basically on it."

UEFA selects a best team every year, from goalkeeper to striker, a total of 11 positions.

The one who can be selected is naturally the best player in this position this year.

It can be said that the players on this best lineup can definitely be called superstars. They must be powerful and famous.

And the stars that Arsenal want to introduce are basically on this list...

(end of this chapter)