Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 74

Chapter 74

Chapter 74 Time is tight

Arrived at the company, the people have already arrived.

In fact, there are not many people, just Liu Jun, Wang Ye, Xiao Hu, Wang Dan, and Nalan Yaqi.

There are also four newly recruited Russian employees, two men and two women, all young people who have just graduated from college.

Of course, I also need to add Ajielina who hasn't come to work yet.

A total of ten people, this is all the staff of Qingyun Study Abroad Service Company.

Five of them are shareholders, and there are only five employees. It can be said that there are more bosses than employees...

In the newly renovated large conference room, everyone sat down.

The general manager Liu Jun presided over the meeting.

He spoke Russian the whole time, and Wang Ye could understand it anyway.

As for Wang Dan and Nalan Yaqi, it doesn't matter if they don't understand, anyway, it's nothing to them this time...

Nalan Yaqi didn't put her mind on the meeting either. She sat next to Wang Ye, turned her head and kept rolling her eyes at Wang Ye. She didn't know what her temper was, and Wang Ye didn't bother to pay attention to her.

After introducing the general situation, Liu Jun looked at Wang Ye and asked, "Mr. Wang, do you have any arrangements for the reception of this inspection?"

Wang Ye cleared his throat and said in Russian: "Although this inspection is just a passing scene, we must take it seriously. Because this will affect the conditions for our cooperation with relevant domestic departments! The standard budget has been set. Let me tell you a few points to pay attention to during the inspection..."

In fact, the domestic visits are not all going through the motions. The most important thing for them to come here is not to visit any university, but to visit Qingyun Study Abroad Service Company.

Check on the spot to see if this company is legitimate and whether it really has a cooperative relationship with Mo Dayou.

As long as these two points are confirmed, then cooperation will naturally be no problem.

Wangye's preparations are to make domestic visitors "see" or "feel" that Qingyun Company is a regular big company!

thus "overwhelms" the other party in terms of momentum, and has the upper hand when negotiating the conditions of cooperation!

The place of accommodation was arranged at the Kitty Eagle Hotel, which is of a higher grade than the Alpha Hotel.

Kitty Eagle Hotel has complete entertainment facilities, which can also give domestic visitors the opportunity to "criticize" the decadent life of capitalism!

In addition, if you are traveling, you must not stop the car with everyone on the roadside.

So Wang Ye specially explained to Liu Jun that he rented two luxury cars, BMW 7 Series!

Of course, he also arranged a visit to Mo Dayou University, and Liu Jun had already greeted the foreign affairs offices of those two universities.

When the time comes, the other party will send a vice-principal-level person to meet everyone and take a symbolic photo...

Anyway, it is to make domestic guests feel that they have a brand face and a full sense of ceremony!

After the meeting, a few Russian employees went out to work, and the few shareholders left in the meeting room were all Chinese, and naturally they all spoke Chinese.

Liu Jun asked Wang Ye with a smile, "Where's your beautiful teacher, why didn't you come today?"

Wang Ye "abducted" Ajielina into the company, everyone present knew.

Liu Jun originally thought that Wang Ye would bring the beautiful teacher to the company today. He really wanted to see how beautiful he was, and he could fascinate Wang Ye.

Unfortunately, no one came...

"She left the school today. It's not that fast. I guess it will take a few days before she can come to work." Wang Ye replied casually.

"Then what position is more suitable for her?" Liu Jun asked again.

He is very good at being a man. Since Ajielina was arranged by Wang Ye, then of course, Wang Ye must consult Wang Ye about her work.

After all, the boss of this company is still Wang Ye!

"It's very simple. Consultants for studying abroad and setting up intermediary companies must have consultants. Not only Ajielina, but also Alexander next door. When we go to China to give lectures, we will borrow them and use them. The title of a senior education expert, go to the country to fill the scene. No problem, Xiao Hu."

Wang Ye looked at Xiao Hu and asked for his opinion.

Xiaohu nodded without hesitation, "No problem! When you need it, Brother Ye, you can speak directly. Anyway, the company over there is not busy right now, and it won't take long for a business trip."

The company next door is naturally the sneaker brand company of Xiao Hu's family, which has already been established.

There are more employees there than here, twenty or thirty people.

When the domestic inspectors come to the company, the employees next door will also come to be an "atmosphere group".

Next to , Nalan Yaqi couldn't hold back a little bit. After all, she didn't have anything to do with herself.

"Then what are I and Wang Dan doing?" she interrupted.

Wang Ye looked at her and smiled, "You guys..., it's useless for the time being, just go to school with peace of mind, at least you won't be able to use it until you pass the Russian language test."

In fact, it can't be said that the two of them are useless, at least Wang Dan still played a big role.

If we can develop the market in Heluo City, we have to count on Wang Dan's father!

As for Nalan Yaqi...

Well, this is a "head up"!

"The company is officially open for business. We must recruit students as soon as possible, otherwise the money in our company's account will not last long." Liu Jun reminded Wang Yedao.

Everyone put together a total of 40,000 US dollars to get the company up and running.

The office space and decoration are free, which saves a lot of money.

But as Liu Jun said, this amount of money will not last long, and the salary alone is a lot of money every month.

There are ten people in the company, six of whom work full-time and need to be paid.

Wang Ye, Xiao Hu, Wang Dan, and Nalan Yaqi don't come to work at ordinary times, so they don't get paid.

Six full-time employees, Liu Jun $2,000 a month, Ajielina $1,500, and four employees $650 a month each.

That adds up to $6,100!

In other words, the company can support half a year just by paying wages.

But in reality there is obviously a lot of other overhead.

For example, this time I received a domestic inspection, and I went out with another 15,000 dollars.

Going back and going on a business trip to China to promote and recruit students, it will cost at least 10,000 to 20,000 US dollars!

In this way, the company will be able to support until the second month's salary is paid...

If the enrollment is not successful, the salary for the second month will not be paid, the situation is very serious, and the time is very tight!

Wang Ye had of course considered these, he nodded and said:

"After receiving the domestic delegation and finalizing the cooperation, we will set off to return to China immediately.

It's almost time, it's already March, and the college entrance examination is just over three months away.

Those who are relatively wealthy, but whose grades are really poor, should also consider their future way out.

So this time node is very suitable for recruiting! "

Hearing Wang Ye say this, Nalan Yaqi quickly raised her hand and said, "I, I..., take me on a business trip back home."

Wang Ye gave her a sideways glance, and said angrily, "Why are you taking you there? This time I'm going back for work, not a trip, and the airfare is very expensive, Miss!"

(end of this chapter)